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Chapter 2

Terrie refused to let nerves or fear sway her. The time she had spent married to Thomas had curbed her natural responsiveness, her love of living, and she knew it. After the first month, he had refused to touch her. He had caustically broken down her confidence in herself and her sexuality. Nothing she did could please him. Each touch was dissected for faults and found wanting.

And he hadn’t been gentle in his lack of desire for her. He had raged often, and with cruel emphasis on the fact that it was her fault. Hadn’t he enjoyed sex before her, he would scream? She was destroying his manhood, destroying their lives with her inept responses. What man could want her? What man could desire her with the faults her body held? Her breasts were too large. Her legs were too short. Her hair was too thin. The list went on and on.

Of course, she had known, intellectually, that he was insane. Men had found her desirable before Thomas. But being unable to satisfy her husband, hearing daily his list of her shortcomings had damaged something inside her. If she couldn’t please her husband, how could she ever hope to please anyone else?

The cycle had nearly destroyed her. Having him invite Jesse to the house often, throwing his sexual preferences in her face, then later, after his brother left, cruelly going into detail about how little she could please a man of Jesse’s tastes, had almost broken her.

She had paid the ultimate price for her fear of Jesse’s sexuality. It had been that fear that had driven her into the arms of his brother. A man she had believed was gentler, less inclined to dominate and demand her submission sexually. Sexually, Thomas had demanded the ultimate price. He hadn’t wanted submission; he had wanted something far less gentle. Sexual slavery.

She shuddered as she smoothed the silk stockings up her legs and adjusted the elastic tops before standing to observe the effect in the full-length mirror. The black silk bra and thong contrasted softly with her creamy skin. She narrowed her eyes, smoothing her hand over her flat abdomen, then up to her full breasts.

Beneath the silk of her bra, her nipples peaked, making the small gold ring that pierced her left one weigh erotically on the sensitive tip. Between her thighs, a matching ring pierced the hood of her clit, and the weight there was driving her insane with the added sensation of pleasure.

She was wet, so slick and hot she could barely stand it. The silk of her thong was damp with need, the roughened texture against her bare cunt lips stroking her arousal higher.

Damn, the waxing Tally had talked her into had hurt like hell the first time. But as her friend had predicted, each session was less painful. The rewards had been amazing. She loved being bare. Loved the lift it gave to her sexual confidence, the amazing sense of freedom and added sensitivity had helped heal a part of her wounded pride after Thomas’s death.

Not that another man had touched her there. Until now, she hadn’t found the courage to break free of her own fears and try. If Jesse found her wanting, it would destroy her. But she needed to know. Needed to find out if she was woman enough to hold the arrogant, charismatic sexuality of the man who had fascinated her for years.

She knew what he would eventually want. Knew from her own dreams, her own fantasies that she was nearing the point of no control where they were concerned. She stared herself in the eye through the glass of the mirror. Was she perverted? Depraved? She had felt she was, years before, when she first learned of the Trojans and their sexual practices. When she had first learned she was so in lust and in love with one of the group’s major players that she had known she could and would, if he asked, join in his games.

She bit her lip, fighting her own fears and the morals she had been taught in her youth. Hell, she had broken every rule her mother had tried to drum into her head concerning sex and her body. Why should this one be any different? If he loved her…

“Oh God. I’ve lost my mind.” She threw herself on the bed.

She knew Jesse cared for her. He had to. He had taken care of her for almost three years. Had listened to her rage and cry during those first days when the guilt of Thomas’s death had weighed on her soul. He had held her, holding back his desire for her, and she knew he had wanted her. There was no hiding the erection that had filled his pants those nights.

He had never given so much time to any other woman. Hell, other than Tess, she knew he hadn’t been with another woman in ages. When she asked him about it, he had shrugged and claimed his workload was getting in the way. But he was spending plenty of time with her. Time that he could have used playing. If he had wanted to.

She loved him. She always had. Knew she did. But could she do this? Could she seduce him?

She turned her head, looking at the dress she had laid out on her bed earlier. It was sexy without being crude. The black silk would cling to her curves, without being overtly blatant. The scalloped neckline skimmed the tops of her breasts. The skirt stopped just above her knees. The matching black heels were high, and utterly feminine.

A “dress for success, knock ‘em dead” outfit just right for stepping into the offices of Delacourte Electronics and seducing one of the vice presidents in charge. And she had the perfect reason for going in. The letter that had arrived that morning in the mail. Yet another of Thomas’s hidden debts.

She drew in a hard, courage-gathering breath before moving from the bed and picking up the dress. She finished dressing quickly, knowing her bravery was waning. Thomas’s taunts drifted through her mind as she pulled the material over her head.

Her breasts were too large, he had said. She smoothed her hands over the full mounds. The size C cups of her bra held the flesh securely. Not that she sagged. At least not yet. They were firm and full, but Jesse had large hands. She closed her eyes in pleasure at the thought. And he liked looking at her breasts…hell, he did it often. And his looks were always heated and filled with lust.

She wasn’t very tall. Another of Thomas’s complaints. She never got wet enough, never acted sexual enough. God, she was so wet now she felt as though she was going to drown in her own desire.

He was wrong. She brushed her hair quickly, watching the silken strands as they curled around her shoulders in a fall of red gold. Not much makeup. She didn’t need a lot, and rarely wore it. She didn’t want to come off as seductive, but she wanted to seduce.

She was lotioned, waxed and scented from head to toe. Dressed and ready and shaking with nerves two hours later when she walked into Jesse’s outer office. Tally’s head raised, her brown eyes widening just a bit as a smirk crossed her lips. Terrie prayed she wasn’t blushing.

“Should I take my lunch break now?” the secretary drawled in amusement as she sat back in her chair and watched Terrie walk across the room.

Terrie swallowed tightly. “Quick, tell me again what Thomas was?”

Tally frowned. “A walking dick?” she asked as she watched Terrie closely. “Don’t tell me you’re going after big brother now? Come on, Terrie.” She rolled her eyes mockingly. “He’s a walking time bomb. When he gets hold of you he won’t let go.”

Terrie blew out a relieved breath. “Well, at least you didn’t call him a walking dick.”

Tally laughed, though the sound was quiet, and filled with amusement. “A walking hard-on, but that can at least be useful.”

“Is he alone?” She nodded to the closed door.

Tally looked at the door as she rose to her feet. “Alone and pouting, I think.” She grinned as she picked up the pretty purse sitting on her desktop. “And I’m ready for lunch now. Go on in. Tell him I’ll see him tomorrow.”

Terrie winced. “Long lunch, Tally. He’s going to fire you.”

The other woman snorted. “I can only get so lucky. Keep him occupied and he’ll never miss me.” She winked suggestively as she breezed out of the room.

Terrie was left standing, more or less deserted, in the middle of the room. Damn Tally. The least she could have done was stick around to save her if things got too hot.

“Tally, where the hell is that cost estimate…” Jesse threw open his door and stared at Terrie in surprise. “Where the hell did she go this time?”

“Lunch?” Terrie wasn’t about to mention the fact that his secretary wouldn’t return until the next morning.

He bit off a curse then his eyes narrowed on her. He took in the black dress, the heels, and Terrie watched in fascination as sensuality filled his expression. He went from handsome, darkly dangerous, to sexual pirate within seconds. She fought to still the trembling in her legs as she lifted her hand, flashing the envelope she carried.

He frowned. “Another one?”

Terrie shrugged. “It’s not as bad as the others, but I’ll need your lawyers to set up the payments…”

He snorted. “Come in here. I’m not going to discuss this standing up.”

He turned and disappeared back into his office. Terrie followed slowly.

When she entered the large room, she glanced at the seating arrangement in the corner. He was sitting on one end of the leather couch there, closing out whatever he had been working on in the laptop before pushing it back.

“Sit down.” He motioned beside him as he watched her walk to him.

The dark intensity in his green eyes hadn’t changed. He looked ready to fuck, and Terrie was suddenly more nervous than she could ever remember being in her life.

She sat perched at the edge of the couch, handing him the envelope carefully.

“If you could just get the payment schedule set up…”

“I’m sure you have enough to cover it.” He took the envelope from her and pulled the legal paper from inside. “Thomas was stupid but I wasn’t. His shares in the company are safe, Terrie.”

Those shares had kept her solvent despite Thomas’s death and how quickly he had emptied out both their accounts during their marriage. Jesse had never traced the money, but at least she hadn’t suffered in the theft.

Silence filled the room for long moments as he read the letter.

“Stupid bastard,” he muttered as he threw the paper to the table. “He’s lucky he died. I would have killed him myself by now. Don’t worry about it. I’ll have the accountant take care of it tomorrow.”

“Should I watch my spending for a while?” she asked him carefully. “I don’t want to cause any added problems, Jesse.”

His mouth tilted with a small grin. “I’ve invested your money wisely, Terrie. You’re fine. Stop worrying.”

She wondered if he ever got tired of taking care of her. From the moment news had come that Thomas had died in the car wreck, Jesse had been there. He had taken care of the burial, the horrendous news of the mounting debts. Everything. And he had been taking care of her ever since.

She smiled back nervously, wondering what the hell she was supposed to do now? How did you seduce a man like Jesse? He would give her anything, she knew, but at what cost to himself? How could she be certain she was what he wanted? That he could love her?

“Going somewhere?” He flicked a look at her dress-covered breasts. It was a heated, brooding look, a stroke of carnal interest.

She shrugged nervously. “I thought I’d go to the club today for lunch.”

“Stay away from Conover, Terrie,” he warned her softly as he turned to her, his eyes blazing with irritation. God, was it jealousy? “I’m telling you, you don’t want to push me on this.”

Her eyes widened in surprise a second before she frowned back at him. His gaze had narrowed, sensuality vying with a dominant glitter that made her stomach tighten with nerves.

“I didn’t mention his name, Jesse.”

“You and I both know he’s likely to be there,” he said. “You’re playing with fire. I let you run from me once, Terrie. I won’t let you do it again.”

She wanted to gape at him. Once again he was making very little sense. “Jesse, I had no intentions of seeing Conover today or ever. It’s not my fault you gave him the impression he could help you screw me. And for that matter, what gave you that impression?”

She was angry now. She could feel her veins throbbing with the pulse of blood, the heat that filled her face.

“You’re pushing me again, Terrie,” he growled. “It’s not wise to bait hungry men, baby. Keep it up and you may get more than you bargained for, and we both know you’re not ready for that.”

She was ready for him. She was ready to take her life back and find the happiness she had denied herself for so long.

“Ready for what?” she snapped back, her fists clenching now. “Ready to be touched? To be a woman for a change? Sorry, Jesse, you’re way off base there. I’m more than ready for that. Too bad you’re not.”

She moved to jump from the couch, to leave the office, to stomp home and scream and curse him as she had more times than she could count already. Unfortunately, Jesse didn’t seem ready to let her leave.

Before she could do more than gasp his arm hooked around her, turning her before he pressed her into the cushions of the couch. The dress rode up her thighs as she stared up at him in surprise and he wasn’t helping much as he pressed one hard thigh between hers.

“Oh, Terrie,” he said, his voice soft, filled with dark longing. “I’m more than ready for you to be a woman. But are you really ready to be my woman?”

He didn’t give her a chance to answer. His lips came down on hers in a kiss that sizzled Terrie from her head to her toes. Her hands clenched his shoulders as she fought to keep her senses from reeling, but there was no escaping the firestorm he ignited inside her.

His big hands framed her face, pushing into her hair, holding her still as his tongue invaded her mouth with decadent hunger. It swirled around her own, tempting her, teasing her as it stroked in and out, mimicking a much more earthy, sexual act.

She arched in his arms, helpless now, gorging herself on the pleasure his lips and tongue bestowed as he dominated the kiss. His head tilted, his lips slanting against hers as he groaned deeply into her mouth and one hand moved to cup the fullness of her breast.

Terrie stilled. Was she too large, as Thomas had sworn?

Before the thought was finished Jesse had lowered the zipper in the back of the dress, drawing it slowly down her shoulders as his lips moved to her neck, his breathing rough, heavy, as he began to blaze a path to her right breast.

“Jesse,” she whispered his name as she fought to breathe. The sensations rocking through her body were intense, mind destroying, and he hadn’t even truly done anything yet.

“Damn.” He paused at the cup of her bra, breathing hard and heavy as he so obviously fought for a control she didn’t want him to hold onto. “Terrie. Not like this,” he whispered, but his fingers stroked over her nipple, causing her to arch in exquisite need.

“Why?” Fear beat at her with razor-sharp talons. “What did I do wrong, Jesse?”

His head rose slowly. The look on his face had her thighs clenching, her vagina spilling more of its liquid heat in a primal demand. His cheeks were sensually flushed, his eyes a brilliant dark green and as hot as lust itself.

“You do too many things right.” He tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a strained groan, Terrie thought.

His gaze went to the flesh of her upper breast, his fingers stroking over it almost regretfully as he looked back up at her.

“You know what will happen,” he whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you, Terrie. I care too much for you to ever want to hurt you. But you know what I’ll want.”

“And only your wants matter?” she asked him.

He shook his head as he moved away from her quickly, as though if he didn’t do it then, he never would. She sat up more slowly, watching as he stared down at her, breathing hard, heavy.

“No, Terrie, that’s not all that matters,” he informed her impatiently. “If it were, then I’d be in your bed now instead of fighting an erection that never seems to go away.”

Her gaze flickered to his hips. She fought to breathe. Nope, there was no hiding that. It was thick and long, pressing demandingly against his slacks.

“Dammit, you should at least act scared,” he growled as he sat down carefully in the large chair across from the couch.

“I’m not frightened of you, Jesse.” She allowed a smile to tilt her lips as she straightened her dress then reached back to pull the zipper back into place.

She was very much aware of Jesse watching every move she made as she arched to grip the small tab and draw it up slowly.

“Could you handle it?” he asked, and she knew he wasn’t talking about the zipper.

She stood to her feet, smoothed her dress down, then looked at him coolly.

“Could you?” She arched a brow in question.

He smiled slowly. “Don’t dare me, Terrie.”

She lifted her shoulder in unconcern. “Don’t push me, Jesse. I want you, not a pack of hound dogs. Take that however you want to. And decide which one you want the most. You can let me know when you figure it out.”

So much for seduction, she thought sarcastically.

He stood slowly to his feet. “What the hell do you mean by that?” he growled.

“I mean, Jesse, when you decide you want me without all the dire warnings and predictions, then you can let me know. I care about you, as you well know. If I didn’t, then I’d be damned if I would put up with your arrogance, or your habit of showing up at my home before sunrise for coffee. The question is, can you do without your buddies long enough to take it?”

She didn’t give him time to answer. She swept out of the office quickly, fighting the shuddering need racing through her body, and the sudden tightening of Jesse’s muscles as though preparing to move for her. If he wanted her, then he knew where he could find her. Alone.

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