Adrian took complete control, his mouth gentle and yet desperate…soft and yet strong against Oliver’s, applying just the right amount of pressure and suction that took Oliver’s breath away. His hungry tongue caressed the insides of Oliver’s mouth, trying to taste every corner of his mouth.
Damn, the man could kiss, Oliver couldn’t help but think. Adrian was driving him mad with desire. Oliver moaned into the kiss as he shuddered with complete surrender, melting against Adrian. When Adrian eventually released his lips, Oliver felt as though he would go insane if Adrian didn’t take him right there, right then.
“Adrian please…” He whimpered desperately, his body tense with arousal. He’d never been so desperate for sex as he was at that moment.
Neither knew who started stripping the other first. But in no time at all, they were both gloriously naked, their pulsing lengths rubbing against each other’s. And Oliver was not surprised at all when his suspicions were confirmed…Adrian was huge. Desperate to reach that pinnacle of pleasure, they didn’t have time to admire and worship each other’s bodies as they would have wanted. They had just one goal in mind…to seek relief.
“Fuck, I don’t have condom and lube,” Adrian groaned. “I have to go get….”
“I have a condom in my wallet.” Oliver breathed shakily, reaching for his pants. “It’s been here for a while but I’m sure it can still do the job.” He rasped, handing it over to Adrian who smiled when he noticed it was magnum. “It’s lubricated so you don’t need lube.” He said almost desperately as he watched Adrian roll the condom over his huge long cock. Fuck, the guy needed an extra, extra-large, Oliver thought as he lustfully licked his lips. Magnum just didn’t cut it. He would have loved to take that beautiful big cock into his mouth but at that particular moment, Oliver felt his arse needed it more. “Hurry…” He whimpered wantonly.
Adrian leaned over Oliver, his eyes glazed from intense lust. He rubbed the head of his cock against Oliver’s puckered hole. “I don’t want to hurt you, Oliver. I need to use something slick. I have to…” He trailed off as his head turned towards the paper bag that still held the Italian bread and butter which had been part of their meal. They hadn’t touched it.
Adrian reached for the bag which was lying on the center table and took out the small plastic box of butter. Opening it, he scooped out a generous amount and proceeded to slick himself, kissing Oliver the whole time. He didn’t remember wanting anyone more. And when Adrian’s slick finger penetrated Oliver’s hungry hole, Oliver went insane with need. It felt so good he groaned, grunted, and whimpered for the fuck.
“Oh God, that feels so good.” Oliver tore his mouth away to moan helplessly when two thick fingers entered him. He started to buck against the delicious assault, fucking himself on those fingers until he thought he’d go crazy. “Adrian…” He gasped when Adrian’s thick fingers brushed over his prostate. His breath came in ragged gasps, his body sweating as he shamelessly begged Adrian with his body to fuck him. “Please give me your cock, Adrian. I can’t wait any longer.”
And Adrian had given it to him…hard. He’d fucked him so good Oliver’s entire body quivered with mind-blowing pleasure. He’d never felt more full or more dominated by another person. Oliver didn’t remember ever enjoying a fuck as much as he’d done that day. When he’d seen the utter ecstasy on Adrian’s face, Oliver had felt a jolt of pleasure so intense he’d clamped down on Adrian’s plunging cock with his arse muscles, causing Adrian to throw his head back and roar with pleasure. Their climax, when it finally hit, had been so powerful they’d both cried out with rapturous gratification.
It had been so good Oliver had been utterly boneless afterward. He’d returned slowly to a sense of who he was, where he was, and who he was with, never having experienced anything so wild and wonderful in his life before. All that was running through his mind at that moment was how amazing a fuck Adrian Graham was. Oliver’s body was still quivering from pleasurable aftershocks. He would have requested for seconds but apart from the fact that they’d run out of condoms, he was too spent. His eyes actually widened when he saw the load of cum covering his stomach. Oliver didn’t remember ever spurting that much cum. And neither of them had even touched his cock once. Oliver had never orgasmed that way before…just from having a cock inside him. He’d only hear it could happen but had never experienced it.
“Fuck!” Oliver gasped when he finally caught his breath. “That was fucking amaz…”
“Shit,” Adrian swore darkly and rolled off Oliver, dislodging his spent cock from his body in the process. He jumped to his feet whilst pulling off the condom. “You have to go.” He threw over his shoulder as he turned towards the bathroom.
“What?” To say Oliver was shocked at Adrian’s sudden aloofness would be an understatement. He wondered where the man who had so sweetly rocked his world just moments ago had disappeared to.
Adrian stopped at the bathroom door but didn’t turn to face Oliver. “Please…I need to think. Just…go.” With that, he entered the bathroom and closed the door.
With his face suffused with embarrassed heat, Oliver dressed quickly and left Adrian’s office for home though he hadn’t planned on going home that evening. Fuck! That was what happened when you fucked the wrong person, Oliver thought, angry at himself as he drove his sleek black Jaguar out of the hospital. What the fuck had he been thinking? He couldn’t see Adrian again. In fact, he couldn’t possibly go back to the hospital to work again.
Oliver dialed Jason’s number with shaky fingers but then cut the line before it even rang. Maggie, Jason’s wife was to undergo a C-section in two days. Jason, who got scared at the mere mention of a dentist, was going out of his mind with worry. That definitely wasn’t the time to tell his friend to take over as he was not in the right frame of mind. Damnit!
So Oliver had no choice but to go back to the hospital the following day. The nurse had opened the door to Adrian’s office for him and told him Dr. Adrian wasn’t going to come in that day because he had other engagements. Oliver knew better. For the next five days, the same nurse had opened the door to Adrian’s office whenever Oliver went to the hospital and left him to do his work. There was no sign of Adrian. Around six p.m. on the sixth day, Oliver heard a tiny knock on Adrian’s door and called for whoever it was to enter, without looking up. Adrian’s cologne hit Oliver’s senses before he even heard his footsteps.
He froze.