Chapter 09.1
I was stunned when he asked me. He didn't seem to hear everything so he asked that. I wonder, what could be on his mind. It took a few minutes before I could answer him but I was cut off by Ly.
"Vy !? What the .... What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Filifia?" Ly's eyes widened
Luhence laughed softly. I couldn't help but stare at him as I watched him laugh. He seemed to be getting more and more handsome in my eyes and my heartbeat was getting stronger. I looked away.
"I just want to see your friend. If you will allow me. It would be an honor to drive you two home," Luhence
Lily was silent for a moment before she replied, "Are you with your rude friend?"
"Ahm," Luhence looked at the car in the distance "Yes. He's inside my car. Why?"
"Nevermind. We can walk. Let's go Vy," Ly pulled me
I pulled him back and pinched his side. He backed away.
"Don't do that!" He complained
"Don't be like that," I looked at Luhence. "They made an effort to come here. It would be embarrassing if we left them. All right, no problem Luhence,"
He smiled broadly at us showing his pearly white teeth. He led us to the car. Lily and I sat in the backseat while Luhence sat in the front. I smiled at Nash when he waved at me but Lily just scolded him. Lily doesn't seem to have a good mix when Nash is there.
"Where did you live two? Do you live next door?" Luhence asked
I nodded, "Yes. Our house is close so we always walk together," I replied
They both frowned to my surprise. What are these people thinking?
"Walking? Isn't it too dangerous for a two beautiful ladies walking in the street?" Nash
"Yeah. Maybe you could borrow this car," Luhence said quickly
I was stunned when he said, "A-what?"
"Majesty ----,"
"Shut up!" Luhence's eyes widened
I looked around at the two of them. Nash seemed scared when Luhence looked at him seriously. He never spoke afterwards.
Why did he call Luhence majesty?
Am I correct in my suspicion that Luhence’s parents may have been in charge?
"No thanks. I have a car but we prefer to walk because our house is close to here and also it can strengthen our immunity and cardiovascular, by walking," Lily replied.
Luhence nodded, "I understand but you two still need to be careful,"
I smiled at him, "We're just inside the village," I pointed to the gate
"We're okay here. Thanks for the delivery," I said with a smile
"Are you sure? We can drive you in front of your house," luhence
"No .. Mom will scare me for life when she sees me get out of a man's car. You two, Vy. Come on. Thanks to you Luhence but not to you!" Lily scolded Nash
"Lady, better keep your attitude before you piss me off here," Nash
I just shook hands with them and then turned to Luhence.
"Are you free tomorrow? After your class?" He asked
Suddenly I was stunned. Luke's actions came to me when his mother also came out and it didn't go well. Dad might be angry with me and I don't want that to happen especially now that there is a problem in our house that I still need to know and solve.
"I'll let your parents know. If you let me," Luhence
I slowly looked at him, "You're not .... I mean. Aren't you afraid to see my parents?"
"Why would I? I'm not going to do anything bad to their princess. I just want to show you something nearby. It's beautiful and I think you deserve to see it," Luhence
I smiled broadly at him, "Okay. Tomorrow. Let's meet tomorrow. Be careful," I said goodbye
"You two lady blue. I'm looking forward on it,"
He smiled before getting into the car and watched the car slowly leave until they disappeared from my sight.
"Tara or vy!"
I turned to Ly and together we entered the village where our houses stood.
I entered the open gate and closed it. I carefully took every step into the house and then placed my bag on the sofa. As I always do, I went to the kitchen but Mama wasn’t there which surprised me.
Is Mom in the room? Maybe he fell asleep. Mama loves to cook so she is always in the kitchen when she has nothing else to do she cleans her life or maybe she plants in the garden, behind our house.
I went to the garden first and I was right. He was there and sitting on the hammock. He seemed to be thinking deeply because he was just stunned by the absence and just woke up to hear my footsteps.
"Princess! Are you hungry? I'll get you ready," Mom
I sat on the adjacent hammock while still silent. I could feel the sadness in her voice.
"Ma? I want to know what the problem is. I don't want us to be like this Ma. What is Papa telling me? I want to understand everything so I know what I can do to help,"
My eyes were talking as I looked at him but he averted his gaze. There were tears in his eyes that weighed on my feelings. Mama who is always smiling now is crying in front of me. I couldn't bear to see him cry so I averted my eyes.
"If there's anything I can do, tell me Ma. I don't want to see you cry. If this is any problem, I can handle it if you tell me,"
"I'm scared, son. I'm scared my princess will leave me when she finds out the truth. You're too young a princess to know everything. G-I want .... I want you to be happy first because I know hell you're going to experience when you know your true status in life, "
He took my hand and looked me in the eyes. I was unable to speak when I saw the tears in her eyes.
"This reality will change who you are in the future. I don't want that to happen. You're my strong innocent princess. I don't want them to change you. I don't want them to force you to do something that you will never be able to enjoy. .I'm being irrational now but I care for you princess.I really care for you but I don't have enough time.I'm running out of time so I want you to get ready princess.When that time comes. I want you to be braver and smarter because you are the only one who can save myself. Your decisions will be based on everything, "Mama
"M-mama .... What are you telling me?" I'm confused question
But he didn't answer and just smiled then silently entered the house again. I just stared at the flowers in front. Mama's words are still sinking into my brain and I still don't understand anyone there.
And one more thing, why do I feel like someone else was speaking earlier? What are they hiding from me? Why do I feel like everything and people around me are hiding in a mask so I can’t see their true persona?
"I can't believe we drive all the way here just you can see that lady. What's with her and you keep coming back prince dwight?" Nash
The young man did not answer and remained silent. At least he didn't know what else was the reason why he kept coming back to see the girl other than that he wanted her. He knew someone already owned it. But it feels like he can't breathe when he didn't see the lady with blue eyes once a day.
"I wish I could," she whispered softly
"You're going to be the next king. It's sure that you'll be marrying the princess of Ihmapuleya. It will be a shame if you turn your back from your responsibilities because you fell in love in a lady who lives in the land of you're supposed to be queen, "Nash rants
"Seal your mouth Nash. I could punish you for disgracing me but I'm your friend. I knew my responsibilities and I will never turn my back from it. I like Elvy but I knew my limitations. I will marry the princess once they introduce her to me, "the young man said seriously
She secretly sighed as she thought of her priorities. His friend was right. He was about to become king and marry a princess he did not know yet. It would be better for him to stay away from the girl before his father finds out.
But how can he do that if he always find himself close to that lady with blue eyes?
"I'm messed up,"
I felt paralyzed sitting on the stool when I came down from my room. I'm worried. Papa is still gone after the fight between the two of them and Mama. I heard nothing from their argument as they entered the room and there talked. I just found out they were fighting when dad came out shouting.
I rubbed my face when I saw that mama and papa were not in the kitchen like I used to. I could hardly sleep waiting for papa but I didn't even see his shadow last night. Mom kept crying but she wouldn't let me in.
"What's going on in my family? Why is this? Why don't I know?"
I felt the heat in my eyes so I shook and tried to forget what happened last night then stood on the stool to prepare my own food. Then I went to mama’s room and placed the tray of food on the nightstand. I sighed then kissed him on the forehead.
"I'm sorry m-ma. If I only knew what I had to do, I would. But promise ma. I'll prepare myself, like you said,"
I tried to smile as the tears slowly trickled down my face. I quickly wiped it off and left their room then went straight to the living room but I was shocked when I saw Papa standing by the door. Her eyes were sad.
"P-pa? Why n-just now did you go home? P-pa? What's going on?"
I couldn’t help but cry while asking. I am a strong person but when it comes to my family, I am weak. I have no idea what the problem is but I want to help because I don’t want to see Mom and Dad like this. I’m used to us being happy.
He approached me and held me on both shoulders. There was some emotion I could not read in his eyes.
"You have to be brave. Because you're going to face the real world Elvira," papa
I just kept staring at him while wiping the tears that fell from my eyes.
"Next week ...... you won't be here anymore,"
I took a deep breath at what dad said and couldn't believe looking at him. My hands trembled with excitement.
"N-you're just kidding d-aren't you?"
His face went blank as he looked at me which made my chest heavier. I can no longer see my father who used to be thoughtful. Someone else is in front of me. People I have never seen.
"After this week and next. Pack your things and leave our house, Samara Venice,"
To be continued...