I gasped awake bolting upright and looking around the room, my heart drumming wildly in my chest. The movement made me gasp in pain as a sharp zap of hurt laced up my body from between my thighs.
The memory of the night before crashed into my head and I looked down at myself in shock, my breathing getting heavier as I took in the state of my body. I was naked. I dragged the blanket up my skin, the terror of what had happened seizing my lungs like a vice. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't scream. I couldn't even see clearly.
No. No. This was all a bad dream. It had to be.
Hot tears bubbled up behind my lids as I clutched the blanket closer. A movement caught my eyes and my breath hitched, my heart almost stopping in my chest.
Someone groaned, then stood up and I gasped as I saw Raphael, naked from the waist up. He winced, rubbing his hand over the back of his head, then squinted and froze as he saw me, his eyes flaring in surprise. The door to the bathroom flung open and Miguel walked outside, stopping as his gaze landed on me, then shifted to those of Raphael's.
I wanted to scream. No. No. It couldn't be. The tears dropped from my eyes as my gaze darted between the two of them. I had no memory of what had happened, but I was sure I'd been violated. Was this all a plan... He'd told me just before I lost consciousness that Margo had told him I liked him. Did she drug me? That drink tasted really weird. She'd sent me to his room, promising to watch out for me from outside the door, so why was I here...
"What..." I started, choking on my words. "Why..."
"What the hell is this" Raphael growled, staring at me.
I couldn't breathe. I had to get out. Jerking away from the bed and Ignoring the pain I felt or the blood that stained the bed scarlet, I ran out of the room, even as Miguel reached out to stop me.
I dragged the blanket higher around my body as I raced down the stairs, hot tears staining my cheeks. I didn't stop until I was far away from the house and everything crashed in on me. I fell to my knees and cried and cried until I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to believe that anything had happened, but I knew it did, and the pain that came with the realization made me feel like I was dying.
It took hours for me to get home and when I stepped into the house, it was to meet it deserted.
The maid rushed towards me when she saw the state I was in.
"Miss Eve. Oh my goodness! What happened to you..." She fussed trying to touch me, but I pushed her hands off.
"Where is Margo... Where is she" I got out, my voice barely a whisper.
"I don't know ma'am. She said she was going out for a drive an hour ago".
My heart clenched viciously and I doubled over in pain. I'd been right, she'd left me there... She'd left me there to be raped. I felt like dying, my skin crawling in disgust.
"Mrs. Amore is still at the office... What happened to you, Miss Eve? Should I call the cops" She rushed off somewhere, then came back with a shirt. "You should put this on first... Why are you with this bloody blanket" she fretted, yanking the blanket from me then gasped in horror when she saw the state of my body. "Miss Eve! What the hell happened? I'll call the cops"
I grabbed my car keys and the shirt from her, putting it on as I stumbled out of the house. Let her call the cops because I was not going to let them get away for what they did to me.
I knew exactly where Margo would be and as I drove toward our favorite hiking spot, the pain In my chest intensified, stifling my life little by little.
Once I got to the base of the hill, I packed came out of the car, and saw Margo's car. She was here. I hiked up toward the last spot we'd come to take pictures, my breath coming in short gasps the higher I went.
Once I got to the top, I saw her, looking directly at me and grinning.
"I knew you'd find me here. How was your night with the love of your life huh... Was it all you thought it was going to be" She grinned and I moved toward her and slapped her, my chest heaving in anger.
"How could you do this to me, Margo? You are my sister and you let me... You let me..." I broke down in tears, covering my face with my hand. I felt betrayed, I felt broken... The hurt in my chest refused to lessen.
Margo's sudden laugh made me look at her.
"You're so fucking gullible Eve. We are sisters? You're even more delusional than I thought. I have to admit I had so much fun messing with you"
I stared at her dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?"
She scoffed, stepping into my space- no remorse whatsoever on her face- and grinning. "This was all a plan to ruin you, Eve! You stole everything from me, you stole what should have been mine! Did you think I was just going to let it go? And then you had the gut to fall in love with my boyfriend" she said and my eyes widened, my heart literally freezing in my chest.
"Yeah, Miguel is mine and you had the guts to set those ugly eyes of yours on him. You were so pathetic and that's why I let you get what you want... Aren't you happy I am such a generous sister"
"I never wanted this" I choked out. "How could you do this to me... You drugged me and had Miguel and Raphael... " I couldn't finish my sentence as the pain in my chest intensified. I couldn't even make out the face of Margo because my eyes were foggy with tears.
"I didn't do anything. You brought this all on yourself self" she said viciously then turned to leave.
"I am not going to let this go Margo. You're going to regret this. You, Miguel, and Raphael"
"What are you going to do, report me to the cops. And who the heck is Raphael!" She said, stepping closer to me. "There's nothing you can do Eve... I wasn't even at that party last night, I was at a book club just like I told Mom I'd be. You were crushing on Miguel, you went to his room which is off limits to everyone, and threw yourself at him and he gave in to your advances. That is what happened Eve, so get your head straight"
Margo was a monster. "Why? Why did you do this to me"
"Because I fucking hate you. You think you're so perfect, so kind, but you're just a sore loser and the company is going to be mine, no matter what"
"You won't get away with this Margo. None of you will" I promised, the pain I felt molting into a storm of hate and anger, until all I saw was red. "If I have to use half of my property to make sure you land in jail I will, and I've let the abuse I suffered in the hand of your mom go because of you, but now I do not have to. I'll make sure you, your mom, Miguel, and Raphael rot in jail" I got out, then turned to leave, walking down the slope angrily, my eyes burning with tears that I refused to let drop.
Margo's growl was the only warning I got before something hard smacked into the back of my head. I crashed to the floor, stars flying behind my closed eyes before I blinked them back open.
Margo raised the bat she held up and smashed it into my head and pain spread all over my system, blood trickling from the gash on my head and trickling all over my face, painting my vision red.
"How dare you threaten me, and my Mom. You should know your place... I was going to stop at what I'd done so far and you dare to threaten me"
I couldn't speak or breathe. "You're not going to ruin my life, Eve. I won't let you" she screamed and dragged me by the hair.
I tried to scream as she pulled me, heaving and growling as she yanked me higher until we got to the very edge of the cliff and she pulled me to my feet. My eyes bulged as what she wanted to do registered.
"Margo" I tried, my hand scratching at her arm and my blood sprinkling on her shirt. "Don't..." I gasped, unable to form words as the blood from the gnash on my head kept spilling down my neck.
"Your death will be written off as suicide and I am going to get everything you bitch! You deserve this, maybe in your next life, you won't be so trusting" she yelled I wanted to beg but she shoved me viciously and I toppled over, my eyes catching a dark movement from behind the rock before I plunged through the air and crashed into the dark water below. The water knocked the air out of my lungs, filling it instead with its vicious spikes. I struggled for some seconds, images of the faces of my mom and my dad, when we'd been a happy family flashing before my eyes. I couldn't break free from the harsh clutches of the raging water so I gave into it as the icy coldness of it numbed all of the pain I felt away, and I welcomed the cold hug of death with open arms.
If I was reborn. I'll make sure they all burned for what they'd done to me. They'll all pay.