Gosling yawned softly as she dragged her feet across the sleek wooden floors down the hallway. One turn and she jerked, almost colliding to the nearest thing, which was a vase. In front of her was none other than the man from before she assumed was Ares and seemed to have his hands restrained, as well with two guards on his side and some behind him as well. Dorian stood in front of him and whipped around to see Gosling.
"Oh..good evening. I found him."
Her eyes were wide and hopping around from Ares, the guards, Dorian, and just about anything in the room. "What are you about to do to him?"
"Well if he hadn't run away you wouldn't have had to see this exactly… I'm just going to talk to him to offer him an opportunity."
"Opportunity my ass." Ares grumbled and quickly earned glares from the guards surrounding him. "Just kill me or put me in jail already. No need to lie to the lady, she's our age, right?" He laughed but it was filled with anything but joy.
Gosling could only think of her uncle who could laugh in such a way. She turned her attention away from Ares and solely on Dorian.
"Is that true?"
Dorian sighed and glanced at Ares before looking at her. "Partly," Gosling's eyes narrowed and he shook his head quickly. "But not the killing part. He may have to go to reformatory since he's not willing to pay for the damages made. Matt says he didn't make enough to have his work pay it off."
"Look, I'm here for my own personal reasons. Not to cause trouble." Ares chimed in again but was dismissed.
"Take him away for now, I will speak to him later." Dorian mumbled to the guards who gave him a nod and started to walk away with Ares.
"HEY!!! You're gripping too tight!"
"Stop gripping on him. He hasn't physically harmed anyone." Gosling made the guards freeze as Dorian stared at her with his mouth opening and closing.
"I...see. Well, you are correct. But I can't have him escaping."
She weighed in her options and decided to stay firm. "Keep him here in your sight then. Whatever you two must discuss is there a reason why I can't hear?"
"I suppose not." Dorian sighed and the guards' grip on Ares relaxed.
"Anyway, I'm hungry." Gosling glanced around. "I'm not used to these surroundings."
"It's alright, let me show you the way to the dining room. Dinner should be ready, if not then soon." Dorian glanced back at Ares. "Why don't you join us?"
The guards glanced at Ares then between each other then Dorian with their eyebrows knitted. With a nod from Dorian, they fully released Ares.
"Just because I'm being fed does not mean I will agree to any little thing." Ares rubbed his wrists muttering. "But thank you for not giving me slop."
"Of course." Dorian flashed a smile before wrapping an arm around Ares's shoulders steering him along.
Gosling wasn't sure if Dorian was trying to be polite or just didn't want her to give him anymore stare downs. He was the Prince, after all, she was just a prisoner- guest. If he ever wanted to he could throw her into jail just as he was going to do to Ares. So why didn't he?
She watched the back of Dorian's head, wishing she could know all that was going through his head. Perhaps then they could reach more common ground.
Once in the dining room, Dorian had pulled out a seat for Gosling which was on the right side of the head chair. She thanked him as Ares lingered back but was making his way to the table. He pulled out a chair at the very far end that was three seats away from the other head chair.
"You can push that chair back in." Dorian pulled out the chair on the left side of him. "This is where you can sit."
Ares eyed the chair for a while before eyeing Dorian as he made his way over slowly. By the time he sat down in his seat the hefty woman from earlier… Ag something, rushed in with a tray. The scent was strong, filling Gosling's nose, staying, invading-
She jerked when the table was shoved against her a little from Ares jumping up from his seat. "Steak, potatoes with onions?!" He inhaled. "Tons of other vegetables too." He licked his lips as his hands slowly moved along the table like they were reaching for the tray.
Gosling pushed the chair back, which knocked Ares back in his chair. He grumbled, shooting her a look and she turned her gaze elsewhere. She didn't think she had shoved it anywhere like he did, or at least she didn't mean to.
Dorian blinked at Ares and Gosling for a while before glancing at the woman. "Where's the tea?"
"Janice will be here with it soon. But I was thinking you would care for some wine? Also, your father ate already."
"Perfect." A smile spread across his face. "As usual, thank you, Agnes."
Agnes's face seemed to have gone a darker shade when another lady ran in, she had a tray as well but a teapot and three tea cups. It was the same one from before? But she hadn't noticed the silver M despite, with all it's curves and swirls, that was engraved on the teapot. It had some purple spots that was also on the teacups. With a closer look the purple was the color used inside the teacups.
This lady was the blonde who must have been Janice as Gosling started to piece together. She wondered if she would ever remember their names as Janice went around to give them each a teacup.
"Wait! Wine first-"
Dorian cleared his throat. "Actually, I think we all need to be calm, at least more calm before we have wine that could make things a bit more...less calm?"
Janice gave Agnes a look with a little smile that seemed far from angelic, but maybe that was just because Gosling didn't really like her. Either way, Janice started pouring Dorian tea first as Agnes made Dorian's plate. Then Gosling was poured tea, it was mostly clear with a red tint this time. It didn't look unappealing but it also made her suspicious. But when she moved onto pouring tea for Ares she noticed it was ruby-red, just like hers that one time. And when she glanced at Dorian's tea, his looked like hers, meaning Ares was either getting masked or something else.