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Rejected Omega's Pregnant Payback

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He groaned in my ears that he loved me over and over again but he chooses to be with another. Rejected, I ran away heart...

Romancelove-trianglePregnantCounterattackAlphaLunaFemale leadIndependentrejectedRevenge


The rumbling of thunder rasping voice creeps out from the gloomy darkness. The rough splintering wood and the cold drafts blew vehemently giving slight cracks through the surface of the earth. The moaning of the wind – a cold clammy hand with gigantic claws brushing through the pack revealing the full moon which showed that something significant was about to happen, what was that?

Every year, the full moon which signifies the Wolf Moon is accompanied by three three-day festivals that all werewolves must attend. The last day was the main deal where the Alpha does something extremely significant. What was that?

At exactly 12 noon at midnight,

the light emitting from the moon heightened as it suddenly felt colder than ever. The moon rose in the sky, casting an eerie glow on the atmosphere. Its shadows seemed to move and dance in the gloomy darkness, as the air was filled with a strange energy. Reaching its apex, the trees seemed to creak, groaning through the wind. The sound of howling grew louder and closer until it was all around the pack.

The night is fully ripe for the Alpha to choose its mate with other wolves gently resting on their various spots enjoying the moment. The Omegas arranged themselves one after the other hoping to be chosen by the Alpha.

The Alpha king- Patrick sat on his throne and looked regal and imposing. His eyes were piercing as his sharp gaze swept over the crowd before him.

He's dressed in fine robes with his crown sitting atop his head shining brightly in the light.

He stood up and moved deliberately as his magnificent presence filled the place.

The sound of the alpha king's voice echoes within and through the corners of the pack, It's clear and resonant-a powerful tone that demands attention as the silence of the pack amplifies every one of his words.

Finally, he speaks, his voice low and dangerous. His scent- strong and heady as though it was a mixture of sandalwood, musk, and lavender, with a subtle hint of cloves with an overpowering and intoxicating aura making it impossible to ignore.

“Cyan, proceed forward.” He commanded, “And as for the rest of the females- you may now leave,” he instructed- his voice; strong and clear. “For the long-awaited night is over, the Alpha king has made his choice - and that's the final verdict for the pack.”

Vanessa, one of the OMEGA'S was taken aback at his conclusion as the crowd erupted in a chorus of gasps and everyone returned to their various abodes waiting for the final coronation the next day.

Many OMEGA'S left the ceremony heartbroken but one of them happened to be even more heart piercing.

Vanessa's POV.

Dressed in my simple gown, my hair pulled back in a tight bun; looking small and vulnerable amid the imposing surroundings.

I felt the roughness of the stone floor beneath my feet. The air was cool and clammy, making my skin feel cold and damp. The fabric of my gown feels scratchy and quite uncomfortable.

I entered my adobe as a musty scent from the room mixed with a faint smell of incense filled the place.

My sweat mingled with anxiety filling the air- creating a potent combination of a heavy and cloying scent, making it difficult for me to breathe. My mouth was dry, and my tongue felt thick and swollen, making it difficult to speak.

I looked around the room, taking in the tall stone walls and high ceiling. My eyes- wide and bright, reflecting the level of pain I was having.

I could hear the steady beat of my own heart, and the sound of my breath as it came out in short gasps. The echo of the alpha king's voice reverberates in my ears, causing my head to spin.

I sat alone in my room, staring out the window at the gray, overcast sky. The rain pounded against the glass, as the wind howled outside.

I could feel the cold seeping into my bones, and I pulled my blanket tighter around my shoulders.

The silence was deafening, as I could hear the thudding of my heart in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes, as I let them fall, rolling down my cheeks onto my pillow.

I could taste the saltiness of my tears as my nose was filled with the scent of wetness and dampness. I moaned as the bitter sting of disappointment filled my stomach.

The darkness of the room made me feel small and alone as I could feel some sort of emptiness bubbling within my heart.

I could remember that very day he groaned in my ears that he loved me over and over again, but he chose to be with another. I revealed.

If only he knows the kind of pain he's caused me tonight; even after everything we shared during our early stage of relationship right here in the pack. Pathetic, how he just woke up one morning only to throw all of that under the carpet for reasons best known to him.

“I will run away and never return.”

I said, vehemently drying my tears- reaching out to get my luggage.

“I can't sit and see my own Alpha get mated to Cindy tomorrow.”

“I might just pass out if it's happening right under my nose,” I confessed frantically hurrying up with my bags and in a short while there were no traces of my footprint anywhere near the pack.


The Next day which happens to be the significant Coronation where the Alpha king uses his staff of power to crown his new Omega mate-Cindy who was already there waiting for her mate.

The Alpha king -Patrick thundered from inside when he discovered that the spot where the staff was kept felt empty and exposed as if a piece of him had been taken away. He growled and snarled, searching for any sign of it.

“Where's my staff?”

“Everyone ransack the entire pack and look for it immediately.” He yelled, as in his chest- his clear and resonant voice echoed around the room, filling every corner and demanding immediate attention; his sense of smell heightened, picking up on every trace of scent in the room detecting the lingering smell of a thief, a mixture of sweat and fear but who could it be?.

The air was heavy with a scent of anger and rage. His eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail. His gaze- intense and focused, looking for any clue.

He is restless and angrily pacing back and forth, his footsteps echoing loudly throughout the room; he insists-clenched isis muscles tense, and his expression dark and brooding. The tension in the room was palpable, the air crackling with energy; the sound of his breathing- loud and ragged.

He sits uncomfortable trying to think deeply to remember who or where he must have dropped it, his muscles unclenching and his breathing returning to normal. His eyes closed as he brought his focus inward, trying to clear his mind and think rationally. His posture- calm and composed, his hands resting in his lap. His thoughts slowed down, as he analyzed the situation and considered his next move. He looks still but his mind is extremely whirring, processing everything.

It's now dawned on him that his staff was with his first love

“Vanessa”. Frantically, he instructed some betas in the pack to go fetch her immediately.

There was a sudden earthquake on the ground when they returned to tell the Alpha king -Patrick that Vanessa was nowhere to be found.

She's gone, alongside the staff.

Oh no! What will now happen to King Patrick and his soon-to-be mate, Cindy?

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