Ren sat on the hospital bed and let the nurses draw his blood, he wanted them to take as much as they needed or could take. He was happy and scared at the same time. The revelation that he was a father made him happy, the child was an absolute copy of him. it was an overwhelming feeling.. the reason he was always scared of having a family or bringing kids into this world was because of mafia underworld. it was always a matter of "Blood for Blood" he had killed so many people,wiped out so many families and had so many enemies. Everyone one of them wanted to find out his weak point, they wanted revenge and would do anything,hurt anyone just to get to him. He felt the need to protect his child and the mother. she was sitting there looking desolated,her eyes were suken deep inside and she looked tired from crying and worrying. He could only imagine what she had been through.
you know you never told me your name" he said after he nurses took what they wanted and walked out leaving them alone. He sat on a bed opposite the one his Daisuke was laying on.
"You can just call me Himari like everyone else" she shrugged.
"No..." he refused "i want to know your real name" he added.
"Faye.. Faye"she said in a quiet tone.
"Are you hungry?" He asked. He wasn't just trying to make conversations he was genuinely concerned, he looked at little pale, Her lips were chapped.
"No, I'm fine.." she said getting up to her feet. He wanted to insist but his phone rang.
"Oyabun Ryukyu clan has declared war against us.." A voice on the other line said, He could hear the sound of Gunshots being fired repeatedly. He turned to look at Faye who was pacing up and down the hospital room.
A nurse walked in as he walked out to continue on the phone.
"Aikawa, Gather the men and inform them at the Warehouse. i'll be there in 30 minutes" he said but the person on the other line suddenly went quiet and the line went dead. René knew what this meant, Aikawa had been shot. He was furious. He called tanaka on the phone and asked him to hurry to the hospital and pick him up. He'd be back for faye and Daisuke later.
"Ma'am,wake up!, Doctor!" He suddenly heard the nurse who had walked i scream. He rushed back in only to find Faye passed out on the floor. He quickly bent over to carry her and place her onto the empty bed next to Daisuke while the nurse rushed out to get a doctor.
René was now conflicted, he didn't know wether to stay with them or leave them behind.
"take care of them, I'll be back" He thought of their safety but this war at hand was more crucial and for their safety he had to leave because, he knew if he didn't leave, the war would come to him and if it did, they could get hurt.
He walked out of the hospital's entrance and A black roll royce stopped right infront of him and he got in the front of the passenger's side..
"Aikawa has been killed. Ryukyu men took them unaware at the Warehouse in shotengai" Tanaka informed René. They had never fought a yakuza war and not win,the problem was the casualties during the war, the streets of tokyo was often bloody during such times but now Tanaka could see the worry in René's eyes and he knew why. They had grown up together and as childhood friends, he could clearly read all or almost All of René's expressions. He was clearly worried now that Faye and Daisuke were in the picture.
"Can you do a background check on Faye?.."René said but stopped halfway after seeing the expression on Tanaka's face. He clearly didn't know who Faye was.
"I have a son" René said. "The girl from that night four years ago, she has a son and the boy's mine"he explained. they were still sitting in the car and after he said this Tanaka started the ignition and drove out of the hospital.
"Her name's faye and i need you to do a background search or something. i need more information on who she's related to" He continued.
"She doesn't belong to our world. it's too dangerous for them,If she has any relatives, I'll pay them so they can stay there for a while...untill the war is over" René said heaving a sigh.
"you could send them to the villa in hachioji." Tanaka said, his focus still on the road.
"it's not safe enough" Tanaka said leaning back in his seat with a sigh.
"Then send them to Hakone, it's more hidden and secure" Tanaka said. The Tokugawa Family was a wealthy four generation clan and almost everyone in the clan was well to do even he Tanaka. one would ask why then was he serving René so faithfully, why was any of the men still in the clan. The answer was that it wasn't just about the billions of money made from the Yakuza underground business, it was a question of loyalty for generations before them and besides René had been his bestfriend from childhood and they had each sworn to have each other's back.
René took out his phone to call Another one of his close circle men Masaru.
"Prep the private jet" He said
"To where oyabun?" Masaru asked on the other end of the line.
"Hakone..." René said dropping the call.
He had never been this emotionally conflicted before, his was the reason he avoided anything to do with women and children.
"Turn the car around, we need to get back to the hospital" He said and tanaka stopped the car by the road side turning back towards the hospital. He felt uneasy like something bad had already happened. this was all he was scared of,them getting hurt.
"Mr Tokugawa, your wife and son have been Taken away"The doctor that had done Daisuke's blood transfusion came rushing immediately tanaka pulled the car to a halt at the entrance of the hospital.
"shit!!" René cussed massaging his temple. This was what he had been scared of but how did they even find out so quick that he had a connection with Faye and Daisuke. Just then his phone rang.
"You'll come alone unarmed or else I'll send you the heads of your wife and son" Nobu Takahashi said on the other end of the line. René quickly put the phone on speaker so Tanaka could hear him too. The line went dead and a message popped up on the screen. it was the location where Nobu Takahashi expected him to go, An abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of tokyo. René snatched the keys from Tanaka and got into the car, he started the ignition and sped off. He could easily get rid of the entire Ryukyu clan but first he needed to make sure faye and Daisuke were safe. this whole father thing was new to him and the doctor at the hospital had thought faye was his wife. what sort of man leaves his wife and son in danger. They was terror in his eyes as he drove on high speed.
Faye woke up tied to a chair in an abandoned building. her son was laying a few feet away from her on a small mattress by the corner. She looked around by there was no one in there with them. she suddenly heard footsteps rushing towards her from behind.
"oooh so you're the one bold enough to capture the almighty René Tokugawa's heart" A palé slender woman looked down on her circling her like a predator. Her eyes looked menacing and it scared faye. what was with all these people. ever since she encountered René four years ago, everyone seemed to be after her life. But what scared her the most was the safety of her son.
"i think i like you too"The lady said roughly grabbing her face digging her long red polished nails into her cheeks. she forcefully kissed her shoving her tongue into faye's mouth. Faye struggled to get her off and when she wouldn' bulge,faye bit her lips.
"baka!!"she wailed in pain staggering a few feet away before rushing back to slap faye across the face. Her lips were bleeding.
"Get away from her Hime!!" René said slowing walking towards the two women.
"careful Tokugawa, you're in no position to be making demands" Nobu Takahashi said entering the room from another door behind Hime. René stopped in his tracks. Hime trailed a pocket knife all over faye's face.
"pretty face huh!" Hime teased "you wanna keep her pretty? listen to my father's words and thread carefully. Although René was afraid or moved by their threats, he had to hid to them for faye and Daisuke. faye already looked very scared having a knife placed at her throat.
Tanaka and a few men from the Tokugawa clan stood at a secured place watching the activities that took place inside the building with snippers positioned ready for signal.They hadn't discussed any type of signal font before René drove off but he knew his boss was counting on him to save the day like old times. Whenever the time came to save the day,he'd know exactly what to do.
"You killed my son and now I'm going to do the same to yours"Nobu Takahashi said furiously. René had killed his only son,his only link for the Ryukyu clan to climb it's way higher into the top of the Yakuza hierarchy in Japan. For years he had plotted to overthrow the Tokugawa clan of the top of the hierarchy but his plans were ruined because his son was dead they was no one to continue the Ryukyu clan's legacy when he was gone.
Nobu pointed a gun at the child who was laying in the corner fast asleep unaware of all the troubles of the world. René frowned, the boy still hadn't recovered yet and he was placed in such a poor condition. only the thought of this was enough to make him more furious than he already was.
"I'm going to count to three, if you do not release my wife and son, I'll wipe out the remaining trace of your existence on this earth" René said put up one hand in the air. unknown to Nobu Takahashi this was a strategy to give a signal to Tanaka. He already knew his men were around and all he needed to do was give them a signal, they would understand. The reason why the men of the Tokugawa clan were feared so much was their intelligence in everything.
"By the count of Three,i won't be this merciful anymore" René said putting down one finger.
Tanaka watched from outside and carefully tried to decipher René movements. He understood that Him putting up a hand and counting his fingers was a signal for them to take out every member.
"Get ready, whatever finger he stops at, clear out every one of them that belongs to the Ryukyu clan" Tanaka order his men.
René slowly put down another finger and Hime rolled her eyes. She pierced the knife on faye's cheek and it started to bleed. he slowly put down third finger and held onto it and bullets started to fly into the building from everywhere. He rushed over to faye and pulled her into the corner Daisuke was kept as the Ryukyu clan men scrambled for safety, they had been taken totally unaware. René covered faye and Daisuke in the corner untill the bullets stoped and every one of Ryukyu clan men were laying dead on the floor.
"Are you okay?" he asked untying her but then suddenly felt the cold mouth of a gun to his head.
"Atleast if i die, I'm taking you with me" Hime said and René smiled coldly turning to look her in the eyes. They glistened with tears.
"Say hello to Osamu for me" just a as René had completed those words, A bullet was shot right through her head.
Faye was shivering with fear. She was so scared that she felt she could pass out from the exhaustion of it.. A few of René's men came rushing in.
"Good job" René said to them. He liked to praise his men. He was extremely proud of them. He picked up faye and as he passed by Tanaka he gave him a nod of gratitude and he nodded back. Tanaka picked the sleeping child and they headed back to the hospital.
Tonight just proved the more how much ranger faye and Daisuke were in now. René made up his mind he was going to send them away to Hakone because more danger was already in-store for them here in the city of tokyo.