Chapter 4
That morning, I got dressed in my best clothing. It wasn't good enough but it was going to do just the job.
And one other thing I needed was a blessing from the moon goddess. I knew that I had gotten lots of that lately but I badly needed it now.
I clasped my hands together and I shot my eyes tightly as a prayer streamed out right from the depths of my heart.
"Moon Goddess, please let me have this job." I prayed.
I got my bag ready to leave.
When I got to the hospital, I was nervous and I could feel my heart racing fast.
For some weird reason, I tried as hard as I could not to keep a close contact with anyone. Maybe it was because I was already used to that.
While I continued to walk, I bumped into someone and my heart almost jumped out from my chest
" Hey. Watch where you are going." I Heard him speaking and the cool sensation from his voice froze my heart almost immediately.
I didn't want to but something pulled me to look up to see his face.
He was overly handsome I had to say and he made my heart skip a lot of beats.
"I have to say that you are not properly mannered." He shot the words at me, making me realize what I had done and snapping me off from my thoughts.
"I am sorry sir." I apologized to him with my hands bowed.
I haven't met with a lot of people since I came here but I have to say that he had this strange aura that was always making my heart skip a lot of beats.
I kept on staring at him from a distance. Mt heart reaching out to him.
"You would not want to have anything to do with him. Someone already has him." I heard a feminine voice behind me and I turned around to see who it was.
I noticed that it was a strange girl with the most beautiful smile.
At first, I could not believe that anyone just talked to me.
"I Sorry but." I wanted to say but she would not allow me to even spit out a single word off from my mouth.
"You don't have to hide the fact. It's normal to have a crush on him at first sight but as I have earlier started. Just try as much as you can to stay away from him for your good." She advised me.
"Anyways. I am Ella, how about you?" She inquired, stretching her hands towards him.
It had been a long time since kind welcoming hands were stretched towards me and I was beginning to wonder if that was the way that everyone was usually nice in this kind of place.
"I'm Sheila." I returned to her as I took her hands.
"Reckon this is my first time seeing you here." She said, "Are you here for some important appointment?" She Inquired but I shook my head to signify a no.
"I came here to apply for a job. I am new in town. And I was already getting confused. This place is so large that I don't even know where to head." I sighed.
"Oh. I see. I guess that we will be meeting for a while." She announced.
She directed me to the doctor's office and advised me to see him as soon as possible before he got really busy.
I appreciated her as I walked away from her.
But once, again, I was feeling so nervous and it seemed as though I was going to pee my pants.
I tapped slightly at the door and I heard a manly voice, beckoning on me to come in.
I was really afraid as I stared at the overly hot doctor who sat down on his chair working on some report.
He looked up towards me and ordered me to sit. I could feel my heart beating hard against my chest as though it was going to burst through from my chest.
There was something off about the doctor. I could feel it but I just couldn't tell what exactly it was.
It seemed as though I had known him for ages but I could tell that this was the first time that I was seeing his face.
I thought about the first incident that morning.
Was it how the men in this part of the world were always looking hot or it was just me
Or I could say it was the latest trick that the moon goddess had decided to play on me.
I was really confused.
"And?" He inquired, Snapping me off from my thoughts and returning my focus to him.
"I am sorry about that sir." I apologized.
"Well, I came here to apply for a job as a cleaner," I announced to him.
"And do you have work experience?" He inquired.
The words seized me as I had not expected him to ask me such a question and now, I was confused about the response that I was going to give to him.
I drew a really deep breath. Deeper than I had ever drawn all my life as I racked my brain on the answer that I was going to give to him now.
"Sir. I just arrived in town and I need the job badly, please. I promise that I am going to work delightedly." I assured him.
He sighed briefly as though he was battling deep inside of him with some strange forces.
"Okay. But you realize that you have to start right away right?" He inquired and I nodded my Head.
I had already read all the specifications for the job before coming over to him to apply for it.
"Yes." I returned.
He picked up his cell phone and he made a call
A few minutes later, the door made a cracking sound and someone walked into the place.