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Chapter 6: Preparing for Transportation

Chapter 6: Preparing for Transportation

Two guards entered the room. They removed the shackles holding her to the chair and marched her out of the room. Their destination was another room, larger and filled with crates and boxes and steel cages of assorted sizes and shapes. She was forced to stand as they took rough measurements of her body. A box looking somewhat like a coffin was wheeled over and set upon a table. It was made of metal, probably steel, with rivets showing and hasps on the sides were locks could be used to secure the lid down.

Sheri was forced to sit in a chair and a small cart wheeled over to her. While one guard held her shoulders down, the other took a small black rubber bag with a hose coming from it, and inserted it into her mouth. She tried to resist the thing, but their strength was too much for her. The rubber bag was totally in her mouth when they began fitting a rubber mask over her head. It was much along the lines of a scuba diver’s hood, save that it had only one small opening in front. When they had forced the rubber hood over her head and smoothed it down, the opening was positioned before her mouth. The rubber tube from the thing in her mouth went through that hole.

The rubber hood was tight around her head and cut off her vision totally. It even dampened her hearing where it covered her ears. She could not see what was happening but felt that tube going into her mouth move. There was a hissing noise and the rubber bag inside her mouth began to enlarge. Someone was pumping air into it! As it grew in size, it tried to push her jaws open. It also pushed her tongue down. There came a point where it could inflate no more. The tight rubber hood was working to hold her jaw shut while the inflatable bag was trying to push it open. Some more movement on the tube and then the pumping stopped.

The hood and bag made a very effective blindfold and gag. She could not see, could not talk and already she was uncomfortable. In addition, the rubber tasted very bad in her mouth. She shook her head but to no avail.

She was pulled up to her feet and the handcuffs taken off. Strong male hands held her arms while someone else was busy taking off her clothing. She tried to pull back but was held in place. The blouse was easily removed by unbuttoning it, and then the rest of her clothing was cut off, save for her panties which were ripped off none too gently. Once naked she was lifted and turned horizontally. She felt something soft under her back and pressing in on the sides. But the back of her neck met with a hard edge. She could not see it, but she had been lowered into that coffin-like box. It was, however, not a coffin and was, in fact, shorter than she was tall. Her neck had been placed in a half circle at one end while her feet were up against the other end.

Hands pushed her arms down by her sides. Wide straps began going around her arms and body, holding her down tightly to the foam backing of the box. Straps passed over her ankles, knees and waist. More on her arms, even some across her chest. When finished, she was firmly secured to the bottom of the box. The lip was then closed. She could feel the foam padding pressing against the front of her body. And the hard edge of the top half of the head hole against her neck. From the jerking of her box, she could guess that the lid was being locked down.

She felt herself lifted and rotated until she was standing upright, or at least the box was. Her rubber-clad head was sticking out of the top but the rest of her body was tightly pressed by foam padded and tight straps, and out of sight. For a long time she was left standing like that.

It was not as uncomfortable as the transportation box had been. But then that rubber hood and inflatable gag were quite unpleasant by themselves. Eventually she felt a couple jerks, and then she was moving. A whole series of movements and halts occurred, until she had no idea where she was or what was happening to her.

In reality she was sitting on the loading dock of the Guards transportation division. Guards moved many such boxes around, loading some into trucks, unloading others. She was loaded into a truck, left alone for a while, then felt the truck moving out. For several hours that box with the helpless prisoner inside was driven down roads and over highways to be delivered eventually to an airport. After another hour’s delay, the box with its human contents was loaded onto a cargo jet and shipped across the Atlantic to England. There were several other human cargo boxes on that flight, none knowing about the others, and all very uncomfortable for the entire trip.

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