“Kitty,” Cassie yelled. “Let’s get going.”
“Alright, give me a second,” Katherine grumbled as her fingers clutched the window. Something caught her eyes and she squinted, trying to catch a better look. She saw two glowing yellow eyes and, for some reason, she felt drawn to them. Like a magnet, they were pulling her in. She pushed her head out the window and the eyes glowed even brighter. Beautiful, she thought to herself.
“Hey, have you seen my midnight black lipstick?” Cheryl interrupted Katherine from her trance.
She shifted to speak to her friend. “No, I haven't.”
Cheryl searched her drawer some more. “Oh, never mind. I found it.”
When Katherine turned her head back to where the glowing eyes were, she realized they were gone. She closed the windows and then headed downstairs with Cheryl, thinking to herself that she might have been imagining things.
Katherine's grandpa Kelvin was sitting in the living room watching reruns of Jeopardy. “Oh, Grandpa, you're home,” Katherine beamed.
“Yes, Pumpkin. You look beautiful,” her grandfather smiled.
“Thanks, Grandpa. The girls and I are going out for the night. Don't wait up,” she kissed him on the cheek.
“I see, but Kitty don't stay out too late. The news has been reporting several animal attacks happening all over the town,” he warned her.
“OK, Grandpa, and your dinner is in the microwave.” She gave him another hug. “See you later.”
“You girls have fun,” he chuckled.
“We will, Mr. Perry,” Cheryl answered, as she and Katherine exited the house.
Katherine Perry loved her grandfather. He was all the family she had left after her parents had perished in a car accident when she was twelve. She never met her grandmother. She was told by her grandpa that her grandma had died in a hunting accident when she was a baby. Katherine's mother grew up in an orphanage, so she didn't know her maternal lineage. Her grandfather meant the world to her, but he had been sick lately, so she applied for colleges in the area so she could stay close to him. The two girls walked out into the warm night. Cassandra kept her head straight ahead of her, refusing to look in their direction.
“So I'll meet you two at the club. I gotta go pick up someone,” Cheryl said as she swung her leg over her motorcycle.
“OK, but aren't you coming to say hi to Cassie?” Katherine gave her a quizzical brow.
“No,” Cheryl replied dryly as she kicked her motorcycle to life. She secured her helmet and sped off without saying another word.
Katherine hurried over to the car. “What is going on between you and Cherry lately?” She settled in the front seat and waited for Cassandra to answer.
“Mi nuh know weh you a talk bout. Buckle yuh seatbelt yah and stop ask mi foolishness," Cassandra sucked her teeth. (I do not know what you're talking about. Buckle your seatbelt and quit asking me nonsense).
“You know I don't understand what you just said, right?” Katherine sighed.
“Mi know,” Cassandra giggled. (I know). “Just buckle your damn seatbelt, so we can go to the club.”
An hour later and the two girls pulled up at the club. “Seriously, you need a new car,” Katherine explained as she opened the door and jumped out.
Cassandra's Volvo overheated twice on the way to the club. “This car is my baby. The mechanic said that we would have died in that accident if we were in a newer model car. The material that makes up these older cars saved us from being crushed to death. Do you think we'd survive if we were in a Honda or the latest Benz? I think not.”
Katherine rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
“Rassclaat, but what is not this,” Cassandra stated as she stopped dead in her tracks. (Fuck, you've got to be kidding me). Her eyes bulged out of their sockets as she stared at the scene before her. There at the entrance was Cheryl. She was sitting on her motorcycle with a dark-haired girl coiled around her waist, grinding on her lap. They were kissing the daylights out of each other.
“Cherry!” Katherine exclaimed. It wasn't surprising that she was kissing a girl. The world knew Cheryl was a lesbian. It was the fact that Linda, Cheryl's ex-lover, was standing a few feet away bawling her eyes out at the scene.
“Hey there, Kitty. I've been waiting for you guys for a while,” Cheryl grinned while the young woman nibbled on Cheryl's lower lip. “This is Mary. Mary, this is my bestie, Katherine.”
The girl stiffened, “It's Marla. We've been seeing each other for two weeks now, and you still keep forgetting my damn name.” Marla almost blew a fuse. She unstraddled Cheryl and stood to her feet, “See you around Cheryl.”
“Wait, babe. Of course, I know your name. It's just that Mary suits you best because you are tighter than the Virgin Mary,” Cheryl lied and Marla blushed. Katherine quickly shook the girl's hand and Cassandra waited for Cheryl to introduce her, but she ignored Cassandra, placing her arm around Marla's neck and headed inside.
“Seriously, though, what is up with you two lately?” Katherine asked Cassandra again.
“Ask Cherry. She's your bestie,” Cassandra grumbled, then she strutted inside the club too.
Katherine stayed put in the car park for a minute. She was enjoying the cool air on the hot night. “What is going on between my friends?” She asked herself. Earlier she glimpsed a bench beside the bar when Cheryl was kissing Marla. With her eyes closed, she walked up to the bench, squeezing the bridge of her nose to ease her headache. It was midnight, and officially her birthday. She was born on August 24th at the stroke of midnight. “Happy fucking birthday to me,” she sighed, sitting down on the bench.
The seat was warm and soft. It almost felt like she was sitting on someone's lap. “Excuse me,” a sexy voice startled her.
She turned around and noticed that she was indeed sitting on a beautiful man. He had dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes. “Oh god. I'm sorry—I didn't see you there,” she jumped up off his lap and he chuckled.
“It's OK,” He chuckled, sticking his head out of the shadows and into the light. Katherine was overwhelmed with all these hormones swirling around in her tummy. She got lost in this man’s eyes. “What’s your name?” He asked, his lips twitched as he tried to read her.
"Ka-katherine,” she stuttered. “but everyone calls me Kitty."