It was a chilly night . The moon had appeared out of the horizon and the skies ware filled with stars .
Makanaka and her Gogo was coming from church wearing their Methodist church attire . Opening the door , makanaka light the candle and placed her bible on the table .
" Haa today pastor Peter really preached hey " said Gogo ,
" Ehe haa , he did . Today I could feel that I was really in church " replied Makanaka, removing her church clothes .
" Even me , let me go to the toilet " said Gogo , lighting a candle .
" Oky Gogo , I will go to sleep now "
" Oky my child "
After spreading out the blankets on the floor , Makanakatook her novel and lay her back against the sofa . Opening to page 300 she silently read in her mind . While her focus was taken away by the novel , a loud cry for help took her attention by force . Immediately she jumped up and ran outside leaning the candle inside . She pushed the toilet door open making her grandmother's heart almost jump out .
" Hezvo chi ko ( what is it ) "
Maka stood there speechless , what is going on with her . Didn't she just hear someone cry out loud like they needed help . Her mind was in turmoil , gogo looks perfectly fine and shocked at the same time .
" Chii ko ( what is it ) " asked Gogo for the second time .
Makanaka hesitated for a while then finally said " I just heard someone shout sounding like they crying so I thought it was you gogo "
" ME , shouting ? "
" Yes "
" Go inside , and wait for me , I am coming "
" Oky " she said looking down sheepishly as she closed the door.
" Maka ,tell me what is wrong "
" Gogo nothing is wrong but all I hear is a person shouting and it's always when you going outside at night"
" When did it start ?"
" On Monday "
" Do you know the person that is shouting "
" I don't know ,I don't really listen to it , I just hear it and I jump up "
Gogo was silent then sighed and said
" Try listening to the voice that shouts and hear if you recognise it "
" Oky Gogo "
" Yes I think you might have a gift of hearing things , but if you don't recognise the voice you won't know who is shouting "
" If I recognise the voice , what does it mean "
" When the person shouts how do they sound ?"
" He /she sound like he / she needs help "
" So you don't know if it's a female or male "
" I think it's female "
" MMM , that person could be in danger "
" Yohhh so am I gifted like Mai Rumbi "
" I think so my daughter , because your father was also like that "
" Was he ? "
" Yes but I will tell you more about it tomorrow " Gogo said as she rubbed her eyes .
" Oky Gogo , then good night . I am tired too "
Gogo went to her bedroom leaving Maka asleep .
As she lay in her bed , tears rolled down from her eyes .
" why now again god , What did I do to deserve this , from my husband to my grandkids"
She rose up in a sitting position letting the tears drop down her cheeks to her blankets .
" What did I do to deserve this , am I going to be living each day in pain , what did I do , who did I wrong , why is my life like this "she muttered to herself.
Sitting up in bed ,watching his wife sleep . Officer Manyika shed a tear . When will god give him a daughter . What do god want him to do . Should he take another wife , should he wait for God's time . His wife is bewitched , they have gone to different types of doctors and herbalists . Drinking different medicines hoping his wife could get pregnant but nothing worked , nothing . The person who bewitched his wife is probably the most selfish person alive , or even dead .
He doesn't want to get another wife because he loves his wife so much and she is probably the only woman he understands and vice versa . But why is it in life that you can't have everything you want . You get a good wife ,but no kids , you get a bad one , 1000 kids .
Why is life so unfair?
What do you think about the voice Maka hears shouting for help ?who do you think it is