Dejectedly I came back into the car, my bodyguards trailing behind me till we all got in and drove off; my mind kept racing about the possibilities of her being alive but then again I saw her get shot, I watch her eyes flutters shut and the boat blew up in the sky. So why do I just have a feel what I saw in the crowded street is her?
"Chto politsiya uznala o vzryve?" (What did the police find out about the explosion?) He looks at me sceptically with a raise brow.
"Nichego. Pochemu?" (Nothing. Why?) He glance sceptically at me in that judgemental look taking his eyes off his tablet.
"Ona zhiva." (She is alive.) I know that look, why because he gave it to me few minutes back as I ran out of the vehicle like a madman. Maybe I have gone loco but my heart can't lie, her face, her thick curls, that skin I got acquainted with every day and night, the pretty smile but she wasn't smiling. Fear clouds her eyes which fogs in alert. Maybe it was her and maybe she was not but I have to see her body to be sure my mind is not slowly falling into an unredeemable abyss.
Firmly I cut him off with my voice taking an octave in English. "No. I know she is alive. I saw her." Sighing he lets out an exasperating groan scrubbing his face. Angry, I look out the window resting my chin on my hand frustrated as fuck. I never thought I will get to see the day I not only sound crazy but act crazy, all because of one little woman who came into my life and fucked everything up. And I will let her do it over again if I am given the chance to be with her, to have her in my arms, her body flushed against mine. She fucked me up in the worse possible ways.
"Okay, give me a few days to hack into the system and get back to you from..." I lost him there fighting my shallow thoughts. I deserve a closure at least, for me. I need to be sure when I get to close my eyes she won't pop in and out like a damn pill; to taunt me, to haunt my mind, to tease me every chance she gets.
I know I sound crazy to my brother and to my men but I need to have a proof of something, anything that will tell me I am not in fact crazy as they think. Fuck, if she is truly alive where will she be kept hidden and what have become of her? I need to find her.
My eyes snaps open looking around the vintage room, I try sitting up just to realize I’m being held captive by a bond to the bedpost and in addition to that are surgical wires trapped on my body. What the fuck happened to me? I pull at the bind struggling to free my wrists which proves ineffectual.
"Hello!" I call out still pulling my wrists free. "Anybody!" Groaning at the pains inflicted by the bind. "Somebody!" My eyes scans for anything to use to cut the bind. Nothing. "Who is there?" Screaming louder.
What is going on here? Groaning I lay down back feeling the dizzy spells creep in, my eyes shuts close for a brief second flashes of images ran through my mind. Elijah, our baby, the baby! Quickly my eyes snaps open as my hand clasp my stomach in fear searching for anything amiss; okay no cuts, slashes or bruises. No pains in my lower region so that's a plus sign. Baby is safe.
Sounds of footsteps takes my eyes away from my bare stomach towards the door, a key unlocks the door watching someone enter in. I frown watching the man wall further in, a tray in his hand.
"Who are you and where am I?!" I bark glaring at the fellow. He shakes in surprise catching me fully awake and kicking. Newsflash, I am a Vatore.
"I ask, where the fuck am I and who are you?" His lips twitch into a smile going to place the tray of food on a nearby table. It got me thinking, is he deaf or what?
"What is this place?" My eyes goes back to the room I'm being held captive forgetting for a second my wrist is chained to the bedpost as I move.
"Miss Sonia. You are awake. The boss will be glad to see such improvement." Boss? Who? Improvement? What the fuck is going on here?
"Sei sordo o cosa?" (Are you deaf or what?) Gritting venomously. "E portami fuori da queste catene che punge!" (And get me out of this chains you prick!) His head tilts observing me irking me further.
"Hmm." He got closer to the bed crouching low assessing me, maybe to scare me but that doesn't work on me as I face him a standoff glaring menacingly at him. When he sees I'm nowhere close to flinching or backing down from the standoff, he rise up slowly going on about his business as if I'm invincible in the room.
"Can I at least go to the ladies? I am pressed and I need to ease myself or do you think your boss will love if I mess up his mattress or worse myself when you could have help." Behind every pretty face is an uncanny behavior. The made him pause in his steps looking at me debating if to help and fall into my trap or walk away. Giving a innocent smile, he sighs plucking a key out of his pocket. I grin.
The moment he connects the key to the lock I seize him wrapping my legs on his neck in hopes to choke him to death while restraining his arms with mine.
"That enough." A baritone voice commands. Sorry but only one voice commands and I obey. Sadly, he is not here. I grin choking the man under me watching as his face pales.
"Let him go, I still need him alive." The voice got closer and an eery familiarity have my brows twitching. "Hello Sonia."
I died and died again. It can't be.