Rain woke up naked and pressed up against something very warm and very firm. She opened her eyes slowly. Oh yeah, she thought with a smile. Laurent. He lay sleeping, one arm lying across her stomach, the other up above her head. One of his thighs was thrown over hers. Their hair spread out, entwined across the pillows. The sun came through the windows and she extricated herself from him to go and look out over Puget Sound at the glittering water and the ferries dotting the horizon.
The night before had been more than just good sex, it had shattered her tiny life and set it on its ear. Last night, being with him had felt so good, so right—it scared the hell out of her. He was this sophisticated older man and she was already on her way to falling in love. She felt like a rube but at the same time it was wonderful to be so damned happy. She just didn’t want to be in some lopsided relationship with a guy who buzzed into town for dinner and a quick fuck every once in a while.
“I’ve never opened my eyes in the morning to a more beautiful sight,” Laurent said sleepily. “Come back to bed, I’m lonely without you.”
She turned and saw him there, her heart leaped into her throat. “You’ve never seen a more beautiful sight? Laurent Cole, you’re an exemplary specimen of manhood, all broad and muscled, that glorious hair spread out around you. You’re like sex on legs.”
She crawled back into bed with him, into the refuge of his arms.
“Mmm, you feel good and you inflate my ego as well as my cock. I think I’ll keep you.” He moved in for a kiss.
She ducked back. “Don’t kiss me, I have morning breath. Sheesh, I’m a novice at this spending the night thing, I don’t even have a change of clothes or a toothbrush.”
He kissed her forehead. “I have an extra toothbrush for you and I hope you don’t mind but I took the liberty of buying you a few things. Some clothes for you to have here should you wish to stay over in the future. I’m not in Seattle every day. My job keeps me up at the lodge most of the time but I’d like to come out as often as I can to see you. Soon, I’d love for you to come up to the lodge. I think you’d like it. It’s beautiful. A much slower pace. You can see the stars at night. And my family, well I told them about you so I know they want to meet you.”
“You have this whole life so far away from here.” God, she could get really hurt by this man if she gave him her heart and he didn’t want to change his life.
“You’re my life. I live a few hours’ drive from here but I make it often enough for business I can surely do it to see you. I’ve arranged it with my boss so my trips here can be work related.”
“This is moving pretty fast. I mean, you just met me two days ago and now you’re saying I’m your life?” She felt so calm about it, she knew she should be wary but it all seemed so right, so normal. Still, she didn’t just fall off the potato truck and instant true love did not happen.
“Listen, aren’t there things in your life that you just knew to be so?”
“I suppose, a few.”
“Well then. From the moment I saw you in The Black Cat the other morning I knew that I wanted to be with you. Trust me. Trust yourself. Let’s learn one another. When do you have your next days off?”
“I do four days a week and then three days off. I’m off today, tomorrow and Sunday.”
“Come with me to the lodge then. Just for the afternoon. It’s a long drive, yes, but I’d like you to meet the people I consider to be my family. If you like, you can stay over. I’d like that. But baby steps first. Come and see it and I’ll bring you back tonight. We can stay in a hotel if we get too tired.”
“I don’t know. I do a lot of painting on my days off.”
Warming to the topic, he sat up, disarming her with how beautiful he was. “Bring your supplies with you, paint there. The light’s fantastic. The air is clean. Today is clear. The lodge sits on Star Lake. You’ll love Kari and Emma; their kids are wonderful. In fact, my number two girl, right after you, lives there.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Oh is that so?”
He laughed, thrilled that she was jealous. “Her name is Helene and she’s four. She’s Andreas and Kari’s daughter, the oldest. She and her siblings are like my own children, I’ve been so involved in their upbringing.” He kissed her nose. “So? What do you say? You can give my mobile number and the number at the lodge to Harrison so he won’t worry about you.” He wanted to show her his life, where her life would be.
She inhaled and blew the air out. “I really want to agree, Laurent, but I just met you. This is just too fast. I’m sorry.”
He sighed but shook his head. “Don’t apologize. Of course I want you to come and visit but we can take it at your speed. I know this seems fast and scary, all I can do is tell you my intentions and back them up with my actions. We can do the trip to the lodge another time. You just say when and we’ll do it. For now why don’t I make you breakfast?”
“You’re not mad?”
He pulled her to sit beside him. “I respect you. I realize this seems very fast to you. I’m not angry that you’re taking things slow. How could I be mad at you for that?” He kissed her nose and suddenly she knew her choice.
“Okay. Let’s do it. I’ve lived here a year and haven’t been to the Cascades at all yet.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured or rushed. I want you to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself. Like I said, I’d love for you to stay over for a few days but I’ll bring you back tonight. It’s all totally up to you.”
If she’d had any remaining doubts about going his reaction cleared them up. He didn’t try to pressure her. Still, she knew it was insanity, going up to the mountains with a man she’d just met. Harrison would freak. She couldn’t explain it but it felt right and safe and she’d lived for so long making the careful choice, never doing anything impulsive or even fun, that she wanted to be just a bit wild.
“Yes. I’m sure. Since I’ve been here I’ve worked and painted and that’s about it. Going up to the mountains sounds like fun.”
“You lead an awfully serious life for someone so young. Listen, why don’t you shower? I’ll call up to the lodge and tell them to expect you. Your toothbrush is the red one. If you’re comfortable with it there are clothes hanging in the closet that should fit you. My friend, sort of a brother to me, he and his wife are clothing designers. They own a shop just up the street. Anyway I was passing through and said hello and he sent some stuff home with me. He loves to give people clothes. The lingerie is something I happened across and thought of you.”
She blushed. “Well, wow, um, thanks. And tell your friend I said thank you as well, it’s very nice of him.” She got up and he flopped on his back, grinning as he watched her walk into the bathroom before shutting the door behind her.
He leaned over to grab the phone and call the lodge.
“Hello, Anna. Is Andreas around?”
“Yes, hang on a second.”
A few moments passed. In the bathroom, the water ran as Rain brushed her teeth. The domesticity of the moment spread warmth through his chest.
“How’d your date go?” Andreas asked and Laurent heard the smile in his friend’s voice.
“It went very well indeed. Listen, I’ve invited her up to the lodge for the afternoon and possibly a few days. Can you keep the activity away from the house, please?”
“Ah, of course. It’s just the regulars this weekend. I’ll make sure Anna takes care of your room and plans a nice welcome dinner for Rain tonight. Kari will be over the moon about this.”
“She’s a painter so she’s bringing her supplies. I told her she could paint wherever she wanted. And she’s only agreed to come up for the day. I’d like her to stay over of course but I want to leave it up to her. So tell your lovely wife to keep it mellow.”
Andreas laughed. “Easier said than done, my friend. But she’s better at this stuff than any of us are anyway. Rain can paint wherever she likes, of course. By the way, I’ve asked Alek to take your place as my bodyguard and he’s accepted. He won’t be able to get here until next week so Skye has volunteered to take over until then. Sealing your Mate bond is the most important thing right now.”
“Excellent. I’m glad to hear it. I’ll see you all later.”
Laurent got up and walked to the bathroom door and knocked. “Rain, care to learn just how wonderful a shower can be?”
“Do tell,” Rain called out and he went into the steam of the shower to show her yet another reason to love him.
* * *
He smiled as she walked into the room wearing the jeans Drew had given her.
“Laurent, these are...well, you’re very thoughtful. I can’t believe you guessed my size so well.”
“Like I said, it’s Drew. I just described you to him and he chose all the stuff. I do prefer your choice of shirt though.” She wore one of his dress shirts with no bra, tied at the waist, the sweet swell of her stomach peeking out.
“I hope you don’t mind. It just smelled like you.” Her blush was so endearing. She had no idea of her effect on him at all.
Moving to her, he pulled her into his arms. “If you keep on saying things like that we’ll never leave. I now have a fantasy about you wearing nothing more than one of my dress shirts.”
“Oh my,” she stammered a bit. “I don’t have any shoes other than the pumps so I suppose I’ll wear them.”
Laurent looked down and then back up. She looked like sex on legs and the fact that she had no idea made her even sexier. Her breasts were high and round against the front of the shirt. It was white and when he concentrated very hard he could see the pink of her nipples through the fabric. Nipples that tightened under his gaze. Her hair was wet and curled around her face and down her back, leaving damp spots where it lay. The jeans were slung low but long so the heels just accentuated the length of her legs. He sighed wistfully, she was so damned beautiful.
“What?” she asked, looking amused. So she had a slight idea of how she affected him at least. She sidled up to him, swaying, her breasts moving as she walked. When she stopped the tips of her nipples just touched his chest. “So shouldn’t we go now?” she said with her lips against his neck.
“You’re a very naughty girl.” He smiled, tapping the tip of his index finger on the end of her nose, liking this saucy side of her.
“Hmm. Really? Will you punish me for it?” she asked, taking his finger and sucking it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it until he groaned.
“Most assuredly, with interest for the raging hard-on you’ve caused.”
She smiled sweetly and looked down, excited. “Really? Wow, this siren stuff is cool!”
He threw back his head and laughed then. The shift from sexy minx back to sweet innocent was wonderful, playful. He put an arm around her shoulder. “Shall we go, Miss Trouble?”
“Okay. I’m looking forward to today, you know.”
“I’m glad. I think you should pack a bag just in case. Like I said, I’ll bring you back tonight but if you want to stay you’ll have clothes, or if we decide to stop at a hotel. You know, like if I can’t keep my hands off you another moment.” He locked up behind her and they headed to her house.
When they entered her house, Harrison and Elton were at the table eating breakfast. Both men looked up and did a double take, clearly stunned at her and Laurent’s appearance.
“Hi, guys,” Rain said as she came into the room. “Laurent Cole, this is Harrison Watts and Elton Keller. FYI, I’m going to the mountains for the day with Laurent. While I toss some clothes in a bag Laurent is going to give you the number at his house and his mobile too, call me if you need me.” She flounced into her room with Laurent in her wake.
Laurent looked around her bedroom as she threw on some tennis shoes and then packed a few things into a duffel bag.
“Where’s your art?”
“Oh it’s in the studio. Hang on and I’ll take you through. I need to grab some supplies anyway,” she told him, her head still in the closet.
“Music and books are also a passion I see,” he said when she turned around, indicating the stacks of books and CDs that littered the room.
“Yes, I spend too much money on both.” She reached down and picked up her mp3 player, adding it to the bag. “I like to listen to music when I paint,” she explained.
He took her bag and followed her out. The phone rang and Harrison called out that it was for her.
“Excuse me a second,” she said to Laurent and moved to the phone in the hallway. “Hello?”
“Rain Foster?”
“Yep, that’s me. What can I do for you?”
“This is Diane Holt of The Holt Gallery. We’re looking at your portfolio right now. Ms. Foster, your work is exceptional and we’d love to see more than just photographs. Would it be possible for you to bring down Whirlpool and Crazy Diamond to the gallery? If they’re as good as they look in the photos we’d like to offer you a show.”
“Are you serious? You...I just turned in the portfolio yesterday. Yes, yes, I can bring them down. When do you want to see them?” Rain asked her.
“Today if possible. If not it’ll have to wait until Monday because I’m going out of town for the weekend.”
“Can you hold on for just a moment? I need to see if I can make arrangements.” Heart racing, blood pounding, she was shocked she still managed to sound reasonably calm.
“Yes of course.”
“Thank you.” She punched the hold button.
Rain turned to face Harrison, Elton and Laurent, who all looked at her expectantly. “Oh. My. God. That’s Diane Holt from The Holt Gallery. They love my stuff. They want to see two pieces in person. She said if they’re as good as the photos they want to offer me a show!” She started jumping up and down and Harrison began to laugh while Elton clapped and Laurent just smiled and took her in. Rain stopped and took a deep breath. “Okay, enough of that, she’s holding. Laurent, I know you want to get back home but I need to get these paintings down to Pioneer Square. Can you wait for me or can we do this another day? I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what? This is incredible. I’ll take the paintings over there right now. My truck is most definitely large enough.”
“Thank you!” She hugged him and got back on the phone. “Ms. Holt, I can be there with them in about half an hour, will that be all right?”
“Yes. I’ll see you in half an hour then.”
Rain hung up and let out a whoop of joy. “This is crazy! I just gave her that portfolio yesterday. Thank god I put a bra on,” she mumbled and started out into the studio.
Laurent looked back at Harrison and Elton as they went past him into the studio with Rain. They both hugged her, kissing her cheek.
“Congrats, babe. You deserve this. They love your stuff because you’re good. Now be careful this weekend. Laurent, we don’t know you but we love Rain very much and if you harm her in any way it will be very unfortunate for you,” Harrison said sternly and Elton nodded.
Laurent held out his hand to shake theirs. “I make my solemn vow that I would never hurt Rain. Ever. I’m glad she has you two around.”
At that moment Laurent saw her paintings and he stilled. Her work was stacked all around the room and he took it all in slowly, awed.
“This one is Whirlpool,” she said, pointing at a painting that was all blues and grays. Something about it drew him in, compelled him to look more. “And this one,” she said, pointing to a larger canvas of silvers, reds, blues and blacks, “is my newest, Crazy Diamond. Diane said they wanted to see these two so let’s load them up. Let me get them wrapped for the ride over. Oh and, Harrison, can you please bundle up my paints and brushes and throw in two pads? I am going to work while I’m at Laurent’s. Thanks!”
She put corner protectors on the two canvases destined for The Holt and threw an insulating cover over them to protect them from light and the elements. Laurent grabbed one and she got the other while Elton and Harrison grabbed her duffel and other art supplies.
She hugged them both once again and assured them she’d be fine and then she and Laurent headed toward Pioneer Square.
“Rain, I need to tell you something. It’s really not a big deal and it has nothing to do with anything but I’d hate for you to find out and think I was hiding it from you.”
“Andreas owns half The Holt Gallery. I was considering telling him about your work but I never even got the chance. He doesn’t know anything of it and has nothing to do with the process of selecting artists that they do shows for. I just didn’t want you to hear on some off chance and think I had anything to do with your selection. It’s all you. You’re really good. Your work blows me away.”
“I can’t tell you what it means to me that you understand that I’d want to do this on my own merits. Not that this business isn’t about who you know. It is. That’s how I found out about the call for artists to start with. But knowing this was me and my work means a lot. So thank you for thinking of my feelings. Thanks also for liking my work, it’s so important to me and, well, I’m glad you like it.”
He helped her carry the canvases into The Holt where Diane Holt was waiting for them. “You must be Rain Foster. I’m Diane Holt, pleased to meet you.” She smiled and shook Rain’s hand and then looked to the canvases. “Leave them near the windows. I want to see them in the natural light. Go on then, show me what you’ve got.”
Laurent stood near the doors, letting Rain run her own show. Rain went over to the smaller canvas, uncovering it carefully. Taking a bracing breath, she stood back and hoped like hell her painting did the talking.
Diane walked forward and put a finger to her lips as she examined the painting slowly, methodically. She studied it for about ten minutes, not saying a word the entire time.
“The other one now please.”
Rain did the same thing and stood back. She clenched her fists behind her back, nails digging into her palms to keep calm.
Diane let out a long sigh and looked at Rain silently, head cocked to one side. Suddenly a smile broke out over her face. “Young woman, you have a hell of a lot of talent. You have a bright future ahead of you, especially if I have anything to say about it.”
Relief rushed through her. “Really? Wow. Thank you.”
“You have no idea how much exposure a show here and another at my smaller gallery in Portland can give you. I’d like to offer you a show in six weeks. Your own show. We can work out the details next week. I need to get going and Patrick, my husband, will want to see these canvases for himself. We’ll store them for you, unless you want them back right away?”
“No no, go ahead and take the time you need with them.”
“I’ll be calling you next week to work out the details. As for Portland, I was thinking of doing a show in about six months, which will give you time to produce more work because, my girl, I tell you, I know you’ll sell every single painting you show.”
“Thank you so much for this opportunity.” Unable to hold back a huge grin, Rain shook the other woman’s hand.
* * *
“Two shows, incredible. She clearly believes you to have talent and she’s got quite a bit of power to break new artists from what I understand.” Laurent held her hand as he headed east toward the lodge. His woman was totally amazing.
“I’m stunned and thrilled. I can’t quite believe it just yet.”
“We sort of left off the topic last night. Tell me more about your family. I sense that you haven’t told me the whole story,” he said.
“It’s not that exciting. Nothing I want to talk about.”
The fear in her voice tore at him, shredded his patience. “What are you hiding? You sound afraid when you talk about them. Are you?”
“Let’s just drop it.”
“I’ve been a professional bodyguard for sixteen years, I’m entirely capable of protecting you and me both.”
“I said I didn’t want to talk about it and I don’t. Drop it please,” she said sharply.
“You’re being stubborn! Why won’t you trust me?”
“Because. Jesus, I’ve known you for a few days. I can’t talk about it. I don’t want to talk about it. Stop pushing me. Are you telling me that in the few days you’ve known me you’ve told me everything about your life?”
She had him there. He sighed deeply. “I care about you deeply. I want to protect you. You can trust me to do that.”
She turned and faced him then. “Laurent Cole, if you ask me about this one more time I will make you turn this truck around and take me back to Seattle. I. Said. I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk. About. It!”
He scowled, even as he had to admit it was hot when she pushed back. “I’m sorry, I won’t ask about it anymore. For now.”
It was tense for the next hour while she stared out the window, sketching on her pad, leaving him to his mood. Stubborn woman. Laurent’s cell rang and he picked it up, putting the receiver bit over his ear so he could talk without his hands but still have whatever was said to him remain private. “Laurent,” he bit out.
“It’s Phillip. Her DNA came back but her name isn’t Rain Foster, it’s Julia Margoles. She’s got wolves in the family tree though, many of them. She’s compatible. I did wonder why the name change so I checked her out. Laurent, her father is a mob boss. She went on the run a year ago. No one knows where she ended up but according to some of my sources the father has started to look for her recently.”
“Shit.” Laurent cut his eyes to her briefly, she turned to him, alarm on her face.
“Yeah. Are you okay?” Phillip asked.
“As long as she is, yes.”
“She’s right there?”
“We can talk later. Do you think the first part is good news?”
“Of course, that hasn’t changed. Nothing has.” And it hadn’t, not really. He just had another reason to understand why she’d held back earlier when he’d pushed about her family. She must be terrified.
“Be careful, man.”
“I plan to. We’re only two minutes away. I’ll see you in a few.” He cut the connection and pulled out the earbud.
He understood her reluctance to tell him now. She was alive only because she’d kept her head low and she didn’t want him hurt either. How isolated she must feel not being able to share her life with anyone.
“Yes?” She paused a moment and turned toward him. She paled and whispered, “No. Tell me you don’t work for him. Please god, not you...”
He grabbed her hand. “No. Listen, it’s complicated, but someone I work with found out who you were. Please don’t be afraid. I know and I’ll protect you. Don’t you see? You don’t have to pretend with me, not ever.”
She backed against her door, eyes wild. So freaked his wolf flayed his insides, pushing to be free to comfort her.
“You’re fucking insane, you know that? Do you know what he’d do to you if he found out you helped me? You have to take me back now. I can’t see you anymore. I’ll have to leave Seattle, change my name again. Oh god.” She put her head in her hands and began to cry.
He pulled down the long gravel drive of the lodge, stopping when they reached the house, but waved off Kari and Andreas who’d rushed out to greet them. Taking off his seatbelt, he moved toward her but she backed up against her door, fear rolling off her in waves.
“Nothing is going to happen to me or to you. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. Rain, Julia—love, listen to me—I’ve been waiting my entire life to find you and nothing is going to come between us now. Please trust me and my ability. No one, none of our people, is going to breathe a word about you. Only Phillip and I know, most likely Andreas too, but it doesn’t matter. Your father won’t find you. Even if he did he can’t hurt you. I won’t let him.”
“Please,” she whispered and he reached out to touch her face. “You don’t understand. I can’t let myself let you in. I made a mistake. I always say no. I should have said no when you asked for my number.”
“I love you. You already have let me in and you know it.”
Her eyes widened and she made a sound. “This is total insanity. How can you love me? You don’t even know me. Oh, so now you know my name. Big deal. You still don’t know me and it’s better that you don’t. My father and his associates are not nice people. I walked away from that world and he’ll never let that go. Can you outrun a bullet, Laurent? I was so stupid to think I could have a normal life, a relationship. God, I can’t even have my fucking art now. He’s stolen that too.”
“One, I love you because you’re you, period. Two, your name is not you, I know you because you’ve shown me your true self. Your birth name is immaterial. Three, my associates are not nice people when messed with either. Four, I can’t outrun a bullet but I can heal extremely quickly and I am extraordinarily fast and agile. Five, normal is in the eye of the beholder. I can’t promise normal but, Rain, I’m in your life for good. Six and last, no one will take your art from you. If we have to have shows without your being there it’ll just add to your mystique. We have lawyers on staff who can advise you on your contracts with Holt as well as how you can go about setting up a blind trust so no one can find out your identity.
“We can do this. Let me help because I’m not going anywhere even if you really wanted me to and we both know you don’t. Let me in,” he whispered and she collapsed into his arms, weeping and hugging him tightly.
They stayed out there for a while; Laurent slowly calming her down until she’d stopped crying. Kari continued to flit around the doorway, clearly seeing that something was wrong and wanting to fix it. Andreas finally came and yanked her back inside and Laurent smiled.
“Shall we go inside, sweetheart?” Laurent handed her a handkerchief.
“I’m sure my face is a total mess. They’ll all think I’m a basket case.”