“You will be living there with me. Are you planning to stay on a corner and not move?”
Wow, Andrea didn’t think he would explain so much to her and to use a somewhat sarcastic tone. She slightly shook her head.
Maybe he hasn’t changed much. This characteristic of his is reminiscent of his childhood.
After the main course was served, they were left alone again.
“You know, if it’s like this, we could’ve had our date at your place.” She noted.
“This is publicity.”
She stared at him after hearing such. “What?” She almost stuttered. Are they being watched right now? She looked around, but she couldn’t exactly see past the glass walls.
“It’s private. Since this is our first date, surely no one knows yet. Later, people would start to notice. If speculations are made about us, we have our story to tell and we’ll have evidence to back things up. This is our first date. It won’t be a rushed wedding or whatever shit those writers will come up with.”
Andrea chuckled at the way he speaks. It was funny. He, on the other hand, likes the sound of her laugh.
Initially, she was nervous and apprehensive, but he managed to make her feel relaxed. He’s easy to talk to. Maybe the wine and food helped.
“What else do you think I should do? For now, I mean. This coming week? Aside from visiting your office and bringing you something.”
“I’ll let you think and do what you see fit. Later, we’ll dance and you’ll give me a kiss.”
She blushed at the mention of a kiss. She hasn’t forgotten the last one.
During the rest of the meal, she told him about her conversation with Aria.
“She doesn’t seem to mind.”
And then, they agreed on when their next date is. Andrea suggested a few places.
“Is it necessary to book the whole place? There are places with private rooms. Won’t you be comfortable with that?” Though she knew he can afford it, her own pocket is screaming in protest.
“Would that be more comfortable for you?” He asked back.
“Yes.” She quickly answered, a little embarrassed at how she sounded. It shows how much it pains her to spend unnecessarily.
Oh, wow. She didn’t think he would agree just like that.
She was served chocolate mousse for dessert but she didn’t touch it.
“You don’t like it?” He did assume women like chocolate in general.
“I easily get sore throat when I eat something sweet. Extra sweet.” She explained as she slowly sipped on water.
“Do you want a different dessert?” He was about to reach for the menu.
“No. It’s okay. It’ll be hard to find something not sweet on a dessert menu.” She chuckled, remembering a time she tried including a sour treat on a dessert list. Her family wouldn’t have it and shoot down the idea.
After a while, they sat staring at each other. Then, he stood up and offered her a hand. She took it without much thought. They would probably dance. The background music was relaxing and nice. Maybe a little romantic. She’d identified a couple of love songs earlier. There are no lyrics, though.
She wasn’t as embarrassed when he wrapped his arms around her waist and she awkwardly laid hers on his shoulders. He’s a head taller than her. They slowly swayed to the music.
“It would be preferable if you lean closer.” His voice startled her as she begins to relax. She only took two seconds before doing what he said. Her hands slid down his chest to wrap around his body and she leaned against him.
His body heated up at the way her hands caressed him as it moved downwards. He almost stiffened at the momentary touch. He knew it wasn’t deliberate. It is just how it is for her to move into this position. He couldn’t wait for another taste of her lips.
Wayne removed one hand from her back and found her chin. He tilted her face towards his and crashed his lips against hers. She tastes like wine. She did almost drink half the bottle.
His tongue explored the inside of her mouth. Her hands clutched his clothes as she moaned. He didn’t let her go as he cupped her face and drowned her in kisses. He almost smiled at how her tongue was tentatively meeting his. He lightly sucked on it when he caught it. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her lips were swollen at his insistent sucking. As much as she wanted to pull back, she couldn’t. His arm around her was too firm and held her in place, even as she felt his burgeoning desire against her mid-section. Things are definitely heating up.
“Wayne…” She managed to utter against his lips. “Stop.”
When he paused, she planted her face against his chest. Hiding from him. She feels hot and the beating of her heart is accelerated. Against his chest, she could almost feel the increased tempo of his heartbeat as well. She took deep breaths to calm down.
She shivered as his hand started moving up and down her body. It was a firm touch, familiarizing itself with the curves of her body.
“I can’t wait to get you in my bed.” His whispered statement against her ear was something she wasn’t expecting. He wanted her. His hand wandered further down and cupped her behind. She whimpered when he started kneading it. It was too close to her throbbing center. If they go to his place now, would they really…?
They were silent at the back of his car, seated as normally as they could. Andrea couldn’t decide if she wanted to jump him or to get away from him. Both options are appealing.
She followed him inside his house. Getting inside his room, he quickly went to the bathroom, telling her to do as she pleases. Without any clothes with her, she searched his wardrobe. Hmm. She found a clean white shirt and shorts with string. She chuckled as the length goes down to her knees.
She walked around and found that his room has a balcony. She’d seen how big the property was. It would be nice to relax out here. She sat on a reclining chair and was surprised that she can see stars.
She showered after him and when she came out, she found him waiting on the bed. Ah, what are they to do now?
He noticed her figure simply standing there and waved her over. She awkwardly climbed on the bed after putting her things on the bedside table.
He turned off the lights and dimmed the lamp on his side.
“Sleep.” He stated before pulling her against him.
What? You expect me to sleep like this? He could only guess her expression at this point. When she started to relax, he started to press kisses against her head.
“What are you doing?” She complained.
Instead of replying, Wayne covered her mouth with his lips, devouring her. Andrea’s afraid that if they continue like this, they might really give in and have sex. As she tries to move away, he put a leg over hers to keep her in place. What is this situation?
After a while, she gave in and fervently responded to him. He’s keeping his hands above her waist and not straying downwards. That’s good, right?
But then, she felt his warm hand under her shirt and slowly moving upwards, its destination clear. She moaned as he massaged her breasts. She’s slightly assured as she hears him moaning as well.
Eventually, she did fell asleep without going further than kissing. Wayne was a little frustrated, his desires unsatisfied, but he calmed himself down after breathing in her scent.
In the morning, he introduced her to the housekeepers and gave her a tour of the house. After a late breakfast, he had a driver send her back. But not after another searing kiss.