The eyebrow of female chances of fabrics before rugged answered, "Do you have an appointment? If not, you can leave."
The dead of her own child
Her POV:
"The baby didn't survive. I'm sorry for your Lost." I broke the doctor who is currently talking to my family.
"What should we do now? Will we tell him?" I broke up with Kuya.
"Of course! When he figure out the feeling of dying of loved ones!" Theo is angry.
'My baby didn't survive? My son died? ' I said to myself.
"Theo! Its Still Your Unborn Child!" Tita Shey's cry.
"Oh Come on! To me?" Theo's conversion.
"Lets Stop This Nonsense! Let Her Know And Let Her Suffer From The Consequences Of Her Wrong Doing." Daddy seriously says.
"What do you mean, dad?" There is nothing to do with the worship of Kuya.
"She Killed Her Mother-In-Law, She Almost Killed Your Sister! Let Her Suffer In Jail When It's Relit! I do not tolerate this!" Daddy's anger.
'Killed? Did I Kill My Own Mother-in-law? ' I ask myself.
Yet I woke up and I did not open my eyes when I heard them talking. I would like to see the reaction of Mommy and Kuya but I'm more hurt because of what they said.
"Its Fine With Me! I Want To Disown Her! I don't have a murderer! How disgusting!" I broke my own mother.
"I agree. It is a great shame in the family! My public reputation will be destroyed." How do I say Kuya or Should I say, Mayor Kian Andrew Hernandez?
"NO! What do you say?! Help your own child? Your own brother?" I'm going to complain of Tita Shey.
"Why Shey? He killed your brother!" Mommy's cry.
"He is?" Tita Shey is seriously asking for my family.
"Enough! I will help him kill his murder with Mommy and what I did with Katelynne and That's Final! TELL HER ABOUT THE DEATH OF HER OWN CHILD. Theo says that's a reason for my breast.
'How can they do this to me? I just loved them Why is this happiness in exchange for that love? ' I asked myself before I could hear steps, opening and closing the door.
I gradually wrote my eyes in conjunction with the influx of the tears I had been prevented.
MY OWN DAD WANTS TO SEND ME TO JAIL. My own mother and brother are desirous. My own wife is deceived and accused me! And above all .. My son died of no opponent!
I felt sick and angry because they did to me. They will pay! They pay it big! I will get back to you!
"Son?" I'm calling me because I wake up from a nightmare.
I turned to her and saw her beautiful smile, "son, we're here. Lets go."
I looked around and I learned that the plane we did. I have followed him in decrease.
I am wearing Sunglasses and Cup. I do not want anybody to recognize me. I am not afraid to catch and be confined. I was afraid to tomb my fans.
"Faith, son .." I'm calling it.
"Yes ma?" I asked before I turned to her.
"GET IN." His command so I followed.
I did not know that we were out of the airport and earned Mama on our car. Our Family Driver took us.
While staring outside the car window I could not stop back to the dark memories of yesterday.
Five years have passed since it happened. When I learned that they intend to flee to the hospital. I pretended to be nurse then just noticed that I flee.
My mom again tackled and I found out in the cemetery. Here's a buried, Kaylinne Maxine Hernandez, I am.
If you wonder how I got a nurse uniform, well, I've given me a friend who owns the hospital where I flee. When he learned what had happened and the plan of my old family had no doubt that he helped me escape.
Mom stopped me when I saw two tombstone. Kaylinne Maxine and Baby Angela. That is the name set for two tombstones. I was feeling angry when Kuya Marius told me, the older brother of my friend Margaux.
"Kay .. We Buried Your Baby Angela Next to Your Tomb. And I'm sorry but .. When we saw your tombute, it only says Kaylinne Maxine. No Surname. Just Kaylinne Maxine."
I do not know that I am especially remembered when my poor child. Kuya Marius said that no one of them wants to bury my son. I'm just a fake to bury Mayor Kian Andrew. So they just had my friend Margaux buried my son.
Kuya Marius and Margaux Told Me who did not know my previous family that I was not buried. Someone who died that day and had no family left so that they used. HER FULL FACE WAS COVERED WITH BRUISES AND BURN. They said that I burned myself with the CR of the bedroom at the hospital where I was.
"They Will Pay for Everything, Son. I'll Make Sure Of That!" I said to my son as he caressed his tomb.
Mom later took a few minutes before we decided to go home. I felt the handling of Mama in my hand when we got into the car.
"You'll Get The Justice That You and Your Daughter Deserve, Son. I promise you that." He said seriously.
I'm listening to him before answering, "yes. I will not return to France as long as I do not achieve justice. The five years of silence. . "