Having been unable to have a child for years, Ella was overwhelmed with joy when she got pregnant for her first child. H...
The Betrayal
Ella ran home with joy and excitement. The news she just got gave her great joy. It was long-awaited news.
"I am pregnant!" She whispered to herself.
Oh, how she had longed to hear and say that word, and now her prayers have finally been answered.
"You are pregnant ma'am." She recalled the doctor's voice causing her to squeal out in excitement.
The cab driver looked at her like she had gone nuts and she just smiled at him. He concluded that whatever had made her squeal like that must be good news so he smiled back at her and focused on his driving.
Ethan and Ella have been eager to have a baby since they got married three years ago. They had tried everything including a failed IVF session which had left her depressed but Ethan had been a source of great comfort to her.
Even if she were to come back to this life a thousand times, she would still choose Ethan. He was the best thing that had happened to her.
That was what she thought until she got the shock of her life.
She quickly paid the cab driver and ran upstairs to their apartment. She was so eager to let him hear the good news that she felt the elevator would slow her down so she took the stairs and since her adrenaline was high, it was not long before she got to the fourth floor where their apartment was.
She took a quick breath and opened the door. Immediately she entered the house, something felt wrong and she could not place her finger on it.
She moved cautiously in the darkness as she tried to find the light switch. She felt troubled as her heart began to beat faster.
"Was something wrong?" She asked herself quietly.
She had called Ethan's office to tell him the good news but she was told that he had gone home already so she had texted him instead that she had good news she wanted to share with him and then she immediately started coming home. She had expected Ethan to be at home which was why she was surprised to see the lights off. If Ethan was home, then the lights should not have been turned off.
A dreadful thought seeped into her mind that perhaps something bad had happened to him so she quickly gathered her courage and switched on the light.
The first thing she noticed was a pair of red heels that she knew did not belong to her. Her heartbeat doubled and she felt like she was almost having a heart attack.
She would not have been surprised to see a female shoe in the house because Ethan was a businessman and some high-profile clients would usually come to the house to hold a private meeting with him and they could be either male or female but meeting the house in darkness, that was not a business setting.
"Ethan?.." She called softly as she walked towards their bedroom and then she suddenly stopped.
At first, she thought it was the sound of a cat but then, they did not have a cat in the house they did not have pets because Ethan claimed he was allergic to their hair so having a pet in the house was out of the options.
She would have thought that it was from the neighbors but then, Ethan specifically chose this building because the wall between each apartment was soundproofed. You could only hear sounds from within the apartment but not outside the apartment.
That ruled out option number two. So the sound she heard was coming from the bedroom but if it was not a pet, then what was making the noise? She asked herself.
Cautiously, she continued walking towards the bedroom door as she felt her instincts pushing her there. When she got to the door, the sound became louder and it was not the sound of a cat meowing but that of a female moaning and a male groaning.
"Oh, baby, harder please..." The female voice said.
"Don't worry, just tell me what you want, and I will make sure you are satisfied." The male voice replied.
Ella nearly had a heart attack the moment she heard the voice of the female. The voice was no doubt the voice of Ethan her husband.
The pain of betrayal she felt was worse than the feeling of childlessness that had plagued her for the past three years. The pain washed away every feeling of happiness that she had experienced a few hours back. It took away the joy the news of her pregnancy had brought.
Ethan was cheating on her! The realisation hit her hard and without opening the bedroom door to see things for herself, she fled the house.
Ella ran away as fast as her legs could carry her. She wanted to put as much distance as she could between her and Ethan's sound of betrayal and as she ran, she cried.
Ella finally stopped in front of a minibar.
"Why don't I drink my sorrow away?" She said to herself as she walked into the bar.
Ella ordered some alcohol and started taking them in quick succession. Now so many things began to make sense to her. No wonder Ethan had not been as bothered as she was about their childlessness. He had always told her that it didn't matter if she gave him a child or not and that he did not marry her for her to give birth only but because he genuinely loved her.
"You lied to me! You bloody cheat!" Ella wailed into her drink.
The bartender noticed her drunken state and shook his head in pity wondering who was the man that was foolish enough to break the heart of such a beautiful woman.
Ella noticed the stares she was receiving due to her outburst so she drunkenly stood up and paid the bills for the drink. She was lucky enough to have carried her purse with her when she ran out of the house.
Ella came out of the bar and stood at the entrance wondering what she was going to do next. She could not go back to the house at least not in her present drunken state. She told herself that if she was going to confront Ethan, she wanted to do it when she had become sober, collected, and clear-headed.
"Why don't I take a walk to clear my head, then I will be sober enough to deal with that bastard cheat." Ella thought to herself.
She started walking around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. Soon, she found herself on a lonely tared road, she knew she was lost so she decided to retrace her step with hopes that she would get back to familiar paths.
She began to walk briskly but it seemed the road had suddenly become longer. When she was about to give up, she saw a car coming towards her from behind. She heaved a sigh of relief as she planned to beg the driver to take her back to where she was coming from.
She began to wave at the car while it was still at a distance with hopes that the driver would notice her on time and stop. The car became closer but at that point, she suddenly realized that something was amiss.
The car was getting close to her but it was not slowing down. It was then it dawned on her that the driver was not stopping to pick her but it was too late.
The car hit her with full force and she found herself flying in the air. Due to the shock, she was already unconscious before she hit the ground with full force.