Skyler Richmond has it all. Money, A beautiful face, popularity and the gorgeous William Steinberg as her boyfriend. Bot...
Prologue Prologue
The Family;
The Richmond family is your typical rich family. The head of the family, Samuel Richmond is a world known businessman. He is the CEO of Richmond corp. He is known for his good eye in business and for his addiction to gambling. Samuel made his first million by gambling, now that he's more successful, he wants to place his stakes higher.
His wife, Pearl Richmond is a full time housewife that does nothing but play golf and invite her friends over to gossip and brag about her husband's accomplishments. Pearl always warned Samuel about his gambling habit, but he would always convince her with a diamond necklace, because he knows that always shuts her up.
Samuel and Pearl have three children; Skyler, Crystal and Steven.
Skyler Richmond is the oldest, She's seventeen years old. She's obnoxious, rude and has no intentions of studying because she knows her father will get her a clothing line when she's done with college.
Crystal Richmond is the second child, she's sixteen. She's the complete opposite of Skyler who is smart, nice and has a good heart, in every sense of the word.
Steven is twelve and the youngest in the family. He's funny, and he enjoys pranking his sisters.
Crystal finds it funny, Skyler finds it annoying.
Other works by the author;
1.) The Beautiful Nerd (First work ever on wattpad, so the first 10 to 15 chapters might be weird but the story gets better)
2.) The Wedding Planner (The sequel)
Feel free to check them all out and if you like what your read, then you can just throw a follow lol..
Anyway, jump right in then!