The following day, Aunty Aminah took me to her friend. The place wasn't as close as I thought, it was in the middle of the city. "This is the restaurant" she said immediately we reached a two storey building, it was really awesome. I wonder why most of the buildings in the city were all about storey, even shops! You couldn't pass a line without seeing storeys, how I wish that was the same case in the countryside too!
We went into the restaurantand surprisedly, there were lot of customers at such early morning hour. One of the waiters recognised Aunty Aminah and welcomed us humbly. "Madam is very busy now, you can please have a seat over there and wait for her" He said pointing at an empty table.
"Alright, thank you" Aunty Aminah said.
"You are welcome, ma" He said smiling.
We headed to the empty table and got ourselves comfortable. Aunty Aminah ordered coffee for both of us which we took while waiting to be called.
The place was so nice, you could see lovers dining and enjoying themselves. I didn't want to keep looking around like a fool so I composed myself and enjoyed my coffee.
Minutes later, we were summoned and directed to an office. Seated on a swivel chair was a beautiful woman in her Ankara going through some files. She looked pretty much like someone in her late thirties. She welcomed us wholeheartedly and asked us to occupy the two visitors' chairs facing her.
"You came unannounced, Aminah. I hope everything is fine?" The beautiful woman said with a wrinkled brow as soon as we settled down.
"Yes," Aunty Aminah cleared her throat and continued. "This girl here is my husband's niece, she came from the village just yesterday. She wants to learn how to brew coffee"
"Hmm" The woman glanced at me with a sigh. "Actually, we already have enough brewers" She said and continued. "But if she can be our delivery girl, she's welcome"
"Delivery girl you say?!" Aunty Aminah squealed. "But she can't ride a bicycle, nor can she handle a bike" She added.
"Hhhh" the woman busted into laughter. "We have car and a driver, Aminah but it's for longer routes. If she can cope with that then she's welcome"
"Can you?" Aunty Aminah turned to me with a wrinkled brow.
"Yes" I nodded my head, and that was it. She got me registered and I was given a blue Polo Top and a face cap containing the logo of the restaurant's brand.
"Your work starts tomorrow!" The woman apprised while beaming at me.