“Alannis,” Theron greeted her smoothly. “I trust things are well with you?”
He listened as she uttered a polite greeting, somewhat distant and reserved, but
then he expected nothing less. Alannis was steeped in propriety and would
never offer a more effusive greeting. It simply wasn’t her style.
“I’ve made arrangements for the Anetakis jet to fly you from Greece to New
York a week from now. Will your mother be traveling with you?”
It was a senseless question, meant to be more polite than inquisitive since he
knew well that Alannis’s family would never allow her to travel to see an
unmarried man unchaperoned.
“I’ll look forward to your arrival then,” he continued. “I’ve arranged for a
night at the opera shortly after you arrive.” If all went well, he’d request a
moment alone to propose and then the two families could go ahead with the
wedding plans.
Of course now he needed to apprise his brothers of his intentions.
He hung up the phone and stared at it for a long moment. He had no doubt
Chrysander would, in his newfound loving bliss, be reluctant to encourage
Theron to enter into a loveless marriage. Piers on the other hand would shrug
and say it was Theron’s life and if he wanted to mess it up, that was his
In time he could grow to like Alannis very well. He liked her already and
respected her, which was more than he could say for a lot of the women of his
acquaintance. He knew better than to expect a woman to love him as deeply as
Marley loved his brother. But he’d like to think he could be friends with his
future wife and enjoy her companionship in and out of bed.
He frowned when he thought of Alannis naked and in his bed, beneath his
body. He glanced down at his groin as if expecting a response. If he was, he
was disappointed.
Alannis…she came across as cold and extremely stiff. He supposed he
couldn’t blame her for that. She was most assuredly a virgin, and it would be up
to him to coax the passion from her. It was his duty as her husband.
With a sigh, he checked his watch, and to his irritation noticed that Isabella
was late. He drummed his fingers impatiently on his desk. Madeline had
provided three possible apartments, all in good areas and in close proximity to
the Imperial Park Hotel.
She hadn’t as of yet provided a list of eligible men.
No matter. The first order of business was to see her settled. The sooner, the
better. Then he’d worry about marrying her off.
When he heard his door open, he looked up, startled. Then he frowned when
he saw Isabella stride inside. On cue, his intercom buzzed, and Madeline’s
voice announced somewhat dryly that Isabella was on her way in.
“Good morning,” Isabella sang out as she stopped in front of his desk.
He swallowed and then his gaze narrowed as he took in her attire. It wasn’t
exactly immodest, and as such he couldn’t offer a complaint. It covered her.
Sort of.
His mouth went dry when she put her hands on his desk and leaned forward.
Her breasts spilled precariously close to the neckline of her T-shirt, and he
could see the lacy cups of her bra as they pushed the soft mounds upward.
He cursed under his breath and directed his gaze upward. “Good morning,
“Bella, please, unless you have an aversion to the name?”
He didn’t, though it somehow seemed more intimate, particularly when he
took the meaning of the Italian form of her name. Beautiful. That she was.
Stunningly so.
Different from the usual sophisticated type of women he gravitated toward,
but beautiful nonetheless. There was something wild and unrestrained about
He ground his teeth together and shifted his position. Where his groin had
remained stoic when thinking of Alannis, it had flared to life, painfully so, as
soon as
Isabella had walked into his office.
He was her guardian, someone to look after her welfare, and here he sat
fantasizing about her. Disgust filled him. Not only was it disrespectful to
Isabella but it was disrespectful to Alannis. No woman should have to put up
with her soon-to-be fiancé lusting after another woman.
“Bella,” he echoed, taking her invitation to use her nickname. It suited her.
Light and beautiful.
He rose from his seat and walked around the front of his desk. She eyed him
curiously, and he found himself asking her why.
She laughed. “You’re dressed so casually today. I’m so used to seeing you in
nothing but suits and ties.”
“When have you seen me?” he asked in surprise. He thought back to the times
when she would have seen him, and while he probably was wearing a suit, it
was hardly a basis for her supposition.
She flushed, and he watched in fascination as color stained her cheeks. She
ducked away, her hair sliding over her shoulder.
“Pictures,” she mumbled. “There are always pictures of you in the papers.”
“And you get these papers all the way out in California?” he asked.
“Yes. I like to keep up with the people looking after my financial well-being,”
she said evenly.
“As you should,” he said approvingly. “Are you ready to go? I have a list of
potential apartments. I took the liberty of scaling down the possibilities to a few
more suitable to a young woman living alone.”
And then he realized he’d made a huge assumption. There was certainly no
reason to believe that a woman as beautiful and vibrant as Isabella would be
living alone. He refused to retract the statement or ask her if she was currently
involved with anyone. But he’d need to know because if she was involved,
seriously, then he could forego the whole process of introducing her to
prospective husbands.
“I’m ready if you are,” she said as she smiled warmly at him.
As they walked from the building that housed the Anetakis headquarters,
Theron put his hand to the small of Isabella’s back. She felt the touch through
her shirt. It seared her skin, and she was sure that if she could look, there would
be a visible print from his fingers, burned into her flesh.
After loving him from afar for so many years, she’d been prepared for
disappointment, that maybe the man he’d become wouldn’t live up to the
dream. She’d been so far removed from the truth that reality overwhelmed her.
He was more, so much more than she could have imagined. Her feelings hadn’t
gone away when she’d seen him again. They’d cemented.
She sat next to him in the back of the limousine. In addition to the driver,
Henry, there was one additional member of his security detail that rode up front.
When they pulled up in front of the first apartment building, she noticed that
another smaller car pulled in behind them, and two men got out and cautiously
scanned the area.
“I don’t remember the security being this tight the last time I visited,” she
murmured as they walked toward the entrance.
Theron stiffened. “It’s a necessary evil.”
She waited for him to say more but he didn’t volunteer further information.
Three hours later, they’d toured the apartments on his list with him vetoing the
first two before she could even offer an opinion. He was tight-lipped about the
third but offered her the choice between it and the last on their list.
She stifled her laughter and solemnly informed him that she liked the fourth.
He nodded his approval and set about securing it for her.
“Will you have your things shipped to the apartment?” he asked as they
walked back to the limousine.
She shook her head. “I plan to shop for everything I need here and have it
delivered. It will be quite fun!”
He growled something under his breath but when she turned to him in
question, he pressed his lips together.
“I’ll arrange for someone to take you shopping,” he said grudgingly.
She raised an eyebrow. “I assure you, I have no need of a babysitter, Theron.
Chrysander saddled me with one four years ago, and I had no more need of it
then than I do now.”
“You will not roam all over the city by yourself,” he said resolutely.
She shrugged and offered a faint smile. “You could always go with me.”
He gave her a startled look.
“No? You seem the logical choice given I don’t know anyone else here.” She
purposely kept silent about Sadie. There was no reason for Theron to know
about her, and he wouldn’t approve if he knew she worked in a strip club. And
find out he would, because the instant she let him know of someone she was
spending time with, he’d perform an extensive background check and then
forbid her to associate with Sadie any longer.
Not that she’d listen, but she intended for their relationship to get off to the
best possible start. Lust was fine for now, but she wanted to make him fall in
love with her. She wanted him to need her.
“You’re right, of course,” he said with a grimace. “I forget you’ve lived in
California and have only been here to visit.”
She slid into the limousine and smiled over at him as he got in on the other
“Does that mean you’ll go shopping with me?”
He grunted, and she couldn’t hold the laughter in any longer. His eyes
widened, and he stared openly at her as though he found the sound of her
laughter enchanting.
All the breath left her as she saw for just one moment a look of wanting in his
eyes. Just as soon as it flashed, he blinked and recovered.
“I’ll see if my schedule permits such a trip,” he said tightly.
“Where are you taking me for lunch?” she asked, more to remind him of their
date than any real curiosity over their destination. She didn’t care where or what
they ate. She just wanted the time with him.
“We have an excellent restaurant at the hotel,” he said. “My table is always
available to me. I thought we could eat there and then you could retire to your
suite to rest.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. He was smooth. Plotting the easiest way
to get rid of her. She couldn’t blame him. She was an unexpected burden, and
he was a busy man. She chewed her bottom lip and looked out the window at
the passing traffic as she contemplated how to get him to see beyond the
inconvenience to the woman who loved him and wanted him so badly.
“Is something the matter, Bella?”
She turned to see him staring at her in concern. She smiled and shook her
head. “Just a little tired. And excited.”
He frowned. “Maybe you should allow me to see to the furnishing of your
apartment. If you would mark down your preferences, I could have a designer
work with you so that you didn’t have to go out shopping for all the things you
“Oh, no, that wouldn’t be near as much fun. I can’t wait to pick out everything
for the apartment. It’s such a gorgeous place.”
“What are your plans, Bella?” he asked.
She blinked in surprise. “Plans?”
“Yes. Plans. Now that you’ve graduated, what are your career plans?”
“Oh. Well, I planned to take the summer off,” she hedged. “I’ll focus on the
future this fall.”
He didn’t say anything, but she could tell such an approach bothered him. She
smiled to herself. It probably gave him hives. He and his brothers all were
intensely driven with a take no prisoners approach when it came to business.
They weren’t the world’s wealthiest hotel family for nothing.
When they arrived at the hotel, Theron ushered her inside as his security team
flanked them on all sides. It was odd and a bit surreal, almost like they were
A few minutes later, they were escorted to Theron’s table at the restaurant. It
was situated in a quiet corner, almost completely cutoff from the rest of the
He settled her into her chair and then circled around to sit across from her. He
dropped his long, lean body into his seat and stared lazily at her.
“What would you like to eat, pethi mou?”
Isabella cringed at the endearment. He’d called her the same thing when she
was thirteen. Little one. It set her teeth on edge. Hardly something that evoked
images of the two of them in bed, limbs entwined.
“What do you suggest?” she asked.
She studied his lips, the hard, sensual curve to his mouth and the dark shadow
already forming on his jaw. She was tempted, so very tempted to reach across
and run the tip of her finger along the roughness and then to the softness of his
What would it be like to kiss him? She’d kissed several boys in college. She
said boys because next to Theron, that’s all they were. Some were very good,
others awkward and “pleasant.”
But Theron. Kissing him would be like chasing a storm. Hot, exciting and
breathless. Her pulse jumped wildly as she imagined the warm brush of his
She blinked and shook her head as she realized Theron had been calling her
name for a few seconds.
“Sorry,” she murmured. “Lost in my thoughts.”
“I was suggesting you try the salmon,” he said dryly.
She nodded jerkily and tilted her head toward the waiter who was standing
beside the table waiting for their order.
“I’ll have what he suggests,” she said huskily.
Theron placed their order in succinct tones, and the waiter hurried away
shortly afterward.
“Now, Bella,” Theron said, as he sat back in his chair. He looked comfortable,
at ease as he raked his gaze over her features, setting fire to every nerve
receptor. “Perhaps we should talk about your future.”
A nervous scuttle began in her stomach. “My future?” She laughed lightly to
allay the pounding of her heart. If she had any say, her future would be
inexorably linked to his.
“Indeed. Your future. Surely you’ve given it some thought?”
He sounded slightly scornful, impatient with someone who didn’t have an
airtight plan. If he only knew. She’d done nothing else for the past years but
plan for her future. With him.
“I’ve given it a lot of thought,” she said evenly.
“You mentioned marriage. Are you truly considering being married before
you turn twenty-five.”
“I count on it.”
He nodded as if he approved. She almost laughed. Would he be so approving
if he knew he was her intended groom? A sigh escaped her. She felt so evil,
like she was plotting an assassination rather than a seduction.
“This is good,” he said almost to himself. “I’ve taken the liberty of forming a
list of possible candidates.”
Her brow crinkled as she stared at him in puzzlement. “Candidates? For
“Marriage, Bella. I intend to help you find a husband.”