His Pov.
The only thing I can feel right now is hatred as my sick sister was layed under the sacred white sheets covers.
I've never been this furious in my life before.
The machines are ticking with sounds that irritate my ears but what made me angrier is watching my only family member left, at death brink with her bones almost popping out.
The only things thats keeping her alive according to the doctor are the machines that surround the room.
All of this happened because of him and that woman, my sister's mate.
Scott Restervio I hate him so much I want to kill him.
I want to send the both of them straight to hell where they belong.
They will pay for what they did to Aurora.
His name angers me, I rather punch the walls to destroy my knuckles than hear his irritating name, his happy images on the internet even make me sick.
"I-I loved..... Him, Scott was everything to me ." My sister Aurora whispered trying to move bleakly but stops the moment she felt another pang of pain in her bones.
What a painful experience to see your best friend other half and only family in this condition.
All I can do right now is watch her with pain and my heart boiling with pent up anger.
Her life won't be long according to the doctor since she has lost a lot of blood and I hate to think my sister will be gone sooner or later.
Aurora is the only family I have left after our parents were killed by the rogues that night, we were out best friend.
We were always happy siblings partying together, running in our wolf form at night, riding horses and motorbikes during vacations, and having each other's back when we were in trouble.
But right now those things like that won't be able to happen again all I have left is going to be the memories.
Ever since she met Scott all she would boast about were his muscles and abs including his hardened chest comparing them to mine and all I could do is boast,
about mine too which would always lead to an argument.
That muscle and abs she used to boast are the things she despise right now.
Her cheeks were deep and her eyeballs are almost popping due to her severe,weight loss.
We've not seen each other in months because she decided to stay in miami with scoot since he was her mate.
After months of going in our various paths, I received a call that she had been admitted to the hospital after she lost the baby leading her to loss a lot of blood alongside her sickle cell condition all because she found him cheating on her.
Doctors said that the baby died under stress but I refused to believe it.
All-day, all night all he says was Scott here, Scott there and the fact that she couldn't bear a baby of a cheat in her.
Then that bastard Scott Restervio was the one that brought her to the hospital and left her her.
How dare that obnoxious bastard do that?
Who the hell does, he think he is?!
"Get well soon, sis. You don't have to waste a tear for that scum bag. He doesn't deserve you.",I coldly stated pulling the covers over her.
Her lips were dull,colorless and she has bags under her eyes.What an annoying sight.
"I-I..It-...is..wa..s wit..h a g..irl na..med Ve....ronica. I ne..ed my dai...ry I ne...ed to co.....mplete it"Her voice came out in a whisper trying to talk as clear as she could but her voice wasn't the same as it was .
She and her wolf are weak due to the loss of blood and her wolf couldn't heal her even if it tried,making it difficult to talk normally.
"Stay here Aurora I'll bring your diary to you . I'll make sure they pay for this big time. I'll make Scott and that lady regret the day they were born." I muttered staring down at her skinny and paper-thin state.
Those damn people didn't just destroy her, physically but emotionally and mentally.
He ruined my sister's heart too, he is the root of everything that happened to Aurora and I'll never forgive him with that.
Doctor Jamie opened the door of the private ward carrying a tray filled with injections.
"Good Afternoon Mr Arthur, visiting hours are almost over " She said and gave me a heart-warming smile placing the tray filled with injection beside Aurora.
"I can't leave my sister behind, I once did and this is what I came back to .We are the only ones we've got and we've had each other's back for years and I promise to be with her everyday" I replied with a smile, but behind my smile is boiling blood.
"Aurora are you ready to take your drugs" she asked my sister placing the injection setting her hands to prepare her veins.
"Bye sis I'll be back as soon as it's visiting hours again, I love you" I said placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I.. lo...ve...y..O..u to..O" she replied
"See you around Mr Arthur" Mrs Jaime said as she gave me a thumbs up and I moved leaving that place for a plan.