"Now Anna I know this is the first you've been in trouble since....Well since kindergarten and hopefully the last but what I'm trying to say is don't loose focus of what your purpose in life is, the fact that you were in a fight over something this petty is ridiculous" My dad gave me the full on talk.
"I Know dad I know and it will never happen again"
"I know it won't and because you've done.... fairly enough in school I've spoken to the principal and he decided not to punish the both of you"
My dad had received a call shortly after the fight had happened and he immediately went to resolve the matter. My mom and dad came home soon after that to make sure I was ok.
They'd given me the rest of the day to be stress free but I knew what was to come because it was now eight the next morning and they were already drilling me about etiquettes.
"Were going off to work, we'll drop Antonio and Maria at school and ask Steff to drop them off later, rest for the day cause your going back to school tomorrow" mom finished off.
They soon departed after wishing me a get well soon, Maria and Antonio came within my room after to see how I was doing before heading with Mom and Dad to school.
I had received a text from Steffon saying he hopes that I'm ok and that he'd visit me after school to see how I was doing.
The scrape on my knee had partially heeled and I was now free of all head ache and scrutinizing body pain with the help of some aspirin and pain killers.
"Hello Anna my dear child how are you?" Vicky asked stepping inside my room with a plate of buttered toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and a hot cup of chocolate tea that enjoyable enlightened my mood.
"Great now that I'll get this grieving stomach of mine stuffed" I grinned as she placed the food on my bed side table.
"I'm glad your ok hun and if there's anything that you need never you hesitate to call" she smiled walking back through the door.
I sat in my bed happily chugging down my food when I get a text from Kristrin asking how I was doing, my heart fluttered as the bad boy toke concern of how I was. I almost laughed at the nickname I'd given him.
Kristringodofsexy: How are you princess? 8:30am
Me: Doing great thank you for asking and also thanks for the help yesterday. 8:33am
Kristringodofsexy: No problem love it's the least I could do. 8:34am
Kristringodofsexy: So I was planning on doing something special today and in order to do that you'd have to be there. 8:35am.
Me: Me? Why? 8:36am
Kristringodofsexy: Just be ready by ten I'll be there to pick you up bye. 8:38am
What was Kristrin planning on doing? And why did he need me for whatever he was doing? Why was he being so caring towards me? Was this some sort of prank? I bet him and his friends were planning something to get back at me!
Of course the school's bad boy wouldn't want anything to do with me right? I mean he had all the girls swooning at him.
I smiled liking the attention I was getting from Kristrin but at the same time conflicted I needed to stay away from him, my main focus is graduating from high school with little attention and my honor role intact.
After eating my breakfast I hurriedly made a dash for the shower then slipping on a high waist black Jeans, a red crop top that was laced to the front, a black cardigan and a pair of red sandals.
The scrape on my knee stung every movement I made as I had to hop mostly on one foot but that did not deter me from getting dressed. I did some minimal make up and was now ready to go.
I might want little attention but this was not school here so that would give me the green light to dress how I want since everyone would be at school. My curiosity going haywire as I sat impatient waiting for Kristrin to make his presence known.
"Anna there's someone here to see you" Vicky yelled outside my door.
My anxiety increased ten folds as I told Vicky to send him in.
"Bella" his husky voice rang out in the room he was dressed in a blue skinny jeans, white t-shirt, black leather jacket and a pair of blue air max.
"Kristrin" I replied.
His Stern face gave nothing away as he walked towards me scanning my attire then gave a slight nod of approval. The feeling of acceptance ignited a spark of butterflies within me.
"W..where are you taking me?" I asked blushing slightly from his gaze that lingered upon me.
"Where is out and aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked curiously.
"I took the day off for something rather very important" he shrugged.
"What could be more important than school?" I asked him getting up from off the bed.
"Find out for yourself" he replied holding out his hand for me to take.
"Why?...." I pondered.
He laughed tipping his head over and holding his stomach while balancing one hand on the side of the sofa. His laughter was almost contagious as I smiled at how I just made the bad boy laugh.
"You know most girl would've swooned at a chance to go out with me but you, you on the other hand is another story"
"Your exceptional" he replied as my cheeks tingled.
"Come on princess" he grabbed on to my hand and lifted me up in his arms making me feel secure. I hid my face in his neck to hide the blush.
"I can walk you Know" I told although I didn't want him to let me go.
"I know"
Thirty minutes later we we're now at an Oster bay restaurant deciding what to eat. It was situated near the end of a sea. Children and couples danced around on the sea shore it was beautiful.
I ordered a shrimp ravioli on a margaritaville. While Kristrin on the other end ordered a stake house on the grill and dare I say the food was delicious!
I sat on my chair gazing around the beautiful scenery, I wanted to Know so desperately what was the meaning behind this. I was anxious.
"Not a another why question Bella" Kristrin said before I was about to speak.
"But could you at least give me some answers?" I pleaded.
He groaned aggravated by my need for answers slumping back in his chair he took an intense glance at me before rubbing his forehead.
"What do you want to know?"
"Well firstly I want to Know why am I here?"
"Look your foot was injured and I figured you wouldn't be coming to school today so I decided why not take you out" he finished rolling his eyes at me.
"But why?"
"It's the least I could do since it was Regina who caused it"
"But you've never cared for anyone not even Regina for that matter"
"You know for a very smart girl that knows everything your very dense about things that happens around you" he replied blankly.
"I'm not dense and I never said I knew everything!...... I'm just a little slow on some aspects" retorted defensively.
"Clearly" he replied flatly looking away.
I gritted my teeth out of pure annoyance as I stood from my seat hissing in pain but determined to get the hell away from him. He can't just do and say things as he pleases without as little as an explanation!
"Wait Bella I didn't mean that" he said grabbing on to my hand.
"Well what did you mean Kristrin because nothing you've said hasn't made any sense so far!" I gritted out not caring as heads turned our way.
"Look it's a lot complicated and could you stop creating a scene" he hissed lowly.
"I have to go" I said pulling my hand from his.
I didn't know how the hell I'd reach home but I wasn't staying anywhere near that imbecile for another second.
"Wait Bella!"
"Leave me alone you jerk!" I shouted courageous enough.
"I fucking like you ok!" he yelled closely from behind.
"What?" I snapped my head around to see a very distressed Kristrin with tinted cheeks looking towards the floor.
"What did you just say?" I asked unable to comprehend and wanting to make sure of what I just heard. His hands bolled into fists looking up and staring me in the eyes he then whispered the words I'd soon dread and love the most.
"I like you"