"It could be worse."
Juliette looked at her mother with a harsh glare, before turning her head away.
This whole week she's been ignoring her.
She curled my legs up onto the couch, propping her chin on her hand, ignoring the loud TV in front of her.
Suddenly a sharp knock at the door sounded through the room, taking both Juliette and her Mum by surprise.
She got up, nervously opening it slightly.
Juliette couldn't hear or see who her mother was talking to through the crack in the door, but when she opened it, she sighed.
A young lady walked through the door, her high heels adding inches to her height.
She held a ring binder on her arm, her brown hair pulled up into a bun.
She looked incredibly superior, making Juliette fix her brunette curls before standing.
"Juliette Kerson, my name is Sarah, I'm here to congratulate you," she said coldly, glancing over Juliette's figure.
Dread spilled over her.
"For some reason your tests came back perfect, you hold no diseases, so I'm here to withhold the next test," she said, walking swiftly past Juliette before sitting down on the couch, crossing her legs like a real lady.
Sighing Juliette sat by Sarah, clamping her hands on her lap.
"This is to assess your suitability for the pack," she said, opening her purple ring binder.
"Well I don't want to be in it, is that suitable enough for you," she growled, making Sarah sigh and shake her head.
"Anyway, I'm just going to ask a few questions, that you must answer honestly," she said, Juliette's rolling her eyes with a nod.
"Do you play any sports, or participate in any physical activities?" she asked, pulling a pen from her breast pocket.
"I swim and run often," Juliette said, looking at her nails.
She scribbled her answer onto some paper within the binder.
"What is your favorite subject it school?"
"Probably English, maybe PE."
"What is your favorite past time?"
"You mean hobby?"
"Reading, and I love swimming."
"Do you have any relationship in the rouge village?"
"What? That's personal."
"Please answer Juliette."
She sighed.
"No, but my boyfriend got into the Nightmare pack last year."
She scribbled furiously.
"Have you any allergies?"
"Just hay fever."
"Do you snore?"
"Wait what?"
"Do you snore?"
"What kind of question his that?"
"A question, please answer."
"No I don't, why?"
"Accommodation reasons, I think that's it, thank you for your cooperation Miss Kerson."
Juliette looked up at her in disbelief, a little surprised that that was all that was needed.
After saying a curt goodbye, and wishing Juliette luck rather viciously, Sarah left.