The next two weeks passed by without incident. Life went back to normal. We had small gigs every now and then. We partied and enjoyed life while hoping for a better paying opportunities to come along.
My biggest drive for a better opportunity stemmed from the fact that I shared an apartment with two people. It was very inconveniencing and I was tired of not having enough privacy.
Jed did not call me. I was disappointed but not the least surprised because it had happened before. Guys have taken my number before and never called. There was nothing I could do about it. I found it ridiculous, like, why take a number of someone you don’t intend to call.
The Mason incident was almost leaving my mind when Jenny called and asked me to report to her office. Jenny ran a club as well, and conducted her side business there.
“I have great news for you,” she said excitedly while I took a seat.
“What is it?
“Mason Steele wants you to perform at his house again. On Saturday.”
My heart leapt at the mention of his name. I thought I would feel angry but I didn’t. Deep inside there was a part of me that wanted to see the man again.
But my brain was wary. “Alone?”
She smiled. “Yes. I don’t know what is going on between you two but it’s good for business. Signing you was the best decision I ever made this year. Although it took a lot of time and money to get rid of that stage fright, it was worth it. You, my dear are my lucky charm.”
Typical. She cared more about profits than my wellbeing.
“You are excited about sending me to the lion’s den. You said it yourself, he is dangerous. I can’t go there by myself”
“Oh come on, that’s just silly gossip. No one has any proof that he is a murderous drug lord. It’s probably his enemies that started the rumors. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“How many people will I be performing for?” I asked.
Jenny looked at me like she didn’t expect the question. She kept quiet for a while before smiling. “About ten. There will be some women around so no need to worry so much.”
I sighed. After running it through my mind, I decided to milk the idea for all it was worth. “It’s going to be a higher percentage since I’m going alone and basically putting my life on the line.”
Jenny rolled her eyes. “Okay, whatever. More 5 percent.”
“Cool,” I said. Maybe I needed more of those lone gigs to boost my savings. The more I earned and worked, my chances of moving out of that crowded apartment increased.
After getting more details on the gig, I went to a fast food restaurant and picked up some food before heading home. Maria and Bea were painting their nails in the balcony. I shared my good news with them.
“Seriously April, this is not the kind of news you share in such a place,” Maria remarked after congratulating me. “I could push you over the railings out of jealousy.”
Bea and I laughed.
“I better get back in then before you both murder me.”
“Seriously though. You’re so lucky. We have been singing longer than you, and now you caught the eye of the hottest man in this city. Other rich people will notice and start inviting you too. I hope you don’t forget about us, your lowly friends.”
I laughed. “Come. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Wait till Kara hears of it. She’s gonna be mad.”
“Right. I’m going to rest now, and think of what I’ll be singing for these people.”
“Good luck.”
“Break a leg.”
Ever since I joined Wolfies, I had never sang alone. I knew that this is going to cause some friction. Jenny might even be accused of favoritism by my colleagues. Deep inside, I felt that things were about to change. What Mason was doing was going to bring problems, but I hoped they would not split us apart.
I decided that I’d make sure to ask him why he wanted me to sing alone, although the performances with my bandmates are so much better.
Three days later, it was Saturday morning. Everyone had heard of my solo, and as expected they were not very happy for me especially Kara. My roommates were the only ones who had supportive things to say, the rest not so much. However, I did not care. It was not my fault that Mason chose to invite me. I wonder if it was because I knocked him over or he actually liked the voice he had called ‘bearable’.
I had decided to go and do my final practice at the club because of convenience. After showering and dressing up, I grabbed a cross bag and headed out of the room. I locked my room and crossed the living room. It was silent as Bea and Maria were still sleeping.
The apartment building was quite silent. Humming, I headed to the stairs. As I was about to reach, I saw someone coming up. From the shape, I guessed the person was a man. He was wearing a black hoodie and looking down. I figured it was someone returning from a late night out.
As I was about to pass by him, he pushed me and I screamed before losing my balance and falling down the stairs. The person quickly ran down the stairs and dashed out of the building.
I looked up to see someone standing at the top of the stairs before my world morphed into darkness.
I regained consciousness sometime later. Looking around, I realized I was in a hospital room.
“You’re awake.”
I turned and saw Maria seated on a chair with a book in hand.
“Hey. Did they catch the person who pushed me down?”
“Mrs. Cross said she saw a man running out but it was too late for her to do anything. Did he push you?”
“Yes. Wait, what’s the time?”
“4.30 p.m.”
“I’m supposed to be at Mason’s at five.”
“Well you can’t go anywhere in your condition until the doctor says so.”
“I need the money.”
“I’m sure Jenny already cancelled the gig or sent someone else.”
“By someone you mean Kara? You know what, this has her name written all over. I think she planned it. What I don’t understand is how she knew I would leave in the morning, though.”
“Maybe it was just some drunk guy.”
“No, I don’t think so. I’m sure someone hired that dude. If he was really drunk, how did he know that he had to run? That person knew exactly what they were doing.”
“You don’t need that stress now. The doctors think you had a concussion. You’re lucky you didn’t die. Those stairs are high.”
“I can’t believe I almost died. I haven’t done anything remarkable in life.”
“But you’re on the way up, unlike some of us who have no hope. We’re stuck being backup singers and dancers. Life is so unfair.”
“I’m going to call my mother.”
My mother and I had not talked in almost a year. She was the reason I left home and moved all the way to Miami. After my father’s demise, she married Bert, a fat annoying and lazy man. I could have coped up with everything for the sake of her happiness but Bert was a pervert who tried to touch me whenever my mother was not around.
When I told mother, she refused to believe me. She took his side, and I knew living in that house was not safe for me because Bert could decide to do more than inappropriate touches one day. I wasn’t going to wait for it to happen so I left with the few savings I had.
I had roamed around, looking for gigs for a while until I met Maria at a soup kitchen. She heard me singing for the kids then referred me to Jenny who hired me almost immediately for a smaller pay compared to the others, of course. One of the girls had left a week before so I took her place. Back then Kara was the queen bee.
I felt guilty because I was having more opportunities than Maria who had helped me. If she felt any jealousy, it was justified. I would have felt jealous too if I were her.
I dialed the number, and waited.
“Hello,” I heard my mother’s cold voice.
I wanted to speak but I couldn’t. The words didn’t come out. Instead, I felt pain and a lump in my throat as I remembered that she made her choice. She chose him.
Removing the phone from my ear, I ended the call and turned it off.
I was not ready.