Do dead people come back to life? And if yes, do they come back with new family? And what happens when they resurrect an...
Dedicated to yu_tanit
May placed the last box in the leaving room and looked around. She had been packing for the past one week and to be honest, it was tiresome. She smiled as she pulled her phone from the back of her pants and composed a small text message to her husband.
She couldn't believe that they were finally moving back to their country. Another continent with different people and different cultures. She would miss this country very much. She would miss the people and everything they represent. They taught her allot and she would carry that with her as she left.
May walked to the kitchen and looked around. This whole house had memories of almost six years. If it was up to her, she would prefer to stay here forever and never let anything make her move. But she had to do it for her husband, after all, that's what wives should do, right?
For the past five years and eight months, it had been her husband who sacrificed. It was him who flied all the way to them every month. It was him who made time for his family despite his work schedule. He sacrificed for them. He did so much for them and it was about time she did something for him in return. It was about time she showed him how much she was willing to do sacrifice for him.
"Momma momma!" that angelic sound pulled him out of her thoughts.
She walked out of the kitchen and there stood her son looking around. He was searching for her. May looked at her son and her smile widened on her face. He was her strength and she would do anything to protect him. She would even kill for his sake.
May remember the first time she held him on her hands. Those tiny fingers of his held her in a protective way and she knew it. She knew that her son would do anything to protect her and her the same.
"What's up Gab?" She asked once she was behind him.
Her son turned around and looked at her with those green eyes of his. If hers were green, then they were no near her son's. They brought out a beauty that she was sure in future would be a real problem.
"Are we really moving?" He asked.
May saw the look in her son's eyes. He wasn't happy with the news from the moment he heard them. And that was two months ago. He wanted to stay here. Where he was born and brought up. And she felt for him. Gabriel knew this country only. He knew this people only and she felt his pain.
It's not like they where moving to another town or county. They were moving to another continent. And she understood him. Hell, she knew no other life apart from this. She did try to understand both sides. Her husband's and her kids side.
May knelt before her son, "Don't you want to be near your Daddy, Gab?"
"I do, momma but all my friends are here." She gave him two seconds before he could break. "All my friends are here."
"But we already talked about this love." She wiped a lone tear from his cheek. "Remember what dad said?"
"Ye... s momma."
"I promise I'll make sure he keeps his promise to you two. Okay?"
"I guess so."
May pulled her son and kissed his forehead. She moved on to hug him tightly making sure to rub his back so as to come him down.
"Now where is your sister?" May asked after a few seconds had passed. "We have an hour before we leave."
"Are the movers here?" Gabriel asked looking around. The furniture had been covered up.
"You dad said to give him five minutes which ends," she pulled her phone out to check. "now."
"I'll call Gabi then."
And he walked out.
May watched her son walk away. She felt a tear slide down her cheek. How she wished she could just stay here forever. But that would be too selfish of her. For almost six years her husband moved to and fro just to see his family. If you asked her, it's about time they stayed together as a family. That's what family does, right.
"Momma!" Her other angel came in running to her already opened arms.
"Honey," May kissed her two cute cheeks. "Where were you?"
"With Natalia." Gabriella answered. "Gab said Dady was here already."
May laughed at that. Of course Gabriel knew what to make his sister go running. She was more of a daddy's girl than mommies. That's why she wasn't crying over the fact that they were leaving.
"Daddy's girl." Her son murmured from behind.
"Mommies boy." Of course she heard that.
And then the bickering began. It was always like this. May watched her kids and her smile was starting to hurt. She moved away from them as memories came to her.
The first time she learned that she was pregnant. The joy she felt knowing she and her loving husband had created a leaving thing. She remembered how he had stayed with her till she delivered her two beautiful souls and stayed a year long not caring about his work. To him, he would have no other way than that. Her and their kids and that's why she fell for his each day.
"They're on each others throats again." May jumped at that masculine voice that sent shivers down her spine. She hadn't even heard him walk in. "Didn't they do this this morning?" He asked kissing down her neck.
May held a moan that was threatening to slip her lips. "This is what you're signing up for Mr. Reigns."
May felt her husband turn her slowly and carefully to look at her. His dark eyes were so cute and it's that time she wishes that her twins inherited them instead of hers.
"And I'm a happy man while doing that Mrs. Reigns."
He took her lips into his and they were heaven. Just before things could get out of hand, there was a knock on the door.
"Mama Natalia."
Both twins called in union as they run to their neighbour and May's best friend for the past five years. They had already forgotten that they were fighting over who was the first born.
"Gabi and Gab." she said hugging them. "Have you guys already said goodbye to Natalia?"
"Gab is a coward." Gabriella said once they broke the hug. "He has a crush on my best friend and he doesn't want to say goodbye."
"Not true, I saw in an animation that goodbyes aren't easy to say. Better see you soon."
"That's true." Mama Natalia agreed.
"I'll miss us watching Maria together." Gabriella said her voice breaking.
"And I'll miss watching Great Kenyan Bake Off with you." Gabriel chipped in.
Mama Natalia let her tears flow down. "And I'll miss watching animation with you guys every Saturday morning along with Natalia. She will miss you guys terrible."
They all hugged again with tears. She was their godmother and she was going to miss them as much as they where going to miss her.
"Now go and tell Natalia see you soon."
"Okay." they said walking away to the next door.
"Come here." May said opening her arms to her best friend.
They talked for a while as the movers carried their box away. They had other thirty minutes to be on their way.
"Please watch over those munchies for me." Mama Natalia said with tears.
"I'll." May answered. "And you watch over my future daughter in law, okay?"
They both laughed and hugged once again.
"Video call me once per week and if you find oversees boring remember that Kenya is never boring."
She laughed. "I'll remember that."
After their final goodbyes or see you soon as Gabriel called then, they got in the car and drove away. Soon they were settled on the plane and taking off.
I pray that we find happiness in over new home.
May prayed and let her eyes close. After all they had allot of hours behind getting to their destination.
If only she knew what awaited her on the other side of the world, she would have rather preferred to stay back in Kenya.
There goes our prologue. What do you guys think? Do you've questions in you mind that need answers? If yes, then welcome to Remember Me.
Let's give this chapter ten votes and five comment and I'll update tomorrow.
Till then, have a blessed Sunday tomorrow. It's already night over hear.