Iris had decided to go, she took her things and left the Packhouse in the middle of the night.
The Packhouse was burbling with activities in preparation for Emmett's joining in two days.
The maids and the entire Packhouse servants walked to and fro, in hurried steps Carrying flowers, new sheets, and boxes.
They were all too busy to notice that she'd been shut up in her room for a week after she'd signed the divorce papers, too busy to know when she slipped out with some little clothing.
There was only one place in the whole Moonbay pack where she thought of going as she left the Packhouse.
Emmett had watched through his window that night as she walked out carrying a bag, a smirk stretched his lips.
He parted the curtains slightly not having to crane his neck to see her with the moon reflection pouring out as she walked away ...out of the Packhouse and out of his life.
Meggie came up behind him, wrapping her hand over his bare back and peering over his shoulder.
She smiled," Victory at last,"
Emmett looked over his shoulder at her as she pressed herself against his body.
" I know she wouldn't be foolish enough to stay," He said," Finally, she can give us some space for our joining"
"I can't wait to be your Luna," Meggie smiled again," It's all a dream come through, for three years I'd tolerated Iris, three years I've listened to all her rubbish about love"
Emmett watched as she disappeared into the shadows, he heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, he wouldn't have to see her anymore.
" Forgive me, my love. I was just waiting for the right moment to finally reject her as my mate," He said, "I showed her the signs but she was rather too blind to see it"
Meggie turned him around to face her, her smile steady and pleased.
" Soon we shall join and you won't have to worry about her," She told him, " Iris is now history "
"What if she finds out?"He asked
"Don't worry, she won't. If she didn't notice a thing between us for the past three years what makes you think she would now?"
Emmett thought about it, and he smiled. Truth was, he didn't care at all if she found out, she might get to find out sooner or later but she'd have to deal with it.
Iris had walked in the darkness which was only lit by the moon, she walked down paths and roads until it was dawn.
She came upon an old cottage and she stopped, she listened and heard voices coming from it, gold lights escaping through the slightly opened windows.
Iris walked to the front with vegetable hedges at either side, she gave a gentle knock at the door and took a careful step back, waiting.
She heard soft footsteps and she seemed to relax, the day was becoming brighter now and it was starting to be windy.
She tucked some strands of hair that the wind had blown over her face behind her ear , and just then the door pulled open with a squeak.
As she looked up, her eyes rested on an unfamiliar but extremely handsome face.
Her heart kicked against the wall of her chest as she stared at a tall young man, his eyes were a perfect shade of warm honey and his hair, long and unkept fell over his forehead to his eyes, a stubble resting on his chin.
Iris thought she'd never seen a man half as handsome as he stared down at her too.
They both stood looking at themselves without uttering a word when she heard a voice from inside the house.
"Who is it, Erin?"
"Uh..," He drawled, not knowing what to say.
When there was no response, light footsteps approached the door and then a woman in a long flowing dress pushed past him.
"Iris!"She gushed
Iris's eyes moved from the man to the woman who had surprise written all over her face.
"Hello, mum"Iris whispered.
The man stared down hard at her as she said those words and he eased away so Tatiana, Iris's mother could step at the door.
Tatiana held her daughter's hand, worry had replaced the surprise as she led her in.
Iris stepped into the small bit warm house and drew in that familiar scent of rosemary and vegetables, drawing the sight of her home after three years.
"What happened? why are you here all of a sudden?"Tatiana questioned," I didn't receive word from the Packhouse that you would be coming to visit"
Iris remained quiet, she glanced across at the stranger standing behind her mother now, he was tall but lanky.
Tatiana followed her eyes," Oh, honey. Meet Erin, a very good friend of mine, he's from Wildwood pack but comes here often to help me with the vegetables and wood...Erin, meet Iris, my daughter, the Luna of this pack"
Iris couldn't hold back her tears anymore at her mother's last introduction, she dropped her bag on the cold marble floor and burst into tears.
"What's wrong, honey?"Tatiana asked," Did anything happen?"
Iris knew she couldn't have heard the news for her mother had lived deep in the heart of the pack, a section set aside for the omegas.
"Emmett...he rejected me as his mate, he made me sign the divorce papers... he's joining with another soon" She cried.
"Oh, my" Tatiana whispered as Iris drew into her for a hug, crying.
Soon Tatiana had set her down, while Erin made her some tea to calm her nerves.
Tatiana stared at her daughter after she managed to give a brief explanation of what had been happening in the Packhouse in the last three years.
"You can't stay here, Iris, "Tatiana told her daughter," The whole pack would mock you, I don't want you to go through all that"
Iris stared into her untouched tea, she wrapped her hands around the mug, drawing in the hotness.
"I don't have anywhere to go but here, the worst part is that I don't even know who the woman is...the woman he's leaving me for"Iris whispered.
"You have to forget about Emmett, what is done is done. You have to move on, honey"Tatiana told her
"I have to go back, at least to get some explanation, anything "Iris looked at her.
Tatiana shook her head, "Going back there will only bring you more pain"
Iris wiped her face, "Then I'd risk that pain for one last time,”