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Life of Raphael Jones

Chapter 4 Life of Raphael Jones


Raphael stared blankly at the calendar on his table, it was that day again and it made his head ache. Everyday he tries to relieve himself of his hurtful memories, however, whenever the day comes he tumbles back to the dark hole he had tried so hard to escape from.

Swallowing hard, he snatched his flask off the table and gulped down its content. He feels better every time the alcohol trickle down his throat. It makes it easier to go through the day without feeling anxious. Throwing his head to the back, tears sting at his eyes. Today makes it the seventh year since his life took an entirely different turn. Actually, nine years back he had sold his soul to the devil himself. Raphael felt something tug at his heart, his eyes lingered on the picture frame sitting perfectly on the table. A picture of his daughter, Cindy. She is the only reason, Raphael considers living. Nothing seems to be working according to plan for him, especially since his wife died after birthing their daughter. However, Cindy's pure love and affection for him gives Raphael plenty of reasons to cherish the life that he lives.

He had met his late wife, Diamond Wright during a startup conference, where large businesses come together to host a conference to support any startup business that might catch their interest. It’s a yearly conference, where different startup businesses apply and hope to get a major investor.

RJ Tech was Raphael's lifelong dream that started in college. He had created a delivery app, where companies be it large or small can register on and get to deliver their goods to varying customers without having to worry about logistics. The app is to be accessible by both organizations and individuals. For the organizers, the intention was to invest in any startup that they think might be really profitable in the nearest future, most importantly they get to be major shareholders.

Diamond who was the then president of her father's company, Wright foods, that indulges in different fast food productions. Their processed foods rank top one in the whole of America. They are at the top of the processed food production chain and the chairman Oliver Wright is referred to as one of the top ten richest business moguls in the country. Diamond was one of the panelists and had taken a keen interest in Raphael's app and offered to invest in it to broaden the apps horizon. Raphael couldn't hold himself back at how beautiful Diamond looked up close. He had been too preoccupied with getting anyone to invest in his business that he wasn't listening to the people next to him gossiping about the beautiful panelist. Her sea blue eyes complimented her long nose and tanned skin, her wavy brown hair looked so soft, anyone would want to run their hands through it. Raphael stuttered all through their discussion, and her politeness was the only reason the embarrassment didn't get the best of him.

After the signing of the contract, their meeting didn't end there. Diamond kept calling Raphael out for dates and meeting with prospective clients which he couldn't resist. His life took a different turn in three months and he was finally able to pay off his student loan and get his only sister a decent home. The most amazing part of it was when he fell in love with Diamond.

Raphael was surprised at how Diamond's family accepted him with no complaints, despite the fact that their daughter was older than him and she was nowhere near his status. Everything happened so fast that they were married within six months and that was when his trouble began.

The first month of their marriage was the most blissful moments and the only time Raphael felt peace of mind in his relationship. Also his company was doing really well, he had practically nothing to worry about. The following months, Raphael considered running away. He was too much of a coward to consider suicide.

It was too late when he realized that Diamond has bipolar disorder. All the times he had met her, she had been on medication to keep her steady. During the first few months when he got to know of her mental status, Raphael paid attention to her drugs and ensured she used them appropriately. However, it got worse and he was subjected to being at the receiving end of his wife's violence on the days she loses control of herself. Raphael tried to tell her family, but no one believed him because to his horror, Diamond acts the most normal when anyone aside Raphael was around. Nobody could serve as his witness, except his friend Maverick and his sister Melissa.

They weren't believed either since they were his family, Diamond's family thought his witnesses were only trying to cover up on Raphael's behalf. Every time he tried to end the marriage, Diamond threatened to kill herself and also end up ruining his company. It was hellish for him, but when she got pregnant with Cindy even though his life wasn't any easy, it gave Raphael a reason to keep pushing. Even though things went from bad to worse during her pregnancy months, he tried to keep his acts together which backfired and turned him into a sorrowful man.

When Diamond died after birthing Cindy, who was born premature cause she had gone into an early labour when the baby was only seven months. A miracle baby is what they call Cindy. Not every child survives that stage. Raphael felt the world crumble right in front of him and he blamed himself for not being present when his wife needed him the most. It's a guilt he would forever carry.

Today being her death anniversary and Cindy's seventh birthday had Raphael feeling mixed emotions. Sad, due to the death anniversary of the woman he loved and cared for, happy that his source of happiness is growing so fast.

A small smile appeared on his lips when his phone alarm came on, it was time to close for the day and spend time with the birthday girl. His thoughts was brought to a halt when the door to his office bursted open abruptly and Oliver Wright, Diamond’s father sauntered in like he owned the place. Raphael's secretary looked flush, she obviously had been trying to keep the old man away. Raphael gestured for her to leave.

"What are you doing here?" Raphael inquired in a stiff tone.

Oliver stood in his domineering form. “Watch your tone, mister. I am here to have a civil discussion with you and I am not leaving until my mission is accomplished."

The both of them held a staring contest for a minute, before Raphael kissed his teeth realizing it wasn't worth being childish for. "Sit down and this had better be quick. I have somewhere important to be." He said.

"I want the custody of Cindy!" Oliver blurted with a straight face, the moment he settled into the chair.

Tilting his head to be sure he heard right, Raphael laughed out loudly. Staring hard at Oliver, he never really liked the man from the very beginning. Raphael had always thought there was something odd about him, and even though he denies ever knowing about Diamond's mental health, Raphael could bet his life savings that Oliver was well aware.

"What are you saying?" Asked Raphael.

Oliver snorted, "I want to believe you are not deaf and you heard me clearly the first time. I want a full custody of my granddaughter, you are no longer worthy to look after her. My wife and I had left you to be with her for the past seven years, only because we don't want to appear cruel and make it seem like we took your daughter away forcefully. However, your lifestyle is no longer befitting for the poor child. And there is no way we would allow a stranger whom you will call a wife or lover look after our grandchild."

Raphael bit hard on his tongue to keep himself from saying something he might regret. “Just so you know. I have no intention of getting married to anyone. And also, I am Cindy's father and no one has the most right to look after her except me."

"And we are the family of Cindy's mother which implies we have just the same right as you do over her. We have decided that it is time to bring her home to where she belongs. Cindy needs to be trained in the family way and you can't stop that from happening."

He scoffed. “You intend to train my own daughter in that crazy world of yours? What makes you think you would be able to do as much as I do for her?"

"That is for us to worry about. All that you need to do is sign her custody over to us." Pausing in his discussion, Oliver tapped away on his phone and within ten seconds the door opened letting in the Wright's family lawyer. "Please come on in, Parker."

Raphael stared with his mouth agape. “And what is Barrister Parker doing here?"

"He is here with the drafted document that you will sign to hand Cindy over to us. And I am sure you do know how competent he is." Oliver replied with an underlying spite in his tone.

No longer holding back, Raphael let out a string of curse. "You have got to be kidding me right now, Oliver. The guts of you, to walk into my company and tell it to my face that you want to take my child away from me. Have you lost your mind?"

Looking unfazed, Oliver laughed softly. "Need I remind you that I am a major shareholder in this company and the only reason I haven't withdrawn my shares after my precious daughter's death is because of Cindy. And it will be fair for you, if you let the child go and retain the shares. If you prove stubborn, I would have you brought to your knees."

"Shut the fuck up, man!" Raphael yelled, banging the table hard as he stood up. "If you tried this eight or nine years ago, I would have been worried. But I knew this day would come and I have always gotten myself ready. You think you can bring my company down after everything that I have put into it to grow. No man, that would never happen. So, if you think you can threaten me with that, I would advice you find another route to strengthen your threat."

Oliver felt his ego bruised at the words of his son-in-law. But that won't stop him, he is a determined man on a mission and wouldn't let go that easily. His plan is to make Raphael's life miserable the moment he gets his granddaughter back. And nothing would stop him from achieving his goal.

"You have become more arrogant from the last time we spoke. You really think your company whose net worth is not even half of my company's earnings can withstand the storm I will send your way? When would you realize that you are still a crawling baby in this business world?" Oliver boasted.

"I love how much you think your power would get you anything. Read my lips Oliver Wright, if you mess with everyone and go scot free, then you have chosen the wrong candidate this time. You would never get a piece of me. How shameless can you get?" Raphael hollered in frustration. "Your daughter died on this same date seven years ago, shouldn't you be mourning or something!"

Oliver's eyes twitched, as he gripped the chair handle tightly. He glanced towards Parker who looked uncomfortable being in the room. "I hope you are noting his attitude, all of this would be needed in court to be able to tell how he mocks his own dead wife."

Raphael hissed. “Please, just get out. You are never going to take my daughter away from me and that is it."

"Watch me then, do not forget that you killed my daughter! And I promise you, if you don't let me have Cindy by the end of this week I will drag your sorry ass to court and charge you for murder and being a cheating husband. You bloody fool." Oliver spat in his face, storming back out with Parker hot on his heels.

Clenching his fist, Raphael tried to hold back his anger but it was too much to withstand. Grabbing the flower vase next to him he threw it hard at the wall, reveling in the shattering sound of the glassware. The door opened again, this time it was his best friend and lawyer, Maverick.

"What the hell, man? You almost gave me an unforgettable scar." Maverick muttered, tiptoeing to avoid stepping on the glass. Before saying anything else, he grabbed the landline and dialed the secretary to send in a cleaner. "What did the old man want this time?"

Heavy tears lingered in Raphael's eyes. "He wants my daughter, he wasn't to take away the one person I cherish the most from me." The tears fell uncontrollably now, "You know him, Maverick. That bastard won't stop at anything."

Maverick gulped hard at the pitiful state of his friend. A small knock came from behind the door. "Come back later." He yelled out. It would be too embarrassing for the boss to be seen in such shattered state. Rumors will fly.

"Calm down man. Just calm down."

Raphael jolted up all of a sudden. "Maverick, Cindy?"

"Cindy?" His friend questioned confused. "Oh my goodness, her birthday!”

Raphael jostled around the space to grab his suit, phone and car keys. The both of them ran out of the office, leaving the discussion for another day. Missing Cindy's birthday would only mean trouble for the both of them.

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