Advaita reached her room. She got fresh up and brewed the coffee. Sitting on the sofa placed on the balcony, she enjoyed the cool breeze. She took her favorite novel, "A Monk who sold his Ferrari," written by Robin Sharma. She reread the text, which was highlighted by her in the previous reading.
She kept the book aside and laid on the bed, recalling the happenings of the day.
Who is this Snehith? Why is he behind me? Love, a word which I hate the most. I can't take another chance to make my lifeless life more pathetic. I don't understand why most of the men are like this? His looks are disgusting. How can he propose to me as soon as we met? He didn't know anything about me. He told me that he loves my beauty. My heart doesn't matter to him, but he needs only my body. I wanted to slap him, but this job is vital for me to survive. I can't miss this job by hitting him.
Advaita was upset with Snehith's behavior and went to sleep thinking about her life, full of problems.
On the next morning, Snehith went to her orphanage. He went to the Mother, the administrator of the orphanage.
"Good morning, Mother! I am Snehith," he introduced himself.
"I know you, son. God bless you! You are the MD of Snehith Industries, am I right? Your mom donated to this Home many times," the Mother said.
"Mother, I need help from you. I want details about Advaita. What happened to her? Why is she under psychiatric treatment? What is her problem?" Snehith asked.
"Son, we don't know anything about her. I met her at a railway station. I noticed emptiness in her eyes, and I asked her to accompany me to the Home when she told me that she has no one. She never talks to anyone. Here I consulted a psychiatrist observing her condition. She is under treatment."
"Okay, Mother! Thank you. Shall I see her?" Snehith said.
"Sure, but why are you asking about her? Do you know her?" the Mother asked.
"I know her. Before a year, she is my fiancé. Suddenly, marriage was called off. I don't know what happened to her. I went to the US and returned last month. Fortunately, I saw her today in my office as an employee," he said.
"Did you meet her family?"
"I tried, but I don't know where they are. They shifted from the place where they stayed before. I don't know what happened and why did they cancel the wedding."
"It is the Visiting Card of the psychiatrist who is treating her. Meet her once. You may find any details which may help you," the Mother said and gave Visiting Card to him.
Snehith took it and went to meet Advaita. He went to her room and opened it. He sat on a chair, admiring her beauty while sleeping. She woke up slowly and saw him. She was shocked and about to about, but he closed her mouth with his hand.
"Please, don't shout. I just came as I am going on this way. If you don't mind, you can accompany me to our office," Snehith said and removed his hand from her mouth.
Advaita glared at him.
"Just get lost from here. I didn't want your help. I already told you not to waste your time on me. Please, leave me," Advaita yelled at him.
"Did you finish your words? Why do you shout more than you speak? Stop shouting and learn to speak. We have a meeting today. I need my secretary to accompany me. So I came here to pick you. Now go and get ready within ten minutes, or you will lose your job," Snehith ordered.
"But you didn't inform me about the meeting yesterday," Advaita said.
"I forgot to inform you. Now don't waste my time and get ready fast."
Advaita got ready quickly.
"Shall we go?" She asked.
"What about your breakfast?"
"That is okay. The meeting is more important than my breakfast. Come, let's go," Advaita said, taking her handbag and office mobile.
"Look, my dear secretary, if you faint again, our meeting will be a mess. So, have food and come to the car. I will be waiting for you," he said.
Both went to the office and attended a meeting. Advaita tried her best to be normal, but Snehith found some restlessness on her face. He concluded the meeting as soon as possible. Before he could speak, Advaita left to her cabin. As she is new, few colleagues started interacting with her formally.
"Hi, my name is Raj. I am the technical expert here. May I know your name?" a guy asked her.
Advaita was restless. She is suffering from an unbearable headache.
"What the hell is this? Why do you need to know about me? Just go away," she shouted, giving a shock to everyone.
"Hey! Calm down. He didn't say anything wrong. What happened to you? Please, relax," another lady employee tried to calm her.
"Why are you guys coming to my cabin? Just get lost from here. I didn't want to talk with anyone. Get lost," she yelled, holding her head.
Snehith watched this in the CCTV footage. Snehith called her, but she didn't receive the call. He came to her cabin and asked them to leave her cabin. Everyone left to their cabins.
Advaita was in a standing position bending her head and in deep thoughts. Snehith kept his hand on her shoulder to soothe her. Suddenly she shouted out loud and slapped him. She started sobbing.
"Advaita, look at me. This is Snehith. What happened to you? Why are you scared of me? Just relax," Snehith tried to calm her down.
He tried to hug her, but she pushed him away. He hit the wall and was shocked seeing her weird behavior. She threw all the files on the table towards him.
He didn't understand how to control her. Snehith remembered the Mother of that orphanage giving the Visiting Card of Advaita's psychiatrist. He immediately called her psychiatrist. She came within a few minutes. Advaita, in the meantime, threw everything. She sat on the floor at the corner of a wall, hugging herself and scared of him. Snehith tried to go near her, but she tried to hurt him again. Finally, he gave up. The psychiatrist came, and as soon as Advaita saw the doctor, Advaita went and hugged her.
"Cool down, Advaita. It is okay," the psychiatrist tried to calm her.
Slowly without her notice, she gave an injection to her. She fell unconscious, and Snehith took her to his restroom in the office. He made her sleep on the bed.
"What happened to her? Why is she reacting like that suddenly?" Snehith asked.
"Advaita is in severe depression and suffering from schizophrenia. She hallucinates that something bad was happening to her and someone is attacking her. So, she was scared and hit you for self-defense," the psychiatrist Akshara explained to him.
"What is the reason behind her disease?"
Akshara's eyes filled with tears.
"I am sorry. I can't reveal the personal details of my patients to anyone. I didn't even tell her details till now to the Mother," Akshara said.
"Please, understand me. I want to marry Advaita. I love her, and I can't see her like this. I want to help her and heal her," Snehith said.
"Give up your idea of marrying her. It's not possible. What do you know about her to marry her?" Akshara asked.
"I know how she was in the past. My marriage was fixed with her in the past. But, suddenly, her parents canceled the marriage without even saying the reason. After that, I didn't find her till now. Recently I saw her application for the secretary post and immediately sent her posting order to get her back into my life," Snehith said.
"Look, Mr. Snehith, What you know about her is just a very small part of her life. You don't know entirely about her past. Now she is different. Your love increases her problems. So please give up your love for her and leave her," Akshara said.
"I am not bothered about her past. I can't remember her past, but I will change her. I will find the reason behind her change without your help. I will do anything for her happiness."
"If you know the truth, you will leave her. That is why please don't create false hopes for her. If you can't stay with her after that, she can't live. Are you going to drop her at Home, or Shall I drop her?" Akshara asked him.
"I will take care of the Advaita."
Akshara nodded and left his office. Snehith came to Advaita and caressed her hair. Tears rolled in his eyes and fallen on her cheeks.