"How are you, darling?"
I quickly wipe my mouth, feeling nauseated. No it's impossible. It is simply impossible! However, there was only a small chance that I would be qualified... Why is fate hounding me so much?
I straighten up, stunned. I pass my mother then return my attention to the television. A photo of me - the one that was taken in the cabinet - is projected on the screen. I have an awful head, too. My hair is messy, my gaze lost and a faint smile forms on my lips.
I can not believe it. I am selected. It's unthinkable, it shouldn't happen. Among the two hundred thousand applications, they had to choose me? Why not another, well! It's totally unfair. Unfair but incredible.
- Do you realize, Sarah, you are qualified!
No kidding. It's not like the grizzled gentleman didn't just say it.
- I noticed thank you, I muttered, annoyed.
I sit down on the couch. My mother pops the champagne cork with Solenn while I listen attentively to the presenter. The Selection will take place over five months: March, April, May, June and July. The wedding will take place in mid-August. At the end of the first month, five selected will be eliminated. Then four for the second, third and fourth. And in the end, there will only be three left to decide.
Well, perfect. I'll just have to get eliminated, pray that Solenn succeeds and everything will be fine. I smile, satisfied with this plan (which in the end is not very successful). The only question that lingers in my mind is: how do I get eliminated quickly?
The prince must hate me, but how? Maybe I should look haughty and mean and he'll surely hate me. Or else I'll keep him company and mimic the chicken, he'll probably think I'm crazy enough to fire me.
Or I can ask Solenn for help. After all, maybe she will be happy to eliminate one of her competitors?
× × ×
- What ? But no, I can't...
- But if ! Think about it, I just want to stay here and you want to stay there as long as possible. You help me get evicted, you continue your little road and everything is fine!
Solenn bites her lip. I try not to raise my voice since our mother is sleeping at this hour but it's quite difficult to convince Solenn.
In the family, Solenn has always been an example to follow, the kind of perfect girl. My mother admires her, loves her and congratulates her all the time. As for me, I'm a bit of a service rebel who does as she pleases. They treat me like a savage. An adjective far too weak to designate my character as a goddess.
— Sarah, I don't know... You're my sister, I can't help you get eliminated!
“Solenn, I need your help. I'm in love with Aiden and I want to stay here, not live in a palace of the rich. You, you like luxury and so much the better! But I want to keep my current life...
- Listen, we'll see there, okay?
She scrutinizes me for a few moments, looking thoughtful, then ends up throwing her hair back like in the movies. Putting his hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me, I nod my head with a sigh, resigned.
She then gets up and leaves my room on tiptoe. I lay down on my bed, exhausted. If only I hadn't signed up, none of this would have ever happened. I never should have. Here I am embarked in a world that is not mine. And the prince may be attractive, intelligent or so on, I will never marry a man I do not know! I love Aiden and that won't change.
- Pss!
I get up, intrigued. A shadow at my window puzzles me. Crouching on the windowsill, Aiden looks breathless. He holds out his hand to me as I frown, puzzled.
- Follow me.
I step through the window frame, my hand in Aiden's.
- What are you doing here ? If my mother hears you, you signed your death warrant!
He completely ignores me and jumps down to land in the garden. The height between the rim and the ground is not very high so I imitate it. Slipping my hand into his, we cross the road as I bombard him with questions. He continues to ignore me and simply replies that he will explain later. He then takes us to a field behind my house, the one belonging to the neighbor. He sits down, motioning for me to do the same.
“Aiden, what is it?
— I saw the news on TV like nearly fifty million people.
I swallowed quietly, raising my eyes to the starry sky. My life was so good, so perfect. Why does everything have to change now? If I hadn't been pushed to register, I would never have been selected!
- Congratulations to you, you are one of the twenty selected.
"Aiden, don't take that tone with me!" You encouraged me to participate, I did. Now you assume my selection.
He has a small smirk.
“I will miss you, Sarah.
He purposely teases me. He knows I hate that. I return her smile and answer:
“I will miss you too. But I'll be back soon.
- How so ?
- I'll be eliminated in the first month, I'll be back soon.
He raises his eyebrows, amused. Then his jealousy takes over and he frowns:
- We'll see. The prince is said to be very handsome. And you're beautiful, so...
“I love you Aiden, you and you alone.
“You know, feelings evolve and change so maybe…
I put my index finger to his mouth, not wanting to hear what happened next.
- No, shut up.
I seal my lips to his, my heart pounding. He puts his hands on both sides on my face, leaving me on a small cloud. His moist mouth presses against mine as I run my fingers through his hair, my chest filled with an exhilarating feeling.
We end up stepping back, hand in hand. His eyes lock on mine and he grabs my wrist to plant a gentle kiss. I love him as much as he loves me, there's no doubt about that.
- I love you ... Much more than you imagine, he breathes.