" Yes, daddy. That spot... Oh my God..."
I brace my ears and scrunch my face. This is so embarrassing. I walk out of my bathroom and dry my hair. That didn't stop the moaning from my neighbor's house.
It's been two weeks since I lost my parents and sister. My life's been a mess. Despite having Todd, it didn't change a thing. I lived in the mansion for a week and I couldn't take it. I always have countless nightmares of the murder scene and i ended up crying to sleep.
I moved out the following week to this nice neighborhood to clear my mind off things. Not until the new neighbor came three days ago. He's always bringing in different women. I know that by their loud moans and different voices.
" Oh my God...Oh fuck."
God this is so gross. Who moans like that? Of course I won't know. I've been running away from sex and I don't even know what it feels like to moan. So I won't blame them. I blow dry my hair and curl it. I'm going on a dinner date with Todd today. It's like an apology date for the shit he pull up at frat. Asking for sex in exchange for a trip to Vegas. No matter what he did I just can't stop loving him.
He kinda looked out for me and helped me move into this peaceful neighborhood. But the new neighbor made me think about moving out again.
I haven't seen his face properly. But I know one thing for sure. He rides a motorcycle , wears a leather jacket, and he likes women. Just three days and he already despises me. I mean why can't they keep their vulgar act quiet for the sake of other good neighbors. One of this days, i planned on knocking on his damn door and tell him to keep his sex life private.
I run my fingers through my curls and smile. I planned on looking good. I really wanna live out of my nightmares. They aren't gone even when I actually moved out of the mansion. Recently it has calmed down a bit. Like I don't actually have these dreams frequently. And I'm grateful.
I stand up and go through my closet. I settle for a sleeveless dress that hugs my upper body down my boobs and then it flay from the waist down to my mid-thigh. Thankfully the moans already stopped. Such a stupid thin wall. I think I hear the front door shut.
Probably he's walking out the unlucky girl cause I'm pretty sure by tomorrow she's marked on his list.
A soft knock on my door startles me and I accidentally swipe my mascara. Holy Christ , who's knocking right now. Maybe Todd. But firstly, we actually planned to meet at the restaurant.
I pick up a face towel and wipe my eyes. The person knocks again. I'm already infuriated as I march to the front door. I twist the doorknob open ready to yell at whosoever that thought it's nice to make me smear my make-up. But I stopped when I'm met with these perfect green eyes.
Holy hell, where was i? I blink my eyes and look down at this stranger in the form of my neighbor. This is the first time I'm seeing him face to face. I only see his back sometimes and not his face. He's so fuckin' hot.
" Hey." He says and smirks.
Okay , I lost my voice. I look like an idiot just staring into his eyes like I just met Santa for real. Who made this man. His eyes matches his dark hair. His nose is well shaped and those lips , damn those lips. I'm jealous. Mine isn't as pink as his. I need surgery. Someone get an ambulance.
I think about Todd and our love life as I blink my eyes again.
" What are you doing here?" I ask, trying to act like I didn't just check him out.
" Done eye fucking me yet?"
Oh he's got a dirty mouth. Where's my holy water?
" Look, I'm busy. I've got a date to meet and I'm less entertained that you just made me smear my make-up. You should leave please." I say and proceed to lock my door.
He stops me and walks right in. Who gave him permission to do that? He smirks and shuts my door. For once I let my shameless eyes roam around his body. He wears a black long sleeve t-shirt and Nike sweats. He looks hot. Hot enough to boil water. I imagine what's under that shirt and I'm pretty sure he's got a nice torso.
Okay, enough eye raping.
I need to meet Todd. My college boyfriend. First, why did I specify that college part? I'm going Insane. I need to see the doctor.
" You don't look like someone who got her make-up smeared." He says and looks down at me.
I feel naked. What type of man feels comfortable looking at a woman like that?
" What do you want, Mr stranger?"
" Stranger? You know I'm your neighbor."
" Neighbor?" I chuckle." I'm sorry I just found out. And I need to tell you this , do you have to go all loud when having sex with your multiple flings?"
He raises his brows and smirks. His hands are tucked in his pockets as he looks at me.
" Thought you enjoyed everything."
" No, it's gross. Nobody sex like that."
" Coming from a girl who's never had a dick."
Who told him that?
How can someone say the D-word so casually?
" I'm sorry, what?"
" You heard me Candy."
" My name's not candy, stranger."
" Of course you're. I'd lick you if I had a chance."
I cross my arms and stare at this award winning pervert of the century. He just openly offered me sex.
" Are you asking me to have sex with you?"
He shrugs and takes a step forward." I saw something nice next door and I liked it. What? Something bad in checking it out." He says and stops right in front of me as he looks down at me.
God he smells yummy. Who smells this good?
This isn't his cologne.
I mean he just had sex , isn't he supposed to smell like sex?
What does sex even smell like?
" Nice dress." He says and he looks me down again.
He lifts his hand and let it run down my hair. Oh mercies. I can't believe my body responded to that. Oh god, where's Todd? I clear my throat and move back away from him.
"I'm sorry, but I want you to leave. You can't just come into my house to seduce me." I tell him.
He chuckles deeply and nods.
" I wanted to introduce myself. I thought it's gonna be bad if i don't say hi to my hot little neighbor." He walks forward and I walk backwards. This Is so awkward.
With every step he takes , I take one step backwards till I hit my back against the wall behind me. I'm trapped.
" Please don't come any further." I warn him but he doesn't listen.
" You really need to stop this and leave. Also you just had sex , shouldn't you be having a rest. I have a date to meet and I'm a pretty busy person." I say.
He tilts his head and watches me. My hand rests on his hard chest and I don't know why I can't take my hands off of him.
He smirks again and raises his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. Oh gracious, his hands feels really good on my skin. I liked the feeling. Oh Serena.
He leans forward like he's about to kiss me. I can't stop him. I don't move either.
" I've been thinking about what you're gonna taste like candy." He whispers against my neck.
" I bet you taste good. It's nice i make you feel this way. You won't be hard after all." He pulls back and turns his back to walk away.
I won't be hard after all.
What is that supposed to mean?
What does he even see me as?
One of his little sluts.
I watch him shut my door as I breathe out a breath I've been keeping. What type of man is that?
How dare he smell so fuckin' good?
My phone distracts me from my thoughts as I rush to my room. I forgot I've got a date with my boyfriend because of a super hot neighbor. I'm never forgetting this moment.
" Hey babe."
" Serena, where are you? I've been waiting."
Oh shit.
Fuck you neighbor.
" I'm really sorry." I apologize as I slip my feet inside my shoes quickly.
I pick my clutch and ignore adding any makeup again.
" I had to make sure I look good." I chuckle on the phone as I rush to my front door.
" Oh Jesus. " I almost trip on the threshold.
" Where are you?" Todd asks on the phone.
" I'm in my car. I'm already on my way." I say and lock my door.
I race to my parked car and fiddle with the car door.
" I'm sorry Todd, but I will soon be there, okay. Love you." I hang up and slide inside my car.
I drive onto the street and turn up the radio to help ease the tension going on in my head. I can't seem to forget what transpired between my stranger neighbor and me. He's likely a stranger to me. I don't even know his name. What he does and today happens to be the first time we ever talked or stared at each other. I love minding my business and staying indoors. After classes at college, I sometimes drive home and think about my life.
In order to stop me from thinking negatively , I watched Netflix. Eat a lot of food, and cry again. I missed Beverly so much. Sometimes I wished I didn't sneak out to go party with Todd. Maybe I could have helped or maybe I should be dead too. It doesn't even matter. I hated the world. My dad's manager, Genevieve, helped me to find these killers, but there was no trace. They were good. Maybe they were even hitmen and assassins. They couldn't find a fingerprint to trace.
The police searched the house for any proof but there wasn't. The blue diamond also went missing. But then I remembered what my dad said before he died; that if anything happens to them , I should protect the family heirloom and keep it away from people's eyes and reach. He'd kept it in a secret place where nobody can find it except Beverly, and me, including my parents. I've this huge feeling the diamond was part of their death. Because they scattered my dad's office and luckily my father moved it away. Like he knew these men were gonna walk through that door and gun down my family.
I park my car outside Lauren's diner and get out. The valet man takes the key from me after I shut my car. I walk through the double doors into the restaurant and look around for Todd. Once I see him, I smile, but it fades when I see him flirting with a waitress who's leaning over the table as Todd looks down at her boobies.
This is obviously not the first time.
And I end up falling In love with him over and over again.
My life sucks.