"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Mrs. Alik asked Ven before she jumped into the car, Mr. Alik also gracing her side, both of them offered Ben a sweet smile.
It was mum Mr. And Mrs. Alik's twenty-fifth anniversary so they took a two week vacation to the coasts of Rio De Janeiro. They offered Ben to come but he could, he had university anyway and he really, really didn't want to be a third wheel on his parents intimate vacation... It was just awkward.
"I'll be just fine mum! You just go and have an amazing vacation and just have fun. You too dad." Ben offered them a sweet smile, he really did want them to have fun and he felt good knowing that they were taking a break from everything. House chores, bills and work.
"Be a good boy okay?" Mrs. Alik whispers and Ben couldn't help but let out his sense of humour as he shakes his head sarcastically, "No way, I'm going to be ratchet." Ben spoke with a straight face.
Mrs. Alik reached out and lightly swatted Ben against his arm, earning a fake gasp from him, he even cradled his arm to seal the deal. Ben loved messing with them, especially his mother because she always took him seriously.
"We'll try calling everyday ... Please keep my house in one piece by the time we come back." Mrs. Alik pleaded before she jumped into the car, followed by Mr. Alik.
"Sure will. Don't worry about a thing!" Ben waved them off and for a few seconds, he just stood there, staring at their car as it slowly became a black dot in the distance.
Ben breathed in sharply at the fresh air and he arched his back while stretching, groaning as he finally felt relaxed.
There was just something about being left on his own for two weeks. No more nagging, no more pressure... Just chill time. Even though he had university, he felt like he could move at a calm pace. His mum was a bit of a neat freak... It was over bearing sometimes so at least now he had some freedom.
Ben felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he reached inside, fingers curling around the sleek, rose gold device before pulling it out and checking the notification bar. There was no name, just the normal unknown number popping up and Ben narrowed his eyes... Wondering who it could be.
•You should really get inside.
You'll never know what kind
of weirdos are out there, waiting
to take you away.
Ben's eyes widened at the text and instantly his head darts up, scanning his eyes over the entire neighborhood to check for signs of someone watching, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Just standing outside felt terrifying...
It was like how a cat would bristle up when it's scared or threatened.
Everything was quiet and the sun was just starting to set. Ben felt his heart beat rapidly as fear enveloped his very soul and without a second thought, he backed up against the gravel pathway until he was a few inches away from the porch, then he turned around fully and ran back into the house.
With a quick tap of a button, he blocked the unknown number, sighing out in relief before plopping down on the couch.
That was scary.
Ben walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with the towel as he made his way downstairs to watch some TV.
But before he could do that, he went to lock up the front and back door, then switched all the lights off, making sure everything was safe. He plopped onto the couch, staring into darkness for a while before turning the TV on.
Ben didn't keep track of time and he was probably sitting there for hours, just staring at the TV, watching dum programs that made no sense. I mean, what ever happened to good quality TV nowadays? When you were little , they would show such awesome shows. Ben loved watching cartoons so much, even though he was practically an adult, his favourite show was courage the cowardly dog but that died off a long time ago. He sighed sadly as he remembered his childhood, he knew he could never get those amazing days back.
Ben was about to wake up and head to bed but stopped his ministrations when his phone buzzed.
Ben stared at the phone, his body freezing up. He took the phone anyway, thinking it was Zack but he instantly regret it when he opened the message,
•I'll make sure to make you
Who are you??√√
Ben stared at the screen wide eyed, waiting for a reply. He was hoping this was all just a silly prank that some idiot was pulling but deep down, something was telling him that it wasn't.
•Simple. A man just trying
to get a hold of whom he
I'm calling the cops if you don't leave me alone. √√
•i wouldn't do that if I were
you, Ben.
•How the hell do you know my name? √√
•There's a lot of things I
Know about you. Your
Name should be the least
Of your problems.
Ben felt like he couldn't stare at the screen any longer because he felt like his heart was about to jump into his chest. Was this really happening ? This was probably some stupid joke played by some idiot that was just trying to scare him. Assholes with no lives...
But Ben knew he was just trying to convince himself.
•i'll just keep on blocking you. √√
•and I'll just keep on coming.
You see Ben,
I'm the type of person
whose very hard to get rid
•what the hell do you want from me?! √√
•like I've said before.
I'm going to make you
•why?! Why is it me?! What the hell do I have to offer?! √√
•Everything, you're unique.
•You know you could've just approached me and asked me out like a normal person would. √√
•You're unique, Ben, and
that makes my love unique.
Where's the fun in being...
Normal? ;)
•What do you mean? √√
•it means....