A week had passed and intentionally I had not seen Mia. I liked her, no doubts. But I don't want my feelings to be controlled by lust. I need her to see my sincerity and not just some mixed feelings.
"Seems you finally stopped your outdoor adventures" My Father chuckled.
"Well...I need to be responsible" I smiled guiltily
"That's good Son" He patted my back and walked ahead
Obviously, my attention from the outside had been taken from something I found outside. Something very beautiful.
My face darkened as I remembered something. During the week I had not seen Mia, I always watched her. Her expression sometimes read as though she was waiting for someone. Was she missing me? No. you're overthinking things. I followed her home one of the days to know where she lived and my heart dropped.
She lived far from the village square, isolated. Why is that? It wasn't very interesting. I made a mental promise to change that.
The memory of what happened between us the kitchen never left my head. I had not seen Alex since that time. Was he embarrassed to come back? Thinking about him became consistent in my head. I did miss his yarns and amusing acts. It was as though a fire had been turned down since I last saw him. Well, not worrying much I continued with the kitchen chores. I had a list of groceries given to me by the head staff. I was to go to the market to get them. Leaving the kitchen, I walked through the pathway that led also to the main palace. I looked up and noticed a figure walking majestically with someone beside him towards the main palace. The Prince. He looked so royalty. At times I wondered what it felt like to be born in a royal family, I'm sure everything would be so easy and there'll be nothing to worry about. At least not what to wear or eat.
Back to the kitchen with the groceries, I began to sort them out.
"Great, you're back" Rebecca said.
"Yes ma'am" I replied
She being the head staff, was always working to see everything done right. But something was strange about her, she always had this look she gave me, it was as though she was questioning something and I just couldn't place it. I really don't want to get on her bad side, so I do my best to please her.
"Here's your pay for the month" she stretched her hand with a money bag in it
Oh wow.
I took the bag with a little hesitation. This bag was full. Was this how they paid the maids?
"Is this really my pay?" I asked looking surprised
"Yes." She paused. "You know, you're very lucky. Don't take the opportunity you have for granted" she added
"I don't understand"
"You will soon" she smiled shortly and walked away.
What was that all about? And the money. Yes! Finally, I can meet our needs. Mother, here I come. I'm glad I got this job.
"Did you give her?" I asked Rebecca
"Yes your highness I did" she said
"Wonderful." I gave a satisfactory smile.
"Your highness, if you don't mind me ask, why do you find interest in this girl" she asked
"Well....she's different" I said shortly
"But she's not of your class and she's neither a princess" she added
"I'm well aware of that. She captivates me and my interest in her just seems to deepen" I said
Over the years, my visit to other kingdoms had made me see how princesses are like. They are very polite, well brought up, decent and always very good looking. But something within me felt as though it was all a lie and a temporary impression to please someone. Like they being put in a position and compulsory they had to play that role even if it's something they don't want, they just had to do it. No freedom, and I can't live with that. I need someone who can broadly share opinions with me without closing up. Someone who sees me not as a prince but as me Alex. And I found that in Mia. The freedom and the expressions she gives to me is exactly what I want. And that's one of the reasons I never really wanted to get married. I never found The One. But I have now.
"Hmm" she sighed
"I don't want anyone knowing about this" I said quickly
"Of course your highness, your secret is safe with me" she smiled.
The day fell and the night rose. Once again I had on my breeches and my cloak ready to leave the palace.
"I thought you weren't going outside again" Clint questioned
"Really? You think a day would come I would never go out. Ha! Maybe at that day, I would have been dead" I smiled
Clint smiled and shook his head. He most likely has given up on me. We left the palace and rented horses outside. Taking the palace horse would raise suspicions having my father involved and I can't deal with that. We rode through the market and the village square towards the hilly trails that was away from the community. We arrived finally at a small cottage and there she was. Her presence made my heart leap for joy. We got down from our horses and walked the house.
"Who are you people" she asked firmly
Hmm, I guess they don't always have visitors. Since it was late, it would be hard for her to see my face through the cloak. So I let it down revealing my face.
She looked very surprised. " did you know here?" she squeezed through her questions.
"Well...I missed you and I needed to see you" I smiled
She paused. I hit a spot
"Mia...are you okay out there?" a voice called from inside.
"Oh is that mother? I would so love to see her" I smiled
"No you don't" she said quickly. "You should go now. I don't want my mother thinking anything" she tried to push me away.
"Mia?" the voice called clearly now.
I took Mia's hand quickly and locked it with mine.
"Well I want her to" I whispered in her ear
With her hands in mine, we turned to face her mother who was looking confused and surprised. Eagerly waiting for her questions to be answered.
"Mother, it's wonderful to finally meet you" I bowed still having Mia's hands in mine
She tried to pull her hand away but I held it firmly until she gave up trying.
"Mia. This must be Alex right?" she asked happily
"Mother!!" she called sharply
Seems like someone had been talking about me at home.
"Well come in son, you're welcome" her mother gestured.
I walked into the house with Mia. The inside was dull and not filled with many furniture. Her mother sat on the armchair close to the fireplace and I sat on the small chair close to the window and Clint stood beside me.
"We rarely have visitors" her mother chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "Well, I guess you came at the right time. Mia just got paid and we have enough food to serve" she added.
"Thank you mother for sharing" Mia said sarcastically.
She came back with a freshly baked bread and milk.
"Enjoy" Mia smiled.
And so with our meal, we talked more and knew a bit more about her and her family. Her mother, a very lively woman that reminded me of my mother. Whom I lost a long time ago.
Sadly, I had to leave now or father would have guards all round town.
"Mother, I had a wonderful time with you and I look forward to more" I said and bowed.
She smiled.
I left the house with Mia. We walked back in silence and when I reached a point close to my horse, I stopped knowing fully well Mia was trailing behind me. I turned swiftly and the next step she took closed the space between us. Realizing what had happened she wanted to pull back but I held her close and leaned in. I placed my arms around her hugging her and kissed her forehead. I love you
Releasing her from my hold, I held her face slightly and caressed it "I still owe you that kiss" I whispered and smiled remembering the kitchen incidence.
She pushed my hand and chuckled. "Joker" she smiled.
I got on my horse, so did Clint and we rode off.
My emotions were boiling up. What is this Alex man doing to me? I was happy to see him. Each time I try to be firm, he had a way of melting my heart. I was really attracted to him, he had my heart but I don't know if I was ready for these feelings. This love roller coaster ride.
"Well I believe I can rest in peace now" my mother said from behind
"Mother" I scolded
"Don't close up on him. He loves you" she concluded
"What...well...I...Don't know yet" I stuttered
"It's obvious." She rolled her eyes. "Give him a chance. I'm sure you both will be happy together" she added.
I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't worry and just as mother has said, give him a chance. I really hope my worries won't happen eventually.