She was as beautiful as a dream. Dawn was slowly creeping in as Blake continued to hold Anna s delicate body in his arms. He had left the bed for only a while. Long enough to wake his lawyer and have some changes made in his will. He would drive by the office on his way out of town to sign those papers.
No matter what happened, he would make certain Anna was provided for from here on out. But he definitely intended to be back. He stroked his hand long the gentle curve of her back as a smile tilted his lips. Oh yeah, he d be back. He had staked is claim, no way in hell was he going to let it go.
He glanced at the clock in the bedside and sighed deeply. He had lain there as long as he could. If he didn t get up now, he would be late arriving at the airfield for his pickup. If he was late, his commander would chew his ass up and spit it out good. And the commander chewed painfully.
Blake moved carefully, trying to slide from the warmth of Anna s body, wanting to watch her sleep, content, sated, for the time being.
Blake? Her voice was a husky question of desire as he slid to the edge of the bed.
Glancing over his shoulder, his chest clenched. Son of a bitch, he had to leave. Yet there she was, all slumberous and warm, watching him with such adoring innocence it was all he could do to leave the bed.
I want you to stay here. He knelt at the side of the bed as she rolled over to him. I ll be back soon Anna. Promise me you ll stay here until I get back.
She frowned, perfect white teething nibbling at her lip.
What do I tell everyone?
That you re my wife, he said softly. Tell them that, Anna. He turned, pulling the small drawer from the bedtable and lifting the velvet box from the interior.
The rings had been his mothers. He had been saving them, knowing that one day he would give them to Anna. He opened the box as he turned back to her, watching her eyes widen as astonishment at the sight of the perfect wedding set.
A wide gold band with it s matching marquis cut diamond for her. A wider band for him.
When I come back, we ll plan the wedding, he whispered, suddenly feeling more vulnerable than he ever had in his life. I know this isn t exactly traditional, but I want you here Anna. I want this to be our home, if that s what you want.
He didn t question his sudden belief that this was right. Didn t question the overwhelming imperative need that he do this. That he make certain she was taken care of, provided for. He had lived by his wits for too many years to question the sudden tingle in his gut.
You mean this? She watched him, as thought terrified he was going to take it back.
Black slid the rings from their resting place, ignoring the constriction in his throat, and slid the wedding set over her ring finger.
I love you Anna. This is all I ve wanted since you were seventeen years old. It s what I need now. Will you wait for me?
Her lips parted in astonishment, her eyes glistening with emotion. She slid the other ring from the box, picked up his hand, and slid the ring over his finger. The fit was perfect.
Swear you ll come back to me, she whispered. And I swear I ll wait.
His hand cupped her cheek, his lips lowering to hers.
I swear it to Anna. No matter what. I ll be back.
The kiss seared his soul. Her lips parted beneath his, her tongue shyly mating with his as her hands speared into his hair. His muscles tightened with the effort to hold back. To pull away from her loving grip until he could stare into the passion rich depths of her eyes.
Our home, our bed, he whispered. keep them warm for me baby. Because I ll need you when I get back. More than you know.
The missions were destructive, to both soul and mind. Blood and death, betrayal and deceit. Each job held an immeasurable amount of each.
Forever, she swore.
Forever. His lips touched hers once before he forced himself away from her.
Forever began with yesterday, and it would continue tomorrow, he told himself as he prepared to leave. He felt her eyes on him as he showered and dressed, knew she would be thinking of him. Waiting on him. He had a reason now to return.