So now I’m afraid of my own shadow? Oooo! She did not just say that, Reyna fumed. She heard a tapping sound and realized she was drumming her nails on the table. Reyna immediately halted the motion.
“She won’t do it. Remember how much trouble we had getting her to come to the office Christmas party. It took weeks of nagging to get her to agree,” Lexy reminded them.
The Christmas party was two years ago and they were still throwing it up in her face? Damn heifers had memories like elephants.
“Oh, that’s right. In that case, I double-dog-dare you. Prove you aren’t scared by going out tonight,” Delaney continued breezily.
Oh, hell, not a double-dog-dare. She’d never been able to resist one of those.
“Not just out, but out to The Gladiator,” Caitlyn added smugly.
“But isn’t it a vampyr club?” she asked. Of all the places they could have chosen, why that one?
“Yes. You got a problem with vampyrs?” Lexy asked. Reyna knew Lexy loved vampyrs by the way she was always gushing over them and updating their group with the latest vampyr news.
She looked around the table at the small group. They all appeared ready to pounce if she gave the wrong answer. Pushing her personal feelings aside, she cast a quick glance at the cloudless sky. Hopefully lightening wouldn’t strike her dead for the whopper of a lie she was about to tell. “Not really.” She clutched her suddenly queasy stomach.
“Then what’s the problem, unless you really are afraid?” Delaney continued to push the issue.
Reyna’s mind scrambled, trying to come up with a believable excuse. The truth was not an option. “I don’t have anything to wear,” she announced triumphantly. “A club of that caliber has to have a dress code.”
“We’re almost the same size. I have a dress you can borrow. You’ll fit right in,” Jacey announced, once more shocking the group.
After regrouping from another astounding revelation from the youngest, quietest, and simplest dresser in the group, Lexy turned to Reyna with narrowed eyes. “No more excuses. Jacey has the dress, I have shoes, and I’m sure Caitlyn will be happy to do something with your hair.”
“And I’ll do your makeup,” Delaney volunteered.
Knowing she was defeated, with an inward sigh she gave in to the inevitable. “Fine, what are the terms?”
Her friends all high-fived each other and grinned broadly.
“You have to go to The Gladiator tonight,” Delaney said.
“And stay for at least an hour,” Caitlyn added.
“And Monday we want all the details,” Lexy finished.
Reyna turned to Jacey. “You have anything to add?” she questioned sarcastically, beginning to realize she’d been had.
Jacey’s eyes seemed to lose focus as she gazed at something only she seemed able to see. Finally she blinked, shook her head slightly, and her gaze locked onto Reyna’s. “Let yourself have fun.” She looked like she wanted to say more but held back.
Reyna forced herself to sit back in her chair and relax, even though she felt like a cat with her paw caught in a trap. Good thing she’d finished eating. Her normally healthy appetite was gone. “If I do this, you guys will leave me alone? No more pressuring me to ‘get a life,’ as you put it?”
Caitlyn, Delaney, and Lexy’s eyes all met in silent communication. They turned to Jacey and she nodded. “Yes,” they said, almost in unison.
Lexy held out her hand to Reyna.
Reyna made no move to shake it. “What? You’re not going to spit on it to seal the deal?”
“Eww!” Caitlyn said.
“That’s disgusting,” Jacey agreed.
“Not to mention juvenile,” Lexy added.
“And this isn’t?” Reyna asked.
“Reyna, honey, don’t be mad.” Jacey glanced at the other women. “You don’t have to go if you really hate the idea. It’s just that we worry about you. Other than work and us, you never have anything to talk about.”
“No other friends,” Lexy said.
“No boyfriends,” Caitlyn added.
“You don’t even mention family,” Delaney finished solemnly.
“You seem so…isolated,” Jacey said sadly.
Reyna looked at her friends, all staring at her with varying degrees of concern on their faces. This is what living a double life led to, she realized. They had good intentions, even if she didn’t like their methods. “You’re right. I’ll go and try to have fun.”
They all heaved sighs of relief.
“Come over to my place about nine and we’ll help you get ready,” Jacey instructed.
To Reyna’s dismay, Jacey had proved to be as good as her word. Hours later she’d found herself strutting to the head of the line in her borrowed outfit, ignoring the insults and curses hurled at her, praying all the while she’d be turned away at the door. Head held high, she’d marched right up to the tall, brawny, scary-looking Roman Centurion guarding the entrance and held out the coin Jacey had promised would get her inside, no questions asked.
The security guard had given her the once over, blatantly checking out all the skin Reyna displayed. His gaze had lingered a bit longer on her pulse points than she was comfortable with, but used to dealing with predators Reyna knew not to show her unease. Finally he took the coin from her and examined it.
It was Roman in nature, with a picture of Caesar on the front. It shone with the patina of old gold, and Reyna briefly wondered if the coin was real and valuable. If so, how had Jacey acquired it? It must have passed muster for the Centurion handed it back to her and the guards standing at the door let her pass.
Fun, Reyna thought as she cradled her drink to her chest, staring into it as if it held the answers to all the secrets of the universe. Sure, she was having fun…not. This place was so not her scene. There were too many people, too many bodies packed together like sardines in a can. Yes, the place was huge but she preferred wide-open spaces with room to run and be free. Like home, she thought with a sigh.
Still trying to avoid eye contact with everyone, she gave herself a pep talk. Come on, just a little longer and you’ll be home free.
Already she could fell the hot, satiny water of her Jacuzzi tub caressing her naked body. She’d light some candles, put on some soothing music, lay her head back on the bath pillow, and soak away her cares. Closing her eyes, she imagined herself holding up her leg, admiring its slim shapeliness as the suds slid down her slender body. Anything to get her mind off where she was.
Another peak at the watch showed twelve minutes remaining. Time to start making her way to the door.