Lilly’s POV
« Okay little mate, we will play a game. I ask a question, and you answer truthfully. Then you get to ask a question. Fun, right ? » Jaxson starts off the conversation.
« F-fun ? » What is fun and what is a game ? Oh well, if he wants to play then we can. « W-we play… now ? »
« Yes now, I’ll start us off. What’s your favorite color ? » He asks.
« C-color ? W-what… that ? » This is all so frustrating ! I know nothing that he is saying ! Out of frustration, I pull my hair and breathe heavy. I just want to know all these things he is talking about !
« Hey hey, it’s okay Lilly. Take deep breaths with me. » He quietly soothes me with his soft voice. I could listen to him all day.
As I calm down, he asks, « What stressed you out ? »
« I d-don’t… color ? » I can’t figure out how to word my sentences ! Life is so difficult now, I never had to talk much at home.
« You don’t know what colors are ? » He asks with no judgement in his eyes. This makes me feel less ashamed of myself because I know nothing. Nodding my head, I sigh.
He quickly tries to explain what colors are to me. « You see this cup ? It is white. The door is brown, and my eyes are green. Does that make sense ? »
Not understanding, I nod anyway, not wanting to make him mad. Gaining some courage, I admit what my favorite color is, « Y-you… eyes. G-green. »
He lifts his lips up into a brilliant smile, making me so much happier. He liked what I said ! He is happy with me ! I’ve had no one ever happy with me before, and it felt amazing. I made him smile. Maybe he won’t hurt me.
« Y-you ? »
« Your eyes, they are a beautiful blue. They are my favorite color. » Now it was my turn to smile. I can’t believe he likes my eyes ! I’ve never even seen them before, and he likes them ? « Now you get to ask a question, » he adds.
« W-what mate ? » I question. He still has explained nothing.
« A mate is your soulmate, your other half. They complete you. They are made perfectly for you, you have an unbreakable bond. You feel safe with them, secure, and fulfilled, » he starts. « We are mates. »
I understand this. I feel safe with him. I feel less empty with him. I believe I am truly his mate.
« It f-feels true. I-I feel… less e-empty, » I admit truthfully.
« Well, that’s good, little mate. You make me feel less empty too, » he says. It is his turn for a question. I think I’m understanding this game ! « How did you get those bruises ? »
I wince, hoping he wouldn’t bring those up. I don’t want to tell him. Sensing this, he grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes. His beautiful green eyes locking with my blue ones. « You don’t have to tell me now, but some day, I would like to know, so you will never be hurt ever again. »
His words touch my heart. No one has ever cared for me. No one has ever showed me compassion or love. This feeling of safety is entirely new, and I think I’m liking it.
My turn ! Another question ! So much fun. This is because I have endless questions. « I-I smell like… w-wolf ? » I ask, bouncing in my seat, finally understanding the game ! I can play !
« Yes, you smell like you have alpha werewolf blood in you. »