Chapter 6.
Estella’s POV.
I wake up the next morning and remember what had happened the night before. OH MY GOD! I was taken by a beast. I go to sit up when I realize I’m being pinned to the bed by something. Upon further inspection I realize my beast is wrapped around me. I guess he’s not a beast, he said he’s a wolf but that’s impossible how can a man possibly be a wolf? My mind wonders through everything I’ve experienced in the last 24 hours, and it all seems surreal almost like a foggy dream I’m trying to remember.
I lay still thinking of what to do when misfit jumps up on the bed meowing softly while she pushes her head in to my hand, looking over I realize I’m pretty sure I’m stuck here till he wakes up. I look out the window watching the birds flutter around outside waiting, after what seems like forever, I finally feel him begin to move.
"Mmm good morning little mate." He says without opening his eyes while stretching.
"Good morning." I say quietly as he wraps himself back around my body nuzzling into me, we lay like this for a few minutes before he takes a deep breath and sits up. Misfit's soft paws continue padding the bead as she walks around us making her soft morning noises.
"Do you want some breakfast?" He asks calmly and I feel my stomach grumble in response.
"Mhm." I nod snuggling further into the bed not wanting to move yet.
"I’ll have one of the kitchen ladies bring something up, you wait here." He gets up throwing a robe on and steps out of the room, I take a deep breath and roll on my back letting the sun hit me in the face from the big windows as misfit lays down on my chest pushing my hands for attention. I feel happy, somehow in one day I’m happy here. He comes back in and crawls back in to bed with me resuming his position wrapped around me.
We lay in silence for a few minutes before theres a knock at the door and Collin gets up to answer it, I sit up as he’s coming back in with a big bowl of fruit and a stack of pancakes. My mouth waters and I notice how hungry I am.
"It looks delicious." I say reaching for the fruit as he smiles sitting back down next to me, misfit jumps up nuzzling in to me happily.
"What do you want to do today?" He asks and I shrug while popping another strawberry in my mouth.
"Well, what do you like to do?" He asks, softly chuckling and his hands glide across my skin tingling as they go.
"I love the forest, I love anything to do with outside." I say quietly making him smile and he nods while staring at me eating the fruit, god he probably thinks I’m a mess.
We both finish eating and I begin to brush my hair out so I can tie it back, I grab a pair of black tights and throw them on with a light pink crop top. Putting my shoes on I go into the bathroom to find my beast already dressed looking hot as hell brushing his teeth. I walk up to him and hug him from behind shocking myself, he stops and turns around to lift me off the ground making me giggle to no end. He places me back down and I join him brushing our teeth before heading outside. Suddenly I don’t feel so scared of him.
We walk down the stairs and I notice how beautiful everything is here, the trees are so much bigger, and everything smells so fresh, breaking me from my daydream I feel my beast let go of my hand.
"Would you like to meet Jasper?" He says excitedly and I nod calmly.
"Sure, where is he?" I ask dumbly and his eyes shimmer gold and I feel my heart stick in my throat.
"Jasper is my wolf." With that line my eyes go wide and my beast steps back from me, dropping to the ground as he begins to change, his bones look like they’re braking as I hear an awful snapping sound. Within minutes my beast is gone and instead is a huge black wolf with shimmering green/gold eyes I hold my breath as this huge creature moves closer to me crouching to the ground. He lays down in front of me nuzzling my hand with his head, his fur is so soft it feels like silk sliding between my fingers. I stare into his eyes examining his long snout and huge ears as my heart calms, and I step closer.
"Hello Jasper." I say calmly as he pats his front paws on the dirt in front of me yipping happily. When he stands still, I realize he’s at least two feet taller than I am. He lays down in front of me motioning for me to get on, I shake my head quickly before he rolls over on his back and then motions again, this time I slowly walk up to him as he lays very still on the ground waiting. I gently pull myself up on him and wrap my arms tightly around his neck and my legs around his ribs, as I hold on to his huge body, I feel my heart race and fear overtake me.
Before I know it, my beast is taking off flying over the grass and his huge paws are thumping against the ground when I feel my heart in my throat. I squeeze on to him tighter, trying hard not to move as the warm summer air trickles over my body while he runs. Within minutes I feel him start to slow down and come to a stop, I loosen my grip and slowly open my eyes finally able to breathe again. It’s a beautiful waterfall.
The crystal pond is clear as day with large rock forms all around it, the water gently trickles over the rocks into the pond. All you can hear is birds singing happily and the wind blowing through the treetops, the water sparkles as my beast leaps headfirst into the pond creating a huge splash, soaking me head to toe. I burst out laughing as his head pokes up lapping up the water with him, he’s so goofy he looks like a puppy playing in a puddle.
I sprint off the rock edge and dive in to the pond near him, coming up right beside him I spit water in his face. He shakes his head and swims back to shore as I float effortlessly in the beautiful light blue liquid, next thing I know I’m being splashed by Collin. I guess he went to shore to change back.
"He likes you." He says to me as I wade through the water walking towards him.
"I like him." I respond shyly unsure of what to say.
"Can you change whenever you want?" I ask curiously as that gorgeous smile crosses his face sending butterflies through me.
"Yes, I need to train in my human form and my beast form to keep both strong and healthy." He says proudly, this just leaves me with more questions.
"Does it hurt?" I ask looking into his eyes as we stand inches away from one another in the water.
"Well, the first few times we change it hurts a lot as our body learns to reform, the more we shift the easier it is and the less it hurts we also start to change quicker the more we do it." He says and I nod as he pulls me on to him wrapping my legs around his waist while he carry’s me out of the water and we both collapse on to the long grass and lay with each other.
I’m shaken awake by Collin violently as my heart pounds and I blink quickly.
"Estella!" He says with urgency shaking me again as I start to come too.
"Hurry we need to go." He demands and I’m still dazed not realizing what’s happening.
"It’s not safe we need to get to the castle." My eyes fly open when I hear a loud crash.