I am still reeling after that girl spoke to me. How dare she speak to me like that with such indignation? She clearly doesn't know who I am. Whilst she stood there in front of me with bee stung lips that I want to kiss off her face, I held myself back from responding and letting her know just who she was addressing.
No doubt staying in this hotel, she will come to know who I am and perhaps be a little more respectful.
There is no doubt she is beautiful. I mean naturally beautiful with her luscious brown hair and I had to do everything in my power to stop myself from leaning in closer to smell the coconut and lemon that was pulling me in so fiercely that I was almost on top of her.
Then she turned around and her brown-green eyes mesmerized me. I felt a familiar stirring in my groin and willed myself not to react. It was difficult, very difficult that is until she opened her mouth and told me I was in her space. How dare she? I am not used to being spoken to like this. I would love to teach her a lesson by pinning her to a bed and ruining her lips with my own and crushing her body under my weight and feel her legs wrapped around my torso. Right that's enough, I need to keep myself in check. I can already feel myself beginning to bulge.
"Hey Seb how are you today?" Chantelle the receptionist asks me. I can see her full red pouty lips and I know she wants me. She has never made a secret about it. I can almost see her salivating she wants me that bad. I sense she's already getting moist waiting for me. Only she isn't going to get it. Least ways not from me today. Although fleetingly I wonder if I should. I mean I could get that American girl out of my system and give Chantelle the seeing to of a lifetime.
"I am good today thanks Chantelle. How has your day been? Busy?" She nods. It is always busy in this hotel. It is the best hotel in all of Santa Fe and often we will find some celebrity in here. "That's good. I like it for business to be busy."
"What can I help you with today?" Her smile broadens and I can see the lust in her eyes. I'm not interested. I can't shake that damn American girl out of my mind. I almost want to ask Chantelle what room number she is staying in so I can go and knock on her door.
"I just wanted to check that the pool has been taken care of. I want my swim."
"Sure thing. It was completed this morning. There was blockage but the pool engineer has rectified it now and it's all ready." She licks her lips. I follow her tongue with my eyes, I know she is ready and waiting. It isn't as if Chantelle isn't stunning with her high cheekbones and silky smooth skin but I've had enough of girls throwing themselves at me. There is no challenge in it, it's way too easy and they don't offer me anything else other than their warm bodies and moistness. I want a challenge, I want the chase and the excitement. I guess also part of me wants a woman to be by my side long-term. For that she will need beauty and brains, I need her to excite me mentally and stimulate me. I want her to make me a better man than I am. I want to feel like her life is the most important thing to me, to feel like I would walk over hot coals for her. Chantelle would simply be another easy lay and I am so over that.
All my life I've been chased by girls and women, ever since I was fifteen. You would not believe the amount of moms of my friends growing up who flirted with me. It makes me shudder at the thought of these women who ranged from their late thirties to early forties all wanting a piece of me. Sometimes being born with looks like mine can be hard and nobody gets it. They all think that I love myself, that I am vain and I crave attention like bees to a honey pot. They couldn't be further from the truth. I have confidence but that is only because I believe in myself. I have built up my empire of hotels and lodges around the world.
My parents gave me a head start by loaning me money for my first project. A derelict and run down hotel in the heart of Catalonia. They told me that they would assist with a loan and if I couldn't pay them back in two years, I would have to go to college and study further. That was the worst imaginable thing for me. I was eager to earn money and make myself successful and rich. I have been inspired by my father and my grandfather both working in property and land development.
My grandfather came from an impoverished farming background and wanted to make something of himself. He started small with rustic properties and spent his time bringing them back to their former glory. The money was scare for him, he had no handouts. He had to do it all on his own. His father before him was strict and unyielding, a farmer who didn't have the money to give in the first place. Sheer hard work, persistence and dedication saw my grandfather succeed. My father came into the world and took over the business when my grandfather passed away. His passion for the business was passed down to me, yet I didn't want to study for any longer than necessary. I certainly didn't want to wait anymore.
My mother and my father have supported me emotionally all the way on my journey and I they are proud of me. It hasn't been easy. Whilst most of my friends continued in their studies and were out drinking and partying, I was working. Pouring over contracts, development plans, budget sheets, project deadlines and supplier negotiations. I sweated blood and tears to make my business a success and now I am a self-made billionaire.
Home is here in Santa Fe. I was born here and I will die here. For me it is a place of passion, desire and it beats like my own heart. The people and the community are second to none. We care about each other, we love one another, we're good to each other. I have everything I need here except a wife, someone to love and to have many children with. Someone who wants to be by my side, who wants a big family. For my part, I would love nothing more than to have six children. And this is what I can't get with the women that chase me.
They want to be with me, they want to feel me riding them and dig their nails into my back. They all want to be the one that will tame me to settle down, to be theirs and to have the Garcia name. Yet I am still to come across The One.
I say thank you to Chantelle and make my way across the brown marble floor towards the lift that will take me to the penthouse suite. I have panoramic views of the town, the mountains and life and beauty that surrounds me. Olive trees, fir trees, citrus trees and much more. Of all the hotels I own around the world, here in Santa Fe is my favourite. It's not too big and it's not too small. We have just 150 rooms. It feels like a family home. When I took this property on it was derelict, the birds were living inside and the spiders. The place had been ruined and vandalized, yet set amongst the olive and hazelnut groves, I saw its potential.
I step off the elevator and into my suite. It is majestic. The wrap around balcony offers me stupendous views. The doors are open and the afternoon breeze now flows through. I slip off my leather loafers and allow my feet to absorb the coolness of the rich marble beneath them. I step on to the balcony and stare at the mountains. My mind wanders back to the American Girl and again I feel an intense heat in my groin. I think of those luscious lips so full and budding, ready to be kissed long and hard.
The desire begins to creep up my stomach and I can no longer hold back. I need to sort myself out now.
I'm pulsating and throbbing as I run the shower on cold setting and step inside and then I work on myself hard and fast until I've got it out of my system. I feel drained and tired, not to mention angry at myself. I am so angry for allowing a complete stranger to get to me like this. I don't do this. I never do this.