When the bell rang, I hurriedly stood up and scrambled away almost knocking to chairs and tables in the process. I don't care. I just want to avoid Daniella as much as possible. When I was outside the room, my hand went to my chest.
Did Daniella Sparks just talked to me?
I asked myself almost screaming. Fudge. Is she going to add me on her 'To-Kill-And-Torture' list? God. I should start packing now and maybe move to the North Pole.
"Hey Ken" I nearly jumped as Ryder tapped my shoulder.
"Is it true?" Jason suddenly popped in my left. The two hovered over me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Seriously? It's all over the school, man.Did Daniella Sparks called you 'babe'? Are the two of you a thing now?" Ryder asked his eyes almost bulging out of his sockets. I think I choked on my saliva or something.
"Yes, the babe thing was true and I think she was just messing with me. But, we a 'thing'? No man, it's just even the first time I met her" I scoffed as I felt my cheeks warming up in the thought.
"Okay....But, man, youre lucky" Jason sighed almost dreamily.
I almost choked on my saliva, again. I wheezed before looking at them with wide eyes.
"Are you out of your mind? Lucky? Right now, I really think I'm the most unfortunate man who ever lived on earth and I think my death is very near so please pray for my death to be less painful"
"Oh please, drama queen. I know you find Daniella hot" Ryder commented, smirking. My cheeks suddenly heated up and I know the guys noticed that because their smirks only grew wider.
"Oh shit! Our little Ken finally have a crush! Ken have a c-r-u-s-h! Ken have a crush!" Jason cried out in a singsong voice. Some students were already staring at us. Fudge. Now, I want the ground to swallow me 100 meters below and vanish forever.
"Daniella and Ken sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-
Jason and Ryder put their shoulders around each other and swayed side by side as they sang. I felt my cheeks heated up more as students started to stare at us. I wanted to slap myself. Why am I l friends with these two, again?
"Hey guys, stop!" I begged as they sang more loudly than ever. I heard a laugh and my eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets when I saw Daniella laughing and looking at us.
Fudge. She saw and heard that.
God. Make it 1,000, 000 meters below the ground now.
"Bye babe" she said, her eyes filled with amusement, her lips stretched into a smile. I ran out of words and couldn't say a thing. She winked and walked past me while I was left dumbfounded. I think I was floating in mid-air and couldn't feel my knees.
Suddenly, Ryder and Jason appeared in front of me. Their fingers are pointing at my still dumbfounded face.
"We're right. Ken definitely have a crush on Daniella" They said in unison and nodded their heads approvingly at each other.
"Hey Melly" I cooed as I shuffled my little baby sister's hair. She laughed and tried to push my hand away.
"Hey Danny-bear! Can you play with me and Rory?" She pleaded gesturing to her dog giving me the puppy eye look and I swear I saw the dog did the same. I sighed and shook my head. How can I resist this girl?
"Okay. But just for an hour, okay? I got to go somewhere" I said stroking her hair. Her face brightened up and she jumped up and down. I just chuckled and chased them. We were in the middle of playing "I am the zombie and i'll eat you". Well, that's what we call it, anyway, we saw our stepmother who was standing in the doorway. And the sight of her already made my mood sour. I've always hated her.
After my mom died a year ago, my father married her who is the secretary of our company. I don't know how long they've kept their relationship and I dont want to know.My sister said she's kind but for me, she's just a gold-digging bitch.
"Looks like you two are having fun" she said smiling as she approaches us.
"Yeah. We were. Until you came" I snapped looking straight into her eyes. I saw a flash of pain in it but I ignored it not really caring.
"Come Melly. Let's go to your bedroom. It's time to sleep" I said to Melly as I grabbed her little hand and led her to the stairs and into her bedroom. I put her to bed gently.
"Why do you hate her and dad, Danny-bear?" She asked innocently. I didn't answer her and just kissed her forehead.
"Just go to sleep, Melly and I'll see you tommorrow" I murmured and stepped out of her room, the question keep ringing on my head. I got unto my bike and headed to the bar. I've got to loosen up a bit.
The blasting music welcomed me when I entered the bar. Teenagers were grinding and dancing their asses off the dancefloor and the strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit my nose and I liked it.
I scanned my eyes through the crowd and tried to find Diego. My eyes found Diego sitting on a chair drinking tequila. I walked towards him.
"Hey Dieggy. Sup?" I asked once i neared him and sat to the chair next to him.
"Same as always. You? How's school?" He casually asked leaning on his chair. I just shrugged and snatched the glass out of his hands. I drank the remaining contents of it in one gulp. He just frowned but didn't say a thing.
"Just fine. Whatever" I answered looking at the dancefloor where teenagers were dancing and grinding at each other. I've always known Diego since I was a child. He's my best bud. When I was a kid some kids bullied me, he protected me and gave the kid a bleeding nose, from then on he taught me how to fight and I never got bullied anymore. If you don't fight, you don't survive. That's what he said.
He's four years older than me. Father thought he was a bad influence and forbid me to see him but who cares I don't follow rules.
"You know. You kinda looked depressed. Loosen up a bit" he said and poured more tequila on the glass. He knows my shaky relationship with Dad.I drank until I got drunk and danced my ass off on the dancefloor. This is why I like being drunk. I forget all of my problems and stress even just for a moment.