Ever been in a delusional world?
That’s Kimora’s lifestyle,she’s a fan of Ameera Winkerbell,the only thing she wanted i...
Starting from the beginning
Gardener’s Apartment*
As the light comes on, it illuminates the room and all of its contents. The walls are covered with posters of Ameera Winkerbell, and there are shelves full of books and memorabilia related to Ameera. Kimora is sprawled across the bed, snoring softly, with her arms wrapped around a pillow that has a large image of Ameera's face printed on it. The room is cozy and cluttered, with a sense of comfort and familiarity.
“Kim don’t tell me you’re still sleeping” Her best friend, Amelia entered her room and sighed when she saw her best friend still sleeping
Kimora's eyes fluttered open as Amelia's voice reached her ears. She looked around in confusion for a moment before realizing where she was.
"Amelia?" she mumbled, her voice still thick with sleep.
"Kim, it's almost noon!" Amelia exclaimed.
"I was starting to get worried about you. Why are you still in bed?"
Kimora sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "I must have overslept," she said sheepishly. "I didn't mean to worry you."
"It's okay, I was just surprised to find you still sleeping,"
“Oh my” Kimora screamed and Amelia shook a little from where she was sitting
“Why didn’t you wake me for the shoot, I’m late” Kimora yelled
"I tried to wake you, but you were sleeping like a rock!" Amelia said with a laugh.
"I didn't want to disturb you, since you looked so peaceful. But I guess I should have known you'd be worried about missing shoots. You're such a dedicated actress!"
"I can't help it, I love to act!" Kimora said, her face brightening.
"It's like my whole world revolves around acting. I just get so into it, I lose track of time."
Amelia smiled.
“So tell me what role did you get this time around” Amelia asked
Kimora's face lit up as she answered.
"I got the lead role in the school play! I'm so excited, I can hardly believe it. I've been working so hard to improve my acting skills, and it finally paid off!"
"Wow, that's amazing!" Amelia exclaimed. "You must be over the moon! What's the play about?"
"It's a classic, 'Romeo and Juliet'," Kimora replied.
“I’ll be playing Juliet’s slave role, and guess who’s the female lead” Kimora screamed
“You don’t expect me to know” Amelia answered
“Well it’s my role model” Kimora screamed again and Amelia shook her head
“You keep screaming every time it comes to her not like she’s special or anything,” Amelia said and Kimora frowned immediately
She stood up and Amelia hugged her
“Common I’m just kidding, your Ameera is special” Amelia laughed, and Kimora hissed at her
“You’re very wicked” Kimora pouts
Amelia burst out laughing at Kimora's reaction.
"Oh, come on, you know I'm just teasing you! I know how much you look up to Ameera. She's an amazing actress and role model."
Kimora smiled, her pout melting away.
"I know you're just teasing, and I know you're right. Ameera is an inspiration to me. She's so talented and dedicated to her craft. I only hope that one day I can be as good as her."
Amelia put an arm around her friend's shoulders.
"You will be, Kim. You just need to keep practicing and believe in yourself," Amelia added.
"Ameera didn't become a great actress overnight. She had to work hard and believe in her own abilities. And so do you. You have so much potential, Kim. I know you can do it."
Kimora's face softened, and she felt a rush of gratitude towards her friend.
"Thank you, Amelia. That means a lot to me. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."
Amelia gave her a squeeze.
"The feeling is mutual. Now, let's get you ready for practice. No time to waste!" Kimora nodded
“When will you be done with practice,I have to come pick you up”Amelia said and Kimora smiled
"Oh, good point," Kimora said. "I'll probably be done by 6pm. Can you pick me up then?"
"Of course!" Amelia said.
"I'll be there with bells on. Or at least with the car, anyway." Kimora giggled.
"Just the car is fine. No need for bells."
They reached the location and said their goodbyes. Kimora waved as Amelia drove off, then took a deep breath and walked inside. She was ready to put her all into this play, and make it the best performance of her life.
"Hi, Kimora!" A guy smile as he walk to her
“Samson” Kimora smile too
"Hi, Kimora!" Samson said cheerfully. "How's it going?"
"Oh, you know, just the usual," Kimora replied.
"Lots of rehearsals and not much sleep. But it's all worth it, right?"
"Absolutely!" Samson said. "There's nothing quite like the thrill of being on stage. And you're such a talented actress, Kimora. It's a joy to watch you perform."
Kimora blushed at the compliment.
"Thanks, Samson. That's really nice of you to say."
"It's just the truth!" Samson said with a grin.
“I don’t know any I’m feeling happy just by acting as a slave,but since I’ll be close to my role model,I’ll gladly do it” kimora smiled and Samson frowned immediately
“Ameera isn’t the female lead,who told you Ameera is coming” He asked
Kimora was taken aback by Samson's words.
"Wait, what? Ameera isn't the female lead? But she's supposed to be! That's why I agreed to do this play! I was so excited to work with her!"
Samson shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Kimora. I don't know where you got that idea from, but Ameera isn't in this play. The female lead is another actress."
Kimora felt her heart sink. This wasn't at all what she'd been expecting.
"I... I don't understand. I thought I was going to get the chance to
"To work with Ameera?" Samson finished the sentence for her.
"I'm really sorry, Kimora. I don't know why you thought that, but it's not the case. Are you still interested in doing the play, even though Ameera won't be in it?"
Kimora bit her lip, considering the question. On the one hand, she'd been so excited to work with her idol. But on the other hand, she loved to dance, and the play still sounded like a great opportunity. After a moment, she nodded.
"Yes, I'm still interested. It's still a chance to act”
"And to challenge yourself," Samson added.
"I know you've always wanted to improve your craft, and this is a great chance to do that. I promise you won't regret it."
"You really think so?" Kimora asked.
"I know so," Samson said, his voice full of conviction.
Kimora looked at Samson, trying to gauge his sincerity. After a moment, she nodded.
"Okay, I trust you. I'll do the play, even without Ameera."
"That's the spirit!" Samson said, smiling.
"And who knows? Maybe you'll even end up liking it better without Ameera. You might get more opportunities to shine."
Kimora grinned.
"You might be right."
"Of course I am," Samson said, laughing.
"This is your script, you have a scene to shoot in the next one hour!"
Kimora took the script and flipped through the pages, trying to get a sense of what her role was. Her eyes widened as she read through the lines.
"Wow, this is a big role! I'm going to be on stage a lot!"
"You're going to be amazing!" Samson said, his voice full of encouragement.
"You were born for this."
"Thanks, Samson," Kimora said, feeling her confidence start to build.
"I really appreciate your support. It means a lot to me."
"Anytime, Kimora," Samson said. "Now, let's get you ready for your role" he added with a wink.
"Your moment in the spotlight is about to begin!"
Kimora took a deep breath, then smiled. "Bring it on!"
With that, the shooting began in earnest. Kimora threw herself into her role, giving it everything she had. As she went through the scenes, she began to feel more and more at ease, and her confidence grew with each passing moment. By the time the shooting was over, she was buzzing with energy.
"You were incredible!" Samson said, his eyes shining with pride.
"I knew you had it in you!"
"Thank You, Samson," Kimora said, her heart overflowing with gratitude.
"Your encouragement really made a difference. I don't know if I could have done it without you."
"Aww, shucks," Samson said, blushing slightly.
"You would have been great even without me. But I'm glad I could help."
"You definitely did," Kimora said.
"I feel like I can take on the world now!"
Samson laughed.
"I wouldn't go that far! But I'm glad you feel more confident. That's what it's all about, right?"
"Absolutely," Kimora Agreed.
"Confidence is the key to success, in acting and in life.” Kimora nodded.
"You're so right. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more confident you are, the more successful you become. And the more successful you become, the more confident you become."
"Exactly!" Samson said, his eyes lighting up.
"It's like a virtuous cycle. Confidence leads to success, and success leads to more confidence. And the cycle continues."
"It's like magic," Kimora Whispered, almost in awe.
"And it all starts with believing in yourself. If you can do that, the world is your oyster."
"So true," Kimora said. "And it's not just about believing in yourself. It's also about being kind to yourself. Self-compassion is just as important as self-confidence."
"That's a great point," Samson said. "Too often, we're our own harshest critics. We need to learn to be kind to ourselves, to give ourselves the same grace and understanding that we would give to a friend."
“Samson,your attention is needed” A lady said
“Will you be okay alone”Samson asked Kimora
Kimora nodded. "I'll be fine. Go take care of whatever needs your attention. I'll just run through my lines a few more times until you're back."
"Thanks, Kimora," Samson said, giving her a quick hug before hurrying off to see what the director needed.
Left alone, Kimora took a deep breath and got back to work. She went over her lines again and again, trying to commit them to memory. She was determined to do her best, no matter what.
After a while, she started to feel the butterflies in her stomach. It was almost time for the big performance
The house was painted in pink and the interior was pure punk,the guards and the maids were putting on pink and white uniform
Some of them are parading in the pink house,in a room the maids was preparing bathing water and a lady could be seen sitting down on her queen sized bed as she get ready to bath,revealing her face to be Ameera
Ameera looked around the room, taking in the opulence of her surroundings. The pink walls and white furniture were a far cry from the simple life she had once known. A life that now felt like a distant memory.
“The water is done my lady” one of her maid announce to her
She walked over to the bathtub, stepping into the warm water with a sigh of contentment. As she sank into the tub, she closed her eyes and tried to relax, letting the warm water soothe her body and mind.
“Bring me my phone” She said to the maid standing beside her
The maid hurried over to a small table by the bathtub, picking up a iPhone and bring it to Ameera.
Ameera took the phone and began to scroll through the messages that had been sent to her while she had been bathing.
The phone ring out loudly from her hand and she smiled when she saw the caller
“Hey bestie” Ameera smiled from the phone
“Babe where are you” A lady said from the phone
Ameera's smile grew even wider as she heard the familiar voice on the other end of the line.
"Hey, Samantha! I'm just relaxing in the bath. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much," Samantha replied.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out later. Maybe go out for dinner or something?"
Ameera considered the offer. It would be nice to take a break , to spend some time with her best friend.
"That sounds great," she said. "I could really use a night off."
"Awesome!" Samantha exclaimed. "We can go to that new restaurant that just opened downtown. I hear it's supposed to be amazing."
"Ooh, I've heard about that place too," Ameera said.
"I heard the food is incredible. We'll have to try it."
"Absolutely!" Samantha said. "We'll make a night of it. We can eat, maybe go see a movie, just relax and have fun. What do you say?"
Ameera couldn't help but smile.
"It sounds like a perfect night. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Absolutely," Samantha said. "I can't wait!"
With that , they said their goodbyes and hung up.
Ameera set her phone down and closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the bath wash over her. In that moment, she felt a sense of peace and contentment. But as she relaxed, her thoughts drifted back to the responsibilities that awaited her. She knew that no matter how much she enjoyed her night out with Samantha