The first thing that I noticed was Dr. Jacobs was right over my body, pushing me down onto the table where I laid. She then moved her hands towards the sides of my body, moving them all the way up towards where my shoulders were. She looked into my eyes, and I flushed.
"What’s the matter? Nervous?” she asked me.
I nodded, flushing in embarrassment. How did I tell her that I hadn't’ kissed anyone in so long, and the fact that this busty MILF was smelling heavenly just completely intoxicated me.
“It’s okay. I'll take great care of you,” she told me.
It was then when I felt her lips press against my own. The kiss was well, shocking in all honesty. I didn’t expect to like it so much. But here I was, kissing her with a passion that seemed to drive me insane. She then kissed me back, and I felt like I was completely enraptured by the way she was kissing me. It felt so perfect, so good, and in all honesty, I wanted more of this.
The way that her tongue explored mine felt amazing and a bit intoxicating. She let it touch slightly, pushing a little bit around, and I missed her back, moaning in pleasure at the sensation of all of this. She then moved all the way back, blushing as she looked at me.
"You good?”
"Yeah, I'm good,” I told her.
I honestly felt like I was in heaven, and I was just getting a taste of it all. She then kissed me again, this time exploring my mouth further, and letting her hands drape against my body. They were so
close to my breasts, and I knew that I had to be quiet, lest someone found out about me.
She moved herself back, looking at me with expectant eyes.
“By the way, I’m going to need you to stay quiet during all of this. We don’t want people knowing about you, right?” she asked sweetly.
I nodded, and that's when she moved her hands to the little gown they gave me, pulling it off my body. The only thing I had on right now was the cloth covering my pussy that they used for examinations, and I realized just how exposed I was.
She then started to roam her hands against the sides of my body, touching there slightly, and I immediately moaned, bucking my hips and enjoying the touch that these possessed. I started to gasp as she moved her lips down to my neck, lightly touching and biting there. She looked up at me with a bit of a glare, telling me implicitly to be quiet so that we didn’t get found out.
I tried my best to stay silenced. I didn’t know just how long I could manage this sort of thing though. It felt amazing, so good, and honestly fucking perfect. I felt like I was completely enraptured in the pleasures of the flesh, something that this doctor bestowed onto me like it was a gift, and I was the one partaking in it.
I noticed as well as she did this, she then moved herself downwards, letting her lips lightly touch against every single little crevice of my body, enjoying the sounds that were uttered from my mouth. She then moved towards the apex of my naked breasts, lightly kissing and teasing me down there. She then looked up at me, her eyes in a clinical look.
“By the way, I am going to have to do the checkup too. let’s just say that this is a little reward for your hard work,” she said.
I blushed, realizing that she would indeed have to do everything that she needed to as a doctor. Which unfortunately meant the pelvic exam. Fuck, that was going to suck.
She then moved her hands towards my breasts, first touching them in a clinical manner, ensuring there weren't any lumps and such. When she realized there weren’t, she then grabbed them a little bit in a more erotic manner, making me catch my breath for a second.
It felt...well nice really. I hadn’t had someone touch me like this in forever, and honestly, this doctor felt so nice. Her touches were soft, but her grabs were heavenly. She then pressed her fingers to my nipples, causing me to let out a soft moan.
"You’re sensitive here,” she said.
“I am,” she replied.
"Good. Because I love the sensitive ones,” she told me.
I flushed, realizing what she was doing. She then moved her hands against the very tip of my nipple, pressing it there. I shivered, moaning out loud and in pleasure as she continued to do this. I felt like I was at the mercy of this woman, this hot, arousing woman that seemed to know how to touch me in two different ways, both of which felt amazing.
She then moved her lips towards one of the nipples, pressing against there, and as she kissed it slightly, I felt like my eyes were rolling to the back of my fucking head, making me shiver with delight, and moan in pleasure. She then started to suckle on the nipple, teasing it slightly, and soon, before I knew it, I started to groan, feeling excited about everything, enjoying the way everything was feeling. I felt like I was just going to lose myself, and I knew that she was enjoying this just as much as I was.