Everyone looked stunned at Vanya's slim and slender body, she also looked taller than them. Even though he is still 14 years old. How could he change his body within 3 months in his room? Obviously they always gave him appetite enhancing drugs. okay, forget it. Maybe his body looks better than my other grandchildren, but what about his face? Lusi saw that Vanya's face was still covered, she knew now. Even though his step-granddaughter became slim, her face still wouldn't change and would still be ugly, pimply, dull and wrinkled. Lusi tried to suppress her laughter inside, like the rest of her family.
Sonia looked at Vanya from top to bottom, she was very jealous of the red shirt she was wearing. "Vanya, where did you find that dress?" Sonia was curious.
"Of course it belongs to my beloved mother. Besides, where else should I wear used clothes from?" Vanya quipped at her aunt who often made her wear a negligee which resulted in bullying and insults from noble students.
Diana, who didn't like Vanya's tone of voice, immediately said it without thinking. "6th little brother, are there not enough used clothes given by our mother? Why do you have to wear clothes that don't belong to your mother?" Diana quipped back.
Vanya laughed behind her veil, it was clear that her older cousin didn't like seeing her wearing such beautiful and luxurious clothes. "Sorry, I can't say much now. I think I'm late." Vanya wanted to avoid arguing with his family who looked at him with hatred. The driver swiftly opened Vanya's door to the rear carriage. "Let me sit in front," Vanya said loudly.
The coachman answered, "Miss is still small, please let Miss' older cousin sit at the frontBesides, this is Martinez manners."
Vanya turned around, seeing Sonia and Diana's triumphant smiles. Vanya clenched his fists. It's okay, Vanya. For now, just look good in their eyes. If you rush it will upset them. then you won't be able to know what new plans they will make.
Sonia walked carefully and entered the carriage, she sat so gracefully like a future queen, she deliberately behaved like that because she wanted to marry the Crown Prince. Vanya, who knew how to sit and walk, just rolled his eyes lazily, because he had experienced this for 4 years in his past.
Arriving at the school yard. Suddenly everyone gathered to greet him. "Hi. Miss Martinez is here!"
"Hi, the beauty of the country has arrived." the others cheered too.
Sonia got out of the carriage first and walked slowly to greet the other princesses. Sonia really looks very elegant when hanging out with noble children at her school. Even his younger cousin, Diana, didn't want to lose to him. He is the same as Sonia, still maintaining his dignity at school and being everyone's pride. They continued to chat, laughing and complimenting the Martinez family's daughter. until a daughter of an official's child now asked the two cousins who were enjoying hearing the praise from the nobles. "Hi, it's been 3 months, where is that fat guy?" Sasa asked, interrupting Sonia's conversation with her friend.
Sonia, who didn't like him, answered curtly, "Why are you asking me? Besides, don't pretend to be close to him. Do you also want to be bullied like him?
Sasa couldn't accept hearing Sonia's arrogance and arrogance, he said with an annoyed face. "He's nicer and more polite than your arrogant self." Sasa stays away from the crowd who continues to make Sonia the prima donna at her school. Sasa really doesn't like being friends with people who like to bully other people like Sonia and Diana. always pretending to be good in the eyes of the princes and Crown Prince, even though he is actually cunning and evil.
Vanya, who had just gotten off his train, was now walking towards the school gate, when suddenly a strong wind came, forcing everyone to turn around and see where the wind was coming from. But when they turned around, they saw a beautiful girl in a sleeveless red dress with a slit in her thigh, so that her thighs were as white as cotton and smooth. She has a sharp aura that makes everyone fall in love without seeing her face behind the veil. The strong wind made her hair fly so beautiful to look at.
"Wow, who is that princess? Why have I only just seen her at this school?" said everyone together. However, it didn't make Vanya proud even though he heard everyone's praise for him. Vanya continued walking, choosing to go to class because class time would start soon. Until the sound of the horse's iron hooves roared loudly, making everyone run to see. where the horses continued to lift their front legs while screaming loudly as the reins were pulled by the rider. Vanya, who was curious, looked from a distance to see who the people were causing chaos on the school field.
"Hurry up! "Those are the princes and the Crown Prince," said a hysterical noble princess and son in awe.
"Sonia, that's the Crown Prince! Look, he's looking this way." Sonia smiled shyly when she heard that.
Vanya continued to observe from a distance, unaware of naming the horsemen one by one. "Rafka Philip the Crown Prince, Jeje Philip the Second Prince, Brian Philip the Third Prince, Devan Philip the Fourth Prince. In the end, they will be killed by Devan himself," said Vanya suddenly.
When the British Princes got off their horses, another prince from another country appeared. Vanya saw 3 princes on brown horses from different countries, namely Prince Revano from the Netherlands, Prince Daniel and Prince Yustine from Persia. They are friends with the Crown Prince—Rafka Philip. Not long after the 3 princes from other countries arrived, there was another roar of horses running very fast. A very beautiful and fast white horse, suddenly it screamed loudly when its master pulled its bridle.
Vanya knew the masked man very well. he had silver hair, was big and tall. He is still related to Prince Revano. In the past, Vanya knew the silver-haired man very well, he was the second prince of the Netherlands. However, for some reason Vanya suddenly forgot his name and strangely, while she was married to Devan in the past, the silver-haired man suddenly disappeared and never appeared again in Britain. The mask he wore still remains a mystery to this day.
everyone didn't know what he looked like. In the past, it was said that the masked prince had a defect in his eye so he was not crowned Crown Prince in the Netherlands and chose to flee to this country. He was the favorite child of the King of the Netherlands because of his genius. Even though the King of the Netherlands persuaded him, he still didn't want to be crowned as a future King, the reason was because his eyes were disabled. Vanya was lost in thought, but suddenly Sasa stopped his thoughts. "Isn't he very dashing? He looks mighty even though the mask is a barrier on his facePrince Pavlo Dirgantara, that's his name. He is very unpredictable, even difficult to know."
The last name Sasa mentioned made Vanya stop thinking. He turned around to see Sasa mentioning Prince Pavlo Dirgantara's name. Really, Vanya forgot that name. if Sasa hadn't said his name, Vanya wouldn't have known.*