Chapter 2
He was stunned for a few seconds before he blinked and straightened up. He didn't expect it to be more beautiful than the picture.
Sandika was sitting with her back against the cold wall. His right arm rested on his folded right knee and stared at her.
Its eyes are bolder. Burns clothing to the soul. His lips, smiling as if he wasn't happy, looked like a predator so he pursed his lips. she raised his eyes to her sweaty top. Urgh! No clothes! That's why he can freely see his martial body stretched out on the bed. Manega! It looks like it's always ready to see a girl! It's good that he is so perfect tonight and ready to be ready if his clothes suddenly rip!
D*mn! Ahm, Hi!" he broke the silence. she shook his hand and smiled carefully.
He didn't answer her. But he stood up alarming her. It was like the surroundings were in slow motion as he walked towards her.
'Come on! What is the speed now? Sh*t, Sh*t I'm going to undress now? Or will he undress me?'
He widened his eyes while he was thinking. How is he the first to react here! It was getting closer to where he was standing but he still didn't know what to do. If you scream and act innocent?
Right! The Virgin is an innocent so must act innocent. But maybe it's boring or maybe they don't care if you're innocent or not. Just taste and finish it and you will be killed.
Huh! He will not allow that after possessing him, he will be killed. He will first paralyze it before that happens. Manega! All he needs is good sperm! So this is really it. He took a deep breath and was about to destroy the clothes but stopped. He suddenly remembered that he hadn't checked the most important thing of all.
His beloved 'Pusacat'
He got cold. Why is it because there are so many things that can be forgotten? He didn't know if it still smelled or didn't smell foul!
There is no time for him to act before 'Pratatatat in Cel no. 69!'
He retreated when the syndicate was in front of him.
"Wait! S-Just a second.." she stopped.
It didn't speak. But it just stared at him coldly. Before you claim me. May, just che-check me inside my panties Leave," it ordered. What? Are you drunk? Or just stupid!" Effortlessly, he lifted her up with one hand. He almost collapsed. It's good that he's balanced.
What the heck! What happened?
"Don't stop if you want to live!"
He blinked at what he said. Wait a minute.. shouldn't you be eating me--"
He wasn't even finished because he came close to the iron railing. It loves that floor. Akee Alva! I can't wait anymore! Get me out of here!"
How come this syndicate didn't even pay attention to him! It must have been minutes before they were kissing passionately as if they didn't want to let him go.
No! His preparation cannot be ignored only for the syndicate to ignore him!
He boldly approached it. He grabbed one of her elegant shoulders and presented it to him. It was immediately met with wide eyes.
"Excuse me!" He glared at her. "How dare you ignore a beautiful person like me?!" he shouted here. Their voice dominates the spiteful prison.
He couldn't speak. His eyebrows suddenly rose at the same time as if surprised by their close gaze. But that only lasted a second and returned to the greeting.
He wondered why he reacted like that.
Couldn't it be that.. the syndicate was beautified, obsessed and attracted to her but just stopped?!
But why? He was just in the union tonight. Gosh!
He tasted it. He stood up hard so that his chest bounced in front of him ready to be touched. What? Just stare? Don't waste my time! If you undress me already Stay away! "Why? Are you tempted?"
Don't speak! Because if you speak again I will finish you!"
"Will it end with pleasure?"
Its jaw tightened. Bingo Don't stop yourself. We just need the same things-- I'm warning you to get out of my presence!" The union still has a heart to get. It's annoying how stupid it is!
Ah, that's it? You're still holding back? I'll just see when I do."
He sneered at her. He doesn't want everyone to be slow so he will act on his own and it's embarrassing.
He rubbed his hands on his muscular chest. He looks like he's going to be short because of the strength of his muscles. What he does can only be read in his book. But men act and not women. Helloo.. This is a Filipina girl!
she couldn't even touch the body of his ex cheater. Even with Warvez, he didn't even touch his body even if he slapped him openly. Because he was not attracted and greedy. It's not like this syndicate that seems to have majica and take him to war. she bit his lower lip. His hand is going down his abs towards the most important part. His goal tonight. The loaded weapon that spews out the best baby boy breed! Urgh! Don't-- "Stop?" he interrupted. Sheyyyt! He still looks like a man among them.
"You're angry, why don't you fight me. Hmm?" she looked down at his pants. He widened his eyes because they were bulging. Manega! His toes twirled because his cat wanted to scratch!
"Let your weapon sink deep into my--"
His lewd lips were cut when he took her hand and twisted it. she went home because it was going to be crushed.
I said, don't touch me or come near me if you want to live! Let go of my hand-"
I don't care if you get hurt. And one more thing. I'm not. Cutting... the old and the old!"
After that, he was thrown on the cold floor. He choked because he hit it wrong she. glared at her. He was no longer looking at her. It went back to the crash of the railing.
How.. How dare him! He was called old and gross without even tasting him!
He got up with a smile on his face.
His eyes widened as he held his face and groped it. My God! does he look that old? But that is impossible because he takes care of his complexion from head to toe. So that she doesn't look old in the eyes of men.
Yes, he's 39 but he hasn't stretched yet!
Hey, Mister! Take back what you said! Am I that old! That's impossible! I'm so beautiful and look so young!"
I don't care about you! And if only you could stay away from me!"
I'm not old yet! Why don't you taste me so you know I'm a Fresh Virgin from toe to face beautiful!" he proudly said. Shut up old woman!"
What a repeat! His fists clenched in anger. He could not accept what she was telling him. Can he kill it while his back is turned? But it's not possible because it's a waste of beauty days. It's also a waste of the night that he wasn't put to sleep when he thought of a nice position for them to do.
Annoying! If only he could paralyze her and she would act? Thank you! There is no thrill. Maybe he will make a mistake and the result of his fornication here will be a woman. He was the one who tired and he enjoyed it and then failed?
Manega, no!
He was so annoyed that he pulled it out. she took off a pair of his wedge shoes and a pair of sandals.
Get me out of here, Akee Alva! Raya Marinal needs me. My husband needs me! Give me back!" losing it.
His lips curled. His plan to throw a shoe at her hung in the air. What does it say wife? Syndica has a wife! Akee Alva! My husband needs me!"
What the hell! heard the word wife again. she hasn't even recovered from the harsh and old words, then the next thing that came out of his mouth was even more shocking! Are you married?"
she held his mouth. True? Is she really married? she shook his head because he couldn't believe it. It's really impossible. Cedric Warvez said he is single and has no strings attached. Yes, Warvez said something that this woman was crazy but he just ignored it because he thought it was just a joke to make him stop. And if there is, he doesn't care about the woman he's crazy about because he doesn't have sex. He would die of envy if he tasted the union.
But the f*ck! It's not a husband, but a wife! Shey...t! She is too beautiful to be a misstres! she messed up his own hair. Can not be..
"You have a spouse?" he asked the union busy with the banging of the railing. It still doesn't matter. The two thick irons held by it were opened with full force. When it doesn't budge it kicks the railing.
Raya Marinal needs me more! I'm the only one who understands her. When you give Ray to Lureen, it's like you killed him! I have more rights to Raya and not Lureen! Because I'm really his wife ! Are you really married?! Seriously?" he groaned at its loss.
Can you be quiet! Do you want to die?!"
You really have a wife?! As in?"
What do you care if I'm married! Now, if you don't keep quiet you'll regret coming to my cell! No.. It can't be. That's not true! You don't have a husband. Take that back.. I don't want to be a bitch!"
He threw a pair of shoes at it but it didn't hit If your manega can do drama, you thought you were betrayed by Jowa. The union paid no heed to his raging anger. It looks like he's in more pain than she is. In his actions, there is nothing else in his mind but his wife.
"Raya...! Give Raya back to me, Akee Alva! I should be with him and not Lureen EL Kvork. Why can't you see that I deserve him more! He only married Raya just to have Heir. He robbed me of what I deserve! I'm the one who should be married! she was stunned by what he heard. What? It should be the married one and not Lureen El Kvork?
If it's not the one named Raya who got married, doesn't that mean he doesn't really have a wife?
His eyes widened. If that is the case, the union is as in single and has no attachment?
He can't be called the most beautiful misstres either? Manega!
He raised an eyebrow at the union's constant loss. He crossed his glasses and glared at her.
"When you said that you had a wife when you got married. Hmmp! You're a feelinger too, aren't you!"
He left her and went to the middle part of the cell. He sat down and leaned his back against the cold wall. He will only get tired of getting attention here, especially since his mind is closed to a woman. Later when it gets tired and calms down. she will think about how he can get his attention again.
The longer he stared at the syndicate, the more he felt envious. It repeatedly shouted the name Raya. That he loves her so much and this is the only thing he deserves. The only case is that it is married differently. The girl's family chose to give something else.
What does it feel like to be special?
You are the special type, not just because of your family background but you are a person to be appreciated.
He did not feel special to his own parents. Kindergarten classmates thought he was very lucky to do collages. Princess life served and protected. Lord of Sun Vikram Wurzel and Queen of Sun Lady Bravia Wurzel are indeed Uniqa Ija, but they made her feel alone she gave luxury but he graduated without parents. He had a birthday without his parents. So..people see him as special wrongly.
He smiled bitterly. He thought that with the arrival of his ex, Ariesto, his shady life would change. It's made it even darker she was just loved and made a fool of. It's the same as a parent who begs for time. she was with her but the purpose was different.
So what does it feel like to be special especially in love?
The one that makes you feel that you are really loved every day. It is considered the queen of life and cannot afford to lose you.
"How does it feel to have someone drive you crazy?" he asked in his mind.
He blinked and sneered. Why is he still thinking about that trivial question that will never be answered. True love never exists. Only children and wealth are important to him now.
He stared again at the union that still didn't stop. It seems that he is still tired for this, so she has the courage to call him. He had to carry out the plan before the end of the night.
"Hey! It's not forbidden to take a break. Maybe you can stop that?"
He didn't answer but he kept quiet after what he said.
"Damn it!!" it shouted at the same time as a strong blow to the steel.
Ouch! He went home with what he did. After punching the iron, it suddenly faced him. It was immediately met with raised eyebrows. He sat down and leaned against the railing.
He examined a hand that he had punched. It's red and sure to turn purple and black later. But it doesn't seem like it just made itself into a union.
He needs to take action to tame it. He can't just keep quiet to make her happy. It's a waste of time so he will do what he reads in the book.
He stood up. The facial expression changed and was replaced by concern. He will give goodshots so that it calms down a bit and then he will shave again. Then Pretending to be afraid mixed with concern she approached the union Hage.." she softly called here.
His eyes widened in annoyance. she took a step Your hand--
Don't you f*cking dare! If you come any closer I will hit your face with the iron I'm leaning on!"
Urrggh..! This man is annoying!
You're only there if you still love your life!"
To Be Continued...