Maybe I should do it when I get home so I don’t have to see her…my wife.
A violent shudder wrecks my body at the mention of that word followed by a nasty snarl from my naggy wolf.
He really hates her.
I focus on the noise of my work boots crunching the gravel. Its a soothing sound.
Unfortunately, I’m right by my car.
« Time to face the beast ». But I have no one to blame, I did this.
A surge of self loathing hits me as I yank open the drivers door and literally throw myself in.
« Hey pal, how are you ? ». I ask kindly as I lock my car door.
Hale, Courtney’s cousin, is walking past me with his girlfriend.
This is the only relative I can stand for her family.
His blue eyes narrow as he speaks.
« She demands your presence ». He sighs with as much distaste for her as I feel.
I sigh quietly.
« Thanks pal ». I mutter half heartedly as I pat his back, I make my way up to the pack house.
What does she want now ? Another car, a golden dress ? My heart ? ?.
Me and wolf both cringe at that.
Having sex with her…is difficult and rare.
‘She better not touch us ! Its only been a month since the last time and I still feel used’.
I couldn’t help but smirk at my wolf’s childlike behaviour.
« Don’t worry, Cujo ». I reply mischievously.
This pulls out a snort of laughter as I push open the door.
My nose is immediately assaulted by my wife’s scent.
Spice and fire ash.
Swallowing the suddenly bile in my mouth, I push on forward to find her, I just need to get this over with so I can try and dream about my beautiful mate. I wonder if he has changed much ?
Does he still possess those golden emerald eyes ? That golden chestnut hair ? Hopefully he’s still 5’9 so he can fit perfectly under my arm.
« Babe ! ». A shrill kardashian sound pierces through my happy time.
I enter the living room to find Courtney standing up by the fire place, her figure on full display as she wears a very tight and revealing cocktail dress.
This is where my money goes ?
A bad investment.
I stop by the couch and watch her expectantly.
« Yes ? ». I snap rather harshly.
Thankfully this pulls her out of her stupor, she takes a deep breath as she runs a hand through her now dyed blonde hair.
Charlie better not have dyed his beautiful hair.
Feeling a slight possessive growl rumble within my chest.
« I have something to tell ya ». She says with a hint of worry, her whole body language screams fear.
This gains my attention as I sit on the arm of the sofa, giving us a respectable amount of space.
I wet my lips.
« What is it ? ». I inquire quietly.
I watch as she wrings her heavily jewelled hands together, a nervous chuckle falling out of those over the top glossed red lips.
My eyes land on her mould green eyes, never as pretty as Charlie’s.
My wolf agrees with a pride yip, feeling pride wash through me at how beautiful our mate is.
Courtney sits down on the edge of the coffee table, too close.
My wolf snarls quietly but I cut him off as I see genuine fear in my wife eyes. I lean forward, resting my arms on my thighs as I watch her.
« Tell me, Courtney ». I demand softly.
Her eyes flick to mine, holding forming tears. She nods with a heavy sigh.
« Hunter, I’m… Pregnant ».
My whole world shatters.
« Oh my god ! Shut up, please ! ». I manage to spit out through the laughter that wrecks my entire body, my stomach hurts from how much strain has been put upon it.
I wipe the tears from my eyes.
I look back at a hugely smiling Theo, his eyes crinkling up as his dimples are on full display.
« What ? I’m just telling you what happened ». He shrugs like it isn’t a huge deal.
« So you’re telling me that you actually orgasmed at a dinner table ? ». I repeat the absurd scenario, only chuckling a little bit.
I watch his face intently, his rather handsome face.
I see no forced expression, just a serene one.
He nods and wets his lips, I track the movement. He has very nice and shiny lips.
« I swear on my parents life, my girlfriend decided to play football…with her foot…get it ? ». He turns to me and throws me a sly wink.
I feel my lips twitch at his behaviour.
« Yes, I got it ». I reply with an eye roll.
He nods to himself as he picks up his can of coke and takes a sip. I smirk at the scene.
This will be fun.
« So, she gave your balls a massage ».
The gob full of coke flying onto his lap is my victory.
1 :34pm
« Well, here we are ». He says with a small and slightly sad smile. I turn to him in my seat and return it.
« Well, you have to go back to work at sometime don’t ya ». I wink at him ; his smile turns into a smirk now.
« You really shouldn’t wink at a restless police officer, I might not be able to control myself and the next thing you know, you’ll be handcuffed to my steering wheel ». He teases with a slight seriousness, it makes my stomach go all fluttery especially when he reaches over and intertwines his huge hand with my semi small one.
My being warms at the contact, I squeeze his hand slightly relishing in the feel of his callous skin against my own.
I feel a warm blush work, it’s way onto my face but I keep my eyes on his and he looks very much like the cat that got the cream and the mouse- hell, he looks like a very greedy cat which equals a happy cat.
I love cats, I need a cat.
A warm squeeze to my slightly cold hand brings me out of my dreams ; I turn to my left and find Theo smiling hugely at me, his head leaning against the head rest of his seat as he stares intently at me.
« What’re you thinking about Charles ? ». He asks in a whisper, I roll my eyes at his nickname for me.
I shake my head with a small shrug.