I Got out of the bathroom as I wiped the drops of water from my head and picked my phone .
" What's up b*tch ? Expecting a call from lover boy ? Natalie asked immediately she walked into the room and removed her heels and wig .
" Ya ...George didn't call me last night ,I wonder why " I said as I pulled my leather short skirt over to belt it .
" Maybe he's busy ....or ...." She trailed with a smirk on her face .
" Yes not that kinda guy ,you know how soft spoken and kind he his . Maybe his work with Pat ...got him tired " I said worriedly .
" I'm still wondering what work keeps your boyfriend and bestfriend busy throughout the day that brings no money ? She said and I smiled.
" it's my duty to trust them , besides Pat has been my friend for as long as I can remember and George loves me " I said and she laughed as she walked towards the bathroom.
" Say hi to the George ..." She said sacarstically as and I rolled my eyes .
I got down stairs and noticed mom wasn't around ...
" Good morning .. James " I said to one of her goons as I left the house .
I left for classes and immediately I got in Pablo winked at me as I chuckled .
I greeted the teacher and we began our daily routine ..
I decided that at the end of the day I'd suprise George with MacDonald and some soft drinks .
I know he'd love it .
" Your dancing is beautiful ...Bambi and it takes one into the imaginary world " one of the guest teachers said as he kissed my hand flirtly .
" Thank you sir " I said as I pulled my hand back uncomfortably .
" Good one ...Bambi ...good one ...I hope to see you on the competition this year " he said and walked away .
" You should get used to that if you want dancing as your career" Pablo chuckled and I smiled.
" I know ... but he could have said that before trying to get all touchy with me , did you see the way he stared at me ? It felt like he was mentally undressing me " I complained as I pulled my bag on my shoulders properly .
" Where are you off to?
" Work ..." I said and he gave a nod .
" Bye " I said and left immediately .
I arrived at the restaurant and immediately began my shift ...I wanted to live early because of the suprise visit I had planned for my boyfriend .
I just had this week before my paycheck and things would be okay for some time.
I left the restaurant after my shift and bought the MacDonald and soft drinks .
I called him immediately I got near his apartment but he wasn't taking his calls .
I frowned as I fished my bag for the spare keys . I smiled as I found it .
Placing my hand on the door knob , I noticed the door was open .
How could George be so careless to live the house without locking it ?
What if it was a criminal ? I wondered .
Maybe he didn't go far .
I decided to go in and wait for him .
Immediately I got in , I noticed the take out plates on the floor and a bottle of half used wine .
I Frowned as I walked over to it and raised the bottle ...it was an alcoholic wine .
Did he have a visitor around ? His mother ? But she's out of town ...
Who did he invite to have dinner with him ? I walked towards his room and froze ..as heard grunts ...
Followed by a loud mo*n .
" Ya ....George there , right there ... Ahn ...! " I heard a knowing voice and froze .
Pat ....?
Was this a nightmare ?
Am I dreaming ? Or did I just hear my bestfriend m*an in my boyfriend's house ?
I placed my hand on the door and swung it open .
Right there on George's bed was he and pat ... Seriosely f*ck*ng each other like there lives depended on it ..
" Sh*t ...? Baby it's not what you think ...love " He called as he got down from the bed and pat hurried to cover up .
I glanced at them Quietly as I made my way out of his house with tears flowing out of my eyes badly .
" Grace ....! Grace wait ....Grace ! He called as he stopped me .
" Don't you Dare touch me ! ...don't you dare it George ! I screamed angrily as my voice broke with each word .
" How could you ? Just why .....! I cried out loud .
" Grace I'm sorry ...I swear " he said trying to touch me .
" If you had to even cheat on me ,why do it with my bestfriend George ? I asked as my voice shook .
" Grace I'm sorry okay ...I tried staying Faithful but you wouldn't let me have you ...." He trailed and I laughed bitterly .
" Natalia was right George ....you're nothing but an ingrate . What haven't I done for you ? I work and I pay for both our bills because you've lost your job ....I gave you all of me ....the only thing was I wasn't ready for s*x yet ...'" I trailed.
" Four good years grace ! Four . .four years and you're not ready for sex ? For all I know you could have been sleeping around with your mother's customers ! He yelled and I hit him on the face immediately .
" You are the worst thing that happened to me George , and to think I was already making plans to give myself to you on our anniversary this year , I'm glad you showed me the an*mal you really are ...." I said and hurt flash through his eyes.
" Don't you dare put the blame on me grace ....! I was doing you a favor all along ... dating without s*x that too to the daughter of a prost*tute ? I deserve some accolades you should be great full to me for all the time I became your shoulder to cry on when you had no one ...." He said and I burst out crying .
" Greatful ? You know what George ....it's over , I refuse to ... continue this relationship with someone as d*sgust*ng as you as you are ! I spat.
" Grace ...babe I'm sorry ...." Pat said coming out already dressed .
" Have fun" I said as I glared at them and strolled out immediately .
My body shook emotionally as I cried .
How could they do something like that to me ?
I fell back from paying my rent many times because of pat ...I loved them so much ....
I cried as I opened the package and took a soft drink .
" F*ck ....them !
" F*ck the both of them " I screamed as I kicked the stuffs that came my way .
I walked towards my Street and that's when I noticed it was more Quiet than usual .
I checked my watch and f*ck ....its late ...!
" Let me go please I'm innocent ...! I heard a man cry and I looked towards the direction just to see some guys ... beating him mercilessly .
" I have a family please " I heard him cry and fall lif`eless .....my eyes widened in pannick as I saw the bl**d coming out of his chest .
He was stabb`ed ....!
" Hey ...You ! I heard one of them say and I took to my heels .
Oh no ...I immediately began to say a prayer in my mind ...
" I promise oh Lord if I escape from this is quit smo`king I swear I ....." I trailed as I ran into something and fell down face first ...
I gro*ned frustratedly at the impact and felt bl**d rush into my lips ...
I got up and began hiding ....my heart was pounding crazily against my chest ...
If I died` tonight no one would care , I already broke up with John ....I don't have a family considering the fact that mom.... didn't care about my existence .
I didn't know when sobs escaped my mouth softly.....
My phone began to ring from the back pocket and I cursed under my breath as I fished it out .
" Hey ..." One of the guys said as he caught my wrist .
" Let me go " I said and yanked my hands from his grip .
I made to run away and bumped into another guy ....
Oh no
" Don't pannick Belle ...we would be Quick " he said as he tried to grip my a*s and I bit his hand.
" You little cockroach " he screamed in pain as he slapp``ed me making bl**d rush out of the previous cut ...I could already feel myself getting dizzy .
" Let her go ! I heard someone say which made me stare in shock as two guys Walked out of the shadows .
" Boss " one of the guys said in pannick .
" She belongs to the Don " I heard one of them say in Italian and my eyes widened.
The Don ?
" Let me go ...just k`ll me infact " i screamed in pannick , I didn't wanna go to the Don of the Italian mafia. .
I preferred they sh*t me dead than take me to an old gorrilla with a bad eye.
I'm preety sure he's old enough to be my grandfather . I knew just how evil the minds of these criminals where .
" Let me go .....! I said hmmmn " I screamed and fought with them as they held me captive ....
" Let me ...." I trailed as I felt an injection` dig deep into my neck.... and passed out .
" Help ......! Somebody help me " I screamed the minute I opened my eyes .
I looked at myself and my hands where tied I was in what looked like a dunge`on ..
Not looked like , I was in a dungeon` .
What happened ? Who did I offend ?
Did my mom finally sell me off to the Don or something ?
" Help me ! Please somebody help me .
" Hey shut your trap `you're making a hell of noise " one of the gaurds said and my jaws dropped .
" How dare you shout at me ? Just let me out of here you idiot , is this how you and your Old Don go about shamelessly kidnapping` innocent girls like me ? ...I asked and noticed the guard open and close his mouth like a fish.
" Ah cat got your tongue right ! I just wanted to let you and that criminal boss of yours that Grace Morano bows to no one ! I screamed .
" Madam ....! One of them called .
" My name is Grace ...Morano ...Go and tell that Old Boss of yours just that ! " I screamed.
" OLD HUH ? Someone asked walking in and I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand in fear as I looked up in shock .
Love Lenny