When his father took a step towards him Lila bolt up the stairs.He ran to his room.He sat on the floor and started crying.
A minute later his mom walked in with her arms crossed.
"Why don't you pack a overnight bag and stay at a friend tonight."
Both Lila and his mom knew she was talking about Teo but didnt want to use the word boyfriend
"You heard him he doesn't want me here its not like he's gonna sleep it off and change his mind tomorrow."Lila sobbed more tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Just...call your boyfriend."She said and exit the room
With trembling hands Lila got his phone and clicked on Teo's name.The phone rings but nobody answered.
He could hear his father's voice even with the door closed which reminded him to pack a bag.He just got his books,sleeping clothes,hygiene products and clothes for school.
His phone vibrated on the floor and he looked over.As soon as he saw the heart emojis he slide the phone screen to accept the call.
"T-teo hello?"
"Yes babe,what's wrong?"
"I...-"Lila started to sob uncontrollably
"I'm coming to get you Lila are you home?"
"Mhm."lila manage to respond
The phone was cut off and Lila sat on his bedroom floor.
In about than five minutes Lila heard Teo's car horn outside.He got his bag and ran down the stairs.He saw his father at the door shouting at Teo and Malik who looked unfazed by the man's words.
Mr.Richards look behind him at Lila.Teo motioned Lila over and the boy went to him.Mr.Richards went to grab lila but Teo roughly pushed the man's hand away.
"You choose to be with him? fine go!! get out of here.Everything I've done you still turned out just to be a piece of shit,waste of oxygen."Mr.Richards said.Some neighbors were peeking through their windows and doors but nobody seem to realize.
"Why dont you shut up before you get your ass beat."Malik stepped to Lila father.Lila hid his face in Teo's shirt .He couldn't believe what his father was saying.
"All of you get off my property."
Lila didnt look back.He didn't want to see the hatred in his father's eyes or the disappointment in his mother's.
Teo let Malik drive since Lila wouldn't let go of him.The boy sat in Teo's lap and continue to cry .Teo trying his best to calm him.Lila didn't care that he was breaking down in front of his boyfriend and Teo didn't care about that.Anyone would be crying if they went through the same thing.Your parents not accepting you is a big deal especially when they put you out.
Teo placed a soft kiss on Lila's forehead before whispering.
"Its okay baby boy,I got you."