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Chapter 5

"You did what? who turns down an invitation to Raddison Blu?" Amaka asked still not believing Jane could turn down such an invitation.

Raddison Blu was a place meant for the rich and influential to hangout. she has heard a lot about the palatial services they offer and has always wished to experience it herself.

"It didn't feel right"

"What didn't feel right? He only asked you accompany him to a party and not date him"

"He might have as well meant that, Amaka I don't want anything aside work to do with that guy

"You know I have always wanted to visit that place" Amaka pouted

"Sorry, but I was the one invited not you"

"Oh so you would have gone without me?"

"Of course not darling, you know I can never go to such a place without you"

Jane said as she put her right hand on Amaka's shoulder obviously trying to patronize her and also get her to drop the topic because she really wanted to put today's meeting behind her.

"Stop trying to patronize me it's not working" Amaka said trying hard not to smile

"How about we go see a movie? It's Friday after all".

"Okay fine, but the bill is on you though"

"No problem madam Amaka"

It was 5:30pm already and they were walking out of the office building.

Throughout the day at work all Jane could think of was her meeting with Jeffery earlier that day. Why it kept coming to her mind, she couldn't figure out.

So she has been trying all her best to push him out of her mind and if it meant taking her inquisitive roommate to the cinema to avoid being asked questions about their meeting then she would do it.

They took a cab to the cinema in Ikeja City Mall, on getting there they bought their tickets to see 'Merry Men'.

The movie wasn't showing until the next hour. So Jane suggested they do a window shopping in one of the boutiques in the mall.

There was a beautiful red dress displayed on a manequin, Jane loved the dress but she knew she might probably have to break a bank to buy a dress in such an expensive looking boutique.

"It will look great on you" someone said from behind.

Jane turned to see the source of the voice and it was certainly the last person she had expected to see; Jeffery.

"Hi Jef...ferry.. what are you doing here?"

Great now she is stuttering. What is it with this guy anyway? Just when she thought she was making progress in getting him out of her mind, he shows up.

Could he be following her? She thought against it, maybe it was just a coincidence. She didn't perceive him as the movie type so probably he was here for a different purpose.

"I'm here to see a movie"

He said this with a carefree voice, puting his hands in his pocket as he walked closer to her, Jane caught a whiff of his cologne, he did smell nice and he looked nice too.

He was putting on a black jean and a gray T-shirt, he paired it with white sneakers.

Why so fine? Jane thought, why does he have to appear in front her looking like he just stepped out of men's fashion magazine. While she was still in the clothes she wore to their meeting earlier today.

"Are you not supposed to be having a party at Raddison Blu?"

Jane stepped back to put more distance between them. The closer he gets the closer she is to falling of the edge.

"I changed my mind, I was invited to come to the party with a plus one, since I didn't have any and the woman I asked to be my plus one turned me down, I felt it best not to attend."

Jane wasn't ready to take the blame for ruining anyone's evening. In her defense she was just told about this party few hours ago, besides she is not the partying type. Also she is also not one to mix business with pleasure. Infact she has a long list of reasons why she turned down his invitation.

"Don't make it sound like I'm the reason you didn't attend your party, I'm sure not everyone would attend the party with a plus one"

"I didn't say you were the reason for my not attending ma'am"

"But you just implied it" Jane replied

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"



They both turned to see the source of interruption, Amaka stood typing on her phone pretending not to be listening to their conversation. Jane had completely forgotten about her, now Jane had just given her more things to taunt her with.

"Meet my friend Amaka, Amaka meet Jeffery"

"Nice meeting you Jeffery" Amaka said as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"Same here" he said as he shook her hand.

"I have heard so much about you"

Amaka said still holding his hand. This made Jeffery smile, if Jane was talking to her friend about him then the feeling wasn't one sided like he thought it was.

"Good things I hope?"

"Yes of course, I'm not just her friend" Amaka continued "I'm also her roommate and colleague, infact I'm her shadow".

This time Jane was already fuming, how can Amaka throw caution to the wind the moment she saw Jeffery, what was it with this guy any way? Just few seconds of meeting her friend and he has charmed her.

"That's nice"

"Are you here to see a movie? Because we are actually here to...."


Now it was Jane's turn to draw their attention back to her, if looks could kill then her's would have killed Amaka.

"I'm sure Jeffery is here for a meeting or something, let's not keep you any further we better get going"

"Actually I'm here to see a movie, though I haven't decided on which to see yet"

"Wonderful" Amaka said, grinning like a child. "You can see same movie as us"

"Oh, that would be nice, what movie are you seeing?"

Jane could not believe her ears, Amaka was inviting Jeffery to watch same movie with them. She kept shaking her head to stop Amaka from going any further instead she continued.

"Merry men, it's really interesting".

"Amaka you haven't even seen the movie how can you even tell it's interesting? Jeffery I'm sure you won't like it, probably you should go for another movie".

"For your information, I watched the trailer, so I know it's interesting and Jeffery I think you should watch it, trust me you would enjoy it".

"Alright then I will take your advice and see the movie, let me go get my ticket"

"Excellent decision, we will just come with you it's almost time for the movie to start anyway".

Okay it's official her roommate is a betrayal, now she has to deal being with him in same space again, so much for trying to get him off her mind.

To think she actually brought Amaka to see a movie so she can take her mind off him. She was definitely going to avoid these two till the night was over.

They went with Jeffery to get his ticket, all these while Amaka kept chattering, bringing up different topics and Jeffery seemed genuinely interested.

When it was time to see the movie, Jane decided to sit at the back and leave those two alone. She turned and saw Jeffery sitting next to her.

"You know you can sit somewhere else right?"

"Yeah, but I choose to sit here" he replied with a smile in his voice, the room was dark so she couldn't see his face.

The movie began and Jane could still not concentrate on it. She just couldn't take her mind off the fact that Jeffrey was sitting next to her. She could feel the heat coming from him, what was wrong with her, why was he having so much effect on her?

She needs to guard her heart, she can't allow a total stranger just creep into it.

When the movie was over, Jane was happy she could finally escape Jeffery.

"That movie was interesting, I'm really glad I took your advice to watch it Amaka"

"I knew you would like it" Amaka was clearly happy with herself.

"Yeah I sure did, would you girls mind if I buy you dinner? The restaurants here serve great meals".

Amaka was delighted to hear this, aside the popcorn and soda she had during the movie, she hasn't had something else to eat and was beginning to get hungry.

"That would be nice, what do you say, Jane?"

"I say we should be on our way now, it was nice seeing you again Jeffery".

Jane just wanted this night to be over, she doesn't know why she just wants to take off and hide away from Jeffery.

"Come on Jane a meal won't hurt"

"That's not what I meant, it's getting late, I think it's best we be on our way".

"Okay how about I drop you girls off after dinner?".

"Please...." Amaka begged making a baby face, so Jane can change her mind.

Now her friend was making her look like a bad person if she refused, what's up with her anyway, wasn't she supposed to be on her side? She is definitely going to have a talk with her when they got home.

"Okay if you insist"

With this said they all walked into one of the restaurants in the mall.

They took a table by the window. A waiter came and took their orders and just then Jeffery's phone rang so he excused himself and went out to take the call.

"Jane are you alright? You've barely said a word since". Amaka asked as they waited for the waiter to bring their meals.

"I should be the one asking you that, how come you end up countering everything I say?"

"You mean you trying to prevent us from having a little fun? I only asked the guy to join us watch a movie and allowed him to buy us dinner. Where is the harm in that?"

"Oh so now I'm a spoil sport?"

"I didn't say that, all I'm saying is loosen up a little bit"

"Yeah right" Jane scoffed.

Few minutes later the waiter came back with their meals. Jeffery finished his call and joined them.

Jane ate in silence. While Amaka and Jeffery chatted about different topics. They tried to bring her into their conversation to no avail.

Finally the night was over and they took a cab home because Jane wouldn't allow Jeffery drop them off.

The next morning Jeffery woke up with one thing in mind which is to get Jane to like him and go out on a date with him.

It's been a long time he felt this way about a woman. And he doesn't know if he should embrace the feeling or run from it. So the only way to decide was to get Jane to date him.

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