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Alaric McCabe struggled with the indecision that was bothering him as he stared out over the vast stretch of land that belonged to the McCabe family. He took a deep breath of the brisk air and then turned his gaze upward. There was no chance of snow on this day. But soon. The highlands were beginning to feel the effects of autumn. A chillier breeze and shorter days had begun to settle in.

After so many years of fighting for survival and to rebuild their clan, his brother Ewan had made significant progress toward restoring the McCabes to the greatness that they once held. This winter, their family wouldn't have to worry about going hungry. Their offspring would never be seen without the appropriate garb.

It was time for Alaric to step up and fulfill his responsibilities to his clan. In a short amount of time, he would make his way to the McDonald holding, where he would make his formal proposal to Rionna McDonald for her hand in marriage.

It was nothing but a formality. The arrangement had been struck weeks earlier. Now the aged laird wanted Alaric to spend time with the McDonalds, a clan that would one day become Alaric's when he married McDonald's daughter and only heir. Spending time with the McDonalds would be a good opportunity for Alaric to learn more about his future clan.

At at this late hour, the inner court was bustling with bustle as a group of McCabe soldiers geared themselves to accompany Alaric on his voyage.

Alaric, the younger brother of Ewan, the laird of the McCabe clan, had intended to send his most trusted men to join Alaric on his voyage; however, Alaric had declined Ewan's request. There was still a threat to Ewan's pregnant wife, Mairin, who was carrying Ewan's kid. Mairin was far along in her pregnancy.

As long as Duncan Cameron remained in the world, he remained a danger to the McCabe family. He desired what rightfully belonged to Ewan, including Ewan's wife and Ewan's future leadership over Neamh 'lainn. This was an inheritance that Ewan inherited from his marriage to Mairin, the daughter of the previous king of Scotland.

And now, because the peace in the highlands was precarious and because Duncan Cameron was a threat not only to the neighboring clans but to the throne of King David, Alaric agreed to the marriage that would cement an alliance between the McCabes and the only clan whose lands rested between Neamh 'lainn and McCabe land. This marriage would unite the Neamh 'lainn clan with the McCabe family.

It worked out really well. Rionna McDonald had a pretty face, in spite of the fact that she was a peculiar young lady who favored the clothing and responsibilities of a man above those of a woman. And Alaric would have his own clan to lead, which is something he would never have if he stayed under Ewan's command. His very own territories. The responsibility of leadership was passed on to his heir.

The question that remains is why he wasn't more eager to mount his horse and go toward his fate.

When he heard a sound off to his left, he turned around. Mairin McCabe was rushing up the slope, or at least making an effort to do so, and Cormac, the guard who was tasked with protecting her for the day, appeared frustrated as he followed in her wake. Her shawl was wrapped around her quite tightly, and she could feel the cold through her trembling lips.

She grabbed hold of Alaric's hand as she leaned closer to him in an effort to regain her breath and he extended his hand to her.

Alaric reprimanded the young woman, saying, "You shouldn't be up here, lass." It's going to be too cold for you to survive.

Cormac concurred and said, "No, she shouldn't." "If word gets back to our laird, he'll lose his cool."

Mairin rolled her eyes and then looked up at Alaric with an uneasy expression on her face. "Have you brought along everything that is necessary for your trip?"

Alaric broke into a grin. "Yes, I do. Gertie has brought along enough provisions for a trip that is twice as long.

She caressed her expanding stomach with one hand while alternating between gripping and rubbing Alaric's hand. Her eyes were watering as she did this. He drew her in closer to himself so that she could feel the warmth of his body.

"Would it be possible for you to hold off for one more day? Already, we're getting close to the lunch hour. Perhaps you should hold off and leave bright and early the next day."

Alaric did his best to conceal his grin. The fact that he was going to leave upset Mairin. She had become very accustomed to having her clan exactly where she desired them to be. On land owned by McCabe. And now that Alaric was going to leave, she was becoming more outspoken about her concerns and her discontentment with the situation.

"I won't be gone overlong, Mairin," he added kindly. "At most, a few of weeks. After that, I'll go back to McDonald Keep for a brief period of time before settling down there permanently after being married.

As she was reminded that Alaric would leave the McCabes and, in all intents and purposes, become a McDonald, a frown formed on the corner of her mouth, and her expression changed to one of discontent.

"Lass, you need to stop frowning. That is not healthy for the unborn child. Neither is your being exposed to the elements like this.

She heaved a sigh and wrapped her arms around him as she did so. He distanced himself from her and exchanged chuckles with Cormac as they both looked over her shoulder at her. The girl was even more emotional now that she was swelled with kid, and the people of her clan were getting increasingly familiar with her spontaneous outbursts of affection for one another.

"Alaric, I will think of you often. I am positive that Ewan will as well. He never speaks, but he's been more subdued as of late.

Alaric remarked in a mournful tone, "I'll miss you just as much." "You don't need to worry about me since I'll be right here when you bring the newest McCabe."

Suddenly, a smile spread across her face, and she took a few steps back before leaning forward to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Rionna deserves your kindness, Alaric. I am aware that you and Ewan believe she requires a more hard hand, but in all honesty, I believe that what she requires the most is love and acceptance.

Alaric was taken aback by the fact that she would want to talk things of love with him. He fidgeted nervously. For God's sake.

It made her giggle. "Well, that's good. I can see I've made you uneasy. But pay attention to what I say.

Cormac addressed the woman and said, "My lady, the laird has spotted you, and he does not look pleased."

Ewan was standing in the courtyard with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown carved onto his face when Alaric turned around to look at him.

Alaric beckoned for Mairin to follow him as he tucked her hand under his arm and murmured, "Come come, Mairin." It would be best if I gave you back to my brother before he went looking for you.

Mairin muttered something under her breath, but she still allowed Alaric to walk her down the slope of the hill.

As soon as they entered the courtyard, Ewan shot a stern look in the direction of his wife before shifting his focus to Alaric. "Do you have everything you require?"Alaric nodded.

Caelen, the McCabe family's youngest sibling, made his way over to be at Ewan's side. "Are you quite certain that you don't want me to come along with you?"

"We can't function without you," Alaric told me. "Much more so as Mairin's time gets closer and closer. The first snowfall of the winter season is not far off. It would be very typical of Duncan to launch an assault at a time when he believes we are least prepared for it.

Mairin began to shudder once more at Alaric's side, and he shifted his attention to her. "Sister, please give me a hug, and then hurry back inside the keep before you freeze to death from the cold. My soldiers are prepared, and I won't allow you to weep all over us as we make an attempt to depart.

It came as no surprise that Mairin frowned, but she immediately put her arms around Alaric and gripped him tightly once more.

She uttered the prayer in a hushed tone, "God be with you."

Alaric showed his affection for her by running his fingers over her hair before gently guiding her in the direction of the keep. Ewan gave a menacing look of his own, adding weight to Alaric's command in the process.

After sticking her tongue out at Cormac, Mairin walked away while Cormac followed her toward the stairs leading up to the keep.

"Please let me know if you require my assistance," Ewan advised. "I'll come immediately."

Alaric had a firm hold on Ewan's arm, and the two brothers looked at one another for a considerable amount of time before Alaric finally let go. While Alaric was in the process of mounting his horse, Caelen struck him on the back repeatedly.

As Alaric had successfully mounted his mount, Caelen said to him in all seriousness, "This is a good thing for you."

As Alaric regarded his sibling from below, he had the beginnings of a sense of fulfillment. "Yes, it is."

He took a few long breaths while he ratcheted the reins tighter in his hands. His lands. His relatives.

He'd be laird. Indeed, this was a fortunate turn of events.

For the course of the day, Alaric and twelve other soldiers serving McCabe kept a consistent pace on their horses. Due to the fact that they got a late start, the journey that would have taken them just one day would now require them to arrive in McDonald's territory early the following morning.

Alaric didn't push his men any farther because he knew this, and they didn't start setting up camp until just after dusk. They only built one fire, and they kept the flames at a low level so that the light didn't spread across a large area.

After they had finished eating the meal that Gertie had prepared for the trip, Alaric split his men up into two groups and gave the first of the six men the responsibility of keeping watch. Gertie had been very thoughtful in preparing the food.

They took up positions all around the camp in order to offer the remaining six individuals some measure of security as they slept for a few of hours.

Even though Alaric was supposed to be on the second watch, he was unable to get any rest. He was wide awake and laying on the rough ground, gazing up at the night sky studded with stars. It was a cool night, and the sky was clear.

A shift in the weather was on the horizon, as evidenced by the strengthening of the winds coming from the north.

Married. To Rionna McDonald. He exerted a lot of effort, but he was only able to sketch a sketchy outline of the young lady. The only thing that stayed in his mind was how vibrantly golden her hair was. He thought that being quiet was an admirable quality in a woman, despite the fact that Mairin was neither a particularly submissive nor a very quiet wife. She was silent. Despite this, he found her charming, and he was confident that Ewan would not alter anything about the way she presented herself.

But then, Mairin was everything that a woman ought to be. Rionna had a kind and charming demeanor, and she dressed and carried herself in a very ladylike manner. It was perplexing that she would participate in things that were totally inappropriate for a girl given that she wasn't a particularly unattractive young lady.

It was something that required rapid attention on his part.

Before he leaped to the side, the only notice he got was a little disturbance in the air. He had to react quickly. A blade slashed through both his garments and his flesh after it caught him in the side.

Pain flared through his entire body, but he ignored it as he sprung to his feet, grabbed his sword, and ran away from the attacker. The night air was thick with the sounds of the combat, and his warriors began to come to life.

Alaric engaged in combat with two adversaries, the clash of their swords giving him ringing in his ears. As he parried and attacked, his hands were beginning to shake from the constant barrage of punches.

When he moved closer to the perimeter set up by his men, he came dangerously close to falling over one of the guys he had stationed as a guard. The ambush had been set up rather silently, as shown by the fact that an arrow was sticking out of his chest.

They were vastly outnumbered, and while though Alaric would pit the McCabe warriors against anybody, at any time, and be certain of the outcome, he had little choice except to order for a withdrawal so that they wouldn't all be killed. In the face of odds of six to one, there was simply no way to emerge victorious.

He shouted to his soldiers, telling them to get on their horses. After that, he eliminated the threat posed by the man in front of him and then struggled to get to his own mount. The wound in his side was gushing with blood. His nose was clogged with the pungent odor that floated through the chilly air. Already, his vision was beginning to blur, and he was well aware that if he did not mount up soon, it would be too late for him.

Just as another warrior was about to charge Alaric, he whistled, and his horse took off in the opposite direction. He was quickly losing strength as a result of the loss of blood, yet he continued to fight without the discipline that Ewan had taught him. He gambled with his life. He did not exercise caution. He was engaged in a struggle for his life.

Alaric's adversary let out a shout before charging forward. Alaric swung his sword while firmly grasping it in both hands. He slashed his assailant through the neck, resulting in the total decapitation of his foe.

Alaric did not squander even a single second of his time appreciating the triumph. There was a second assailant closing in on him from behind. He must have been down to his last ounce of strength when he pushed himself onto his horse and issued the order to flee.

Alaric was able to make out the outlines of bodies as his horse bolted away from him, and he understood with a sickening sense that these people weren't his adversaries. During the assault, he had lost the majority of, if not all of, his forces.

He barked "Home" at the top of his lungs.

Alaric clung to his side and made strenuous efforts to maintain consciousness, but his vision became increasingly blurry with each jolt the horse experienced as it raced through the landscape.

His last lucid thought was that he needed to hurry home and tell Ewan what had happened. He simply prayed unceasingly that the McCabe holding hadn't also been assaulted at the same time.

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