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He opened the door and a cool rush of magic met them. Beyond the door wasn’t a dark cave but a bright garden filled with flowers and trees. Haley held on to Conall’s hand as he led her through and her life shifted yet again.

When she looked over her shoulder, the door was gone and all that remained was a hillside just like the one she’d stood at before they entered. Weird!

Her heart constricted at the look on his face. Wonder and pain. How he must have hated his life, so devoid of color and emotion for so long. Knowing this existed and he had no way to get to it.

All at once, she felt totally in over her head. Well, more over her head than she’d felt before. He had this life—this life he’d lived for centuries before she even existed and he’d been estranged from it for so long. She had no connection to it, no real understanding of it other than looking into his face and seeing his pain. She’d only known him for six months. How could she begin to be supportive? A small part of her worried he’d find her wanting when he compared her to his old life.

Despite her insecurities, he deserved to have his life back. The last thing she wanted was to make him feel bad or to take his focus from his family. The moment was all about him and he didn’t need to take care of her. She squeezed his hand and he turned to her, smiling with unshed tears in his eyes.

“It’s beautiful.” She wanted him to know she thought it was special. And in truth, she wanted to know this world with him. It was her world now as well, part of her identity. She wished it wasn’t so scary letting go of the old and having such a giant pool of new to jump into.

Relieved, she saw the sadness in his eyes ease a bit as he smiled at her. “This is just the beginning. Come on, through the gates there ahead. There’ll be sentries and we can alert my family.”

His long legs ate up the last few feet leading to large gates where guards stood beyond.

“Is that wood?” She examined the material the gates were crafted from.

“Sort of. The myth about cold iron is actually true. The wood is enchanted. It’s unbreakable…” He trailed off as he caught sight of the sentries just beyond the gates.

When he called out, one turned and looked at him, and looked again, frozen to the spot.

“It can’t be…”

“It is. Mal, come on and let me in. Me and Haley, my wife. Send someone ahead to tell my family I’m here and alive.” Haley heard the emotion in Conall’s voice and it sliced her open.

The one Conall called Mal walked toward the gate slowly, opening it and standing aside. “Lady, it’s you!” He turned to the other sentry. “Go and alert Dana and Cormac!”

The sentry ran off and Mal turned back to them. “Come in, come in and bring your…did you say wife? Well,” he winked in Haley’s direction, “she’s pretty but she must have vision problems if she let you catch her.”

As she passed through the gates, the magic of the wards on the other side rippled around her, admitted her and embraced her. She watched as the sentry pulled Conall into a hug. They lapsed into what should have been a foreign language, she knew it was, and yet she understood it.

“Dev has gone to alert your mother. Let’s walk while you tell me what happened.

Lady knows there’ll be a high fuss when everyone begins to hear and rush to the square.

But you’ve failed to introduce me to this lovely redhead you’ve obviously enchanted.”

He bent at the waist to Haley, making her blush.

Conall laughed. “I…she’s…yes, this is my heart.” He looked down at Haley with such love, such depth of emotion toward her she felt it to her toes. A rush of longing, of desire, comfort, love, fear, anxiety and joy swamped her all at once. She felt a little dizzy for a moment but it passed.

“Malcolm macDonal, this is my wife, Haley. Haley, this is one of my oldest friends, Malcolm.”

Haley held out a hand and Malcolm took it, kissing her knuckles. “Traveling Folk are always welcome within these gates.”

As they walked, they entered into a sort of town square and a chorus of voices got louder and louder until a group of people burst into the open space and the woman at the head of the group halted, her hand over her mouth to stifle a cry.

“Máthair…” Conall moved toward the woman slowly at first until she opened her arms and he rushed into them.

Tears blurred Haley’s vision as she watched Conall and his mother embrace. She lost sight of him for long minutes as more and more Fae came and joined the throng. A bone deep weariness settled over her. The day suddenly felt very long. Guilt settled as she pushed past it. This was his moment, his day and she didn’t want him to worry about anything but seeing his family again.

A bright-haired woman who looked to be Haley’s age approached her. “And who are you, then? You’ve got the markings of the Traveling Folk. You’re clearly one of Macha’s. I’m Rhona, one of Conall’s cousins.”

“That’s my wife.” Conall jogged up to them, pulling her to his side with a wide grin.

She felt the joy radiate from him and a small slice of sadness at what her father had done without her knowing edged through her as well.

“Um, wife?” she mumbled. He kept referring to her that way and she knew they had some mystical hoodoo thing between them but a quick boink, several boinks and they were married? Wasn’t there a ceremony or something?

But no one heard her because at his announcement, the throng moved to them, excitedly chattering and hugging her.

“Back up a bit! That’s my daughter-in-law and I haven’t been able to clap eyes on her yet. And there’s still the matter of my son explaining why he’s been thought of as dead for a thousand years.”

Haley looked up into the face of the woman who so obviously gave birth to Conall.

Hair dark as a raven’s wing, eyes as blue as her son’s. The same regal features only a bit softer.

“I’m Dana, please be welcome here.” Smiling, she kissed Haley’s cheeks and took her hands. “Come, let’s go to the house. We’ll have a meal and Conall can tell us the whys of this.”

Conall pushed a lock of Haley’s hair behind her ear before moving his attention back to his mother. “We need to extend the protection of our tribe to Haley immediately and block any access to Ninane. She is the cause of my disappearance.”

Gasps filled the square.

“She left us nearly eight hundred years past. Where there is trouble, her fingers can likely be found. Has she threatened Haley?”

Before Conall could answer his mother, one of the biggest men Haley had ever seen muscled his way into the square. He stopped as he caught sight of them and Conall blinked slowly.

“Son! They said you’d returned but I didn’t believe them.” Warrior braids swinging, the man lumbered to Conall and hugged him, kissing the top of his head as if Conall were a mere toddler.

“Da, you’re well?” Conall asked when his father released him and the noise began anew when Conall introduced him to Haley.

Haley felt as if she couldn’t draw enough breath. So many people looking at her, asking her questions, touching her. She was a lifetime away from everything she’d ever known. Everything she didn’t have now that she’d become immortal. Consciousness sucked at her as her vision narrowed. She clutched Conall’s arm for balance before she fell over.

“Haley? You’re so pale. Irish witch, are you all right?” Conall asked urgently.

“I don’t think so. I need some air. I’m sorry.” Weakness settled in and she wondered what the hell was going on.

Dana tsked loudly and shoved her way through the crowd with one hand. “Bring that girl to the house, Conall. Can’t you see how overwhelmed she is? Cormac, come on then!

Have someone tell my sister Conall has returned and we need her for a ceremony at the house immediately.”

Haley saw the royalty in the way her mother-in-law expected to be obeyed without question, even as she was relieved when Conall picked her up and carried her, his face drawn with concern.

“We can’t sift in here. Within the boundaries of the gates, that sort of magic is prohibited. My parents’ house is ahead,” he explained to her as they walked.

“Sift?” she asked faintly, the pretty lane beginning to spin.

“It’s a manner of moving from place to place. Darlin’?” Conall spoke with his lips against her temple. “Are you ill?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m…sort of dizzy and feeling very weak all the sudden. I suppose it was because there were so many people and…I’m so embarrassed!”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Just rest your head on my shoulder. We’re almost there.”

His heart beating against her ear on his chest reassured her as she watched the scenery pass by through half-lidded eyes.

The house they approached was lovely, sandy white with a carpet of purple-blue flowers all around the walk. Big windows and a large door decorated the front looking over the hillside that sloped down to the square they’d just been in.

“Bring her inside, Conall. Let’s get her lying down and some food into her. She’s pale.” Conall’s father opened the door and ushered them inside as a squealing group ran up behind them and nearly knocked Conall over while he held Haley still in his arms.

“You’ll be wanting to calm down now! Your brother is holding his wife and he won’t want to drop her. She’s feeling a bit poorly.” Conall’s mother shook her head at the group of women who stepped back, each talking all at once.

“Put her down here, son.” The big man smiled down at Haley after Conall put her on a soft couch. Conall had some of the other man’s features but his hair was a bit lighter, nose broader. It was plain he was a warrior though his eyes took her in kindly and he spoke gently. “I’m Cormac, Conall’s da. It’s very nice to meet you, sweet girl. I always loved a woman with red hair.” He winked and Haley saw where Conall got his charm.

Cormac took her hand, pressing it between both of his briefly.

“Here, drink this.” Dana moved Cormac aside and handed Haley a glass of sweet-smelling liquid. “It’s juice. It should perk you up. Have you eaten today?”

“Please, please don’t worry about me. Conall, visit with your family. They’ll have missed you so much. I’m sorry to have made a scene.” Haley was mortified over the whole thing.

Her new mother-in-law shook her head and urged Haley to keep drinking. “Be quiet about that, you. Easily three hundred Fae filled that square all talking at once. Pushing and shoving to see Conall again after we’d thought him dead. Anyone would have been overwhelmed.” Dana smiled and Haley relaxed as she sat up and drank the juice.

Conall moved her over a bit and sat next to her. He encircled her gently with one arm, his fingers tracing up and down her side. Immediately she felt better at his touch.

He’d begun to tell his family the story when Aoife entered the house. Haley knew it had to be the Fae queen because the power she brought with her was an unmistakable tide. She had the ebony hair her sister and nephew bore but hers trailed the back of her

calves. Eyes an otherworldly amethyst complimented pale and luminous skin. She might have been petite compared to the other Fae Haley had seen but there was nothing fragile about her at all. Aoife’s magic throbbed from her body.

Conall lifted his head and caught sight of his aunt. Gently, he moved from Haley’s side and fell to his knees. With a sob, Aoife knelt, hugging him. Soon everyone was crying and hugging and Haley watched as the whole scene unfolded, tears in her own eyes.

“Tell me, Conall. Why have you been gone so long? What happened?” Aoife stood and Conall returned to Haley’s side. It was then Aoife noticed Haley and one regal eyebrow rose as she smiled. “And who is this lovely young thing?”

“That’s his bride, Haley. Let him finish the story and we’ll do introductions. She needs to rest just now.” Dana patted Haley’s shoulder as she explained to her sister.

Aoife obviously knew what it was to be ordered around by her sister because she snorted and winked at Haley before sitting across from them. “Go on then.”

Conall told them the rest of the story and Aoife’s face drew into a concerned, angry mask. Cormac swore darkly and various family members began to mutter and move about agitatedly. The magic in the room swirled about Haley, marked by anger and pain as well as joy and relief. She’d never been exposed to so many people with magic before.

Despite still feeling totally overwhelmed, she managed to hang on. She didn’t want to interrupt any more of the reunion.

“Dear Lady. This is insanity.” Cormac began to pace, fingering the lethal sword he wore at his side.

Aoife simply shook her head. “She will be taken care of. No one can be allowed to get away with harming my family or members of my tribe. Now, let’s meet this lovely redhead of yours.” Her look of anger dissolved as she focused on Haley.

Conall stood and turned to Haley, holding his hand out. She managed to stand without swaying and without really knowing what the heck to do, she curtseyed to Aoife.

“Aunt, this is my wife Haley. Haley, my aunt Aoife, Queen of the Daoine Sidhe.”

Conall braced her weight with his arm around Haley’s waist. Her magic surged and then settled again.

Aoife touched the top of Haley’s head. “No need to bow to me. Be welcome to our sithein and our tribe. Its protections are yours as you are ours.”

Haley’s spine straightened as the magic shot through her. Apparently Aoife had just given the protection of the tribe to her. Or something, because a heck of a lot of magic barreled through her system.

“Yes, that was me extending the protection of this place, of our people to you, Haley.

Thank you for bringing Conall back to us. Your skill and magic will be most welcome here. You look like your grandmother. How is Maeve?”

Lawd, did the queen read minds too? “She’s well, thank you. I didn’t know you knew her.” She was going to have a long talk with her gran about what was a fun surprise and what was just a surprise.

“Conall, the girl is about to fall over. What’s going on?” Dana moved forward and put her hand on Haley’s forehead. For a moment, Haley thought it was amusing the gesture was in common across species lines.

“Haley, are you sick? What is it? This is more than simply being overwhelmed by the number of people out there earlier.” Conall sat her back down, looking at her concernedly.

“I feel faint. I’m sure it’s just being tired. I felt so good after that spell my gran performed earlier. Probably haven’t eaten enough today.”

“Spell?” Aoife asked.

Conall explained to them about the way Haley’s father had conferred his immortality and full magic and power on her and how her grandmother had performed the spell to render her fully Fae that morning.

“Why didn’t you say so? Conall, that kind of spell would have pushed a great deal of magic into her when she wasn’t used to it. Haley was half-Fae with a small bit of magic until a few hours ago. Suddenly, the magic of an immortal and all that comes with it was thrust into her. That’s quite a bit of energy to absorb. She’d have been very energized at first but as her magic entered the brugh and she interacted with all of us her system would have to work very hard to equalize. It’s a wonder she’s even conscious.” Aoife spoke to Conall and Haley would have been annoyed they hadn’t addressed her but she couldn’t seem to keep her eyes open.

“I could have killed her with my stupidity?”

Haley’s anger surged enough to bring her back to consciousness. “Hey! Don’t blame yourself. This is something new for me too. I’m not dead. In fact, I’m immortal. So cut the guilt.” She slumped back against the couch and heard Cormac chuckle.

“The girl is a lot like her mother-in-law. Conall, boyo, you’re in for it. I like her.

Your house is still kept up. Your sisters have gone by now and again and freshened the place. Your mother and I have made sure the wards haven’t died. It just felt like a way to…well, a way to keep you alive.” Cormac blushed a bit and Conall reached out to squeeze his father’s hand.

“Your father never believed you dead,” Dana said softly. “There’ll be time for this enough later. Get the girl into bed. She’ll be fine after some rest. I’ll send Aideen over with some tea and herbs to burn while she’s resting.”

“Thank you. We’ll come by later.” Conall picked her up again and she felt the magic of those in the room surround her and slide into her system to help. It was as if they gave her a hug with their energy and it made her want to cry. It made her miss her own mother.

Aoife pressed a kiss to Haley’s cheek. “We’re your family now too, pis chumhra.


The queen of the Fae had just called her sweet pea. How cool was that?

“We’ll plan a party. A welcome home and wedding party. We’ll avenge your loss, Conall. Our loss. She tore our child from us, stole the conscience of this place and it cannot stand.” Cormac kissed his son’s cheek and Haley sighed happily before falling into unconsciousness.

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