Najmah's pov
"mother there's nothing you can do I've already agreed to this" I said to my mum who stood along side jibrin and my father.
"Najmah please don't be stubborn and come with us" jibrin pleaded which earned him a loud hiss from me.
"And what's this Attitude of yours towards your dad?" My mum questioned surprisingly .
"Your husband and not my father, I'm sick and tired of this fake life he's not my dad!" I yelled at my mum who stood there in shock.
"What do you mean?" Jibrin questioned.
"Please this is a family mater so stay out" I yelled at jibrin and he flinched at the tone of my voice which was extremely high and aggressive.
"NAJMAH" my mother said whilst slapping me across the cheeks.
"You're coming with me!" My mum yelled while dragging my hands.
"I won't follow in your foot step you ruined your life and mine by marrying that man you call my father" she said to my mum with so much Hatred in my voice which made my mum stiffen in her position . my mum and I argued for what seemed like hours.
"Being in a royal family is not easy, you'll see. when you need my help I'll help you, you're my child" my mum said and with that she left.
"Dad! Let's go in for the party, I don't wanna Miss my own dinner do I? "I said to my dad who smiled as we both walked to into the big hall decorated beautifully with flowers and balloons. The party was a splendid one, people from all part of the society came including the vice president himself. I sat with Haidar who frowned like always. the party went splendid especially with the speeches Made by some prominent people.
Days went by with parties going on and finally the day of the Nikah Arrived.
"Buzz buzz" the sound of my phone made me wipe the tears on my cheeks. I knew I had hurt my mum with my actions.
"Hello" I said to mudasir who was on the line. We were making a call.
"My lil sis is now a married woman" he squealed.
"ALHAMDUDILAH" I simply said.
"Has Haidar called or texted you yet? " He questioned.
"No" she said and just then a text popped in, It was from yarima haidar.
"He just texted " I said checking the text which said.
"HEY WIFEY, HOPE YOURE READY FOR HELL" the message stated which made a loud hiss escape my mouth. I don't care.
"Thanks" I said to mudasir before hanging up.
"So what did the yarima text you?" Nazhia who had been seated next to me asked.
"Just the normal text After Nikah" I lied.
"Oh ok. Your conveyance will be up soon, you know he leaves in Abuja not Kano so you'll be going straight to ABJ" Nazhia said and I felt my heart crumble. All my plans are ruined, how will I deal with Jibrin from Abuja.
"I thought it was in daura" I said.
"No it's Abuja, your husband is a business tycoon" Nazhia said and I rolled her eyes inwardly.
"My plan will have to wait later then" I mumbled.
Seconds passed and so did minutes and hours and the time for the conveyance Arrived. I was escorted to Abuja by Nazhia and some maids.
Few hours passed and we Arrived at Abuja. The house was a beautiful one it was a mansion and It looked royal.
After some hours of sitting in the living room, I was taken to my room upstairs which was as big as the living room back at my mother's house.
"Wow" Nazhia exclaimed while taking a pillow in her hand. I on the other hand sat on the bed like most brides waiting for the yarima. After some minute Nazhia left for zazau with the maids leaving me Alone in the mansion.
waiting for Haidar.