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Michael was the first to realize they had company with them in the room he opened his eyes abruptly as he hear sound of foots in the room he stood up his eyes look to the door he pull back perplexed not sure of what the situation was he gazed at them not sure what was happening he felt a hand touch his on the bed he flinch a little and turn to see what it was “the princess” he look back at the people in the room standing few feet away from them, he look back again to the princess and suddenly realization dawn on him, he had spent the night together with the princess on the same bed and got caught by the royal family

Claire opened her eyes slowly, oblivious of what has happened she stretched her body nosily as she tried to remain fully awake she look beside her and saw him sitting with a troubled look seeing his gaze on a particular area of the room she followed his gaze and look in front of her she stare at her father and the others as they stare back at her “father?” she asked wondering what they were all doing in her room, her mother appear in front of her “mother why are you all in my room?”

“You sick child, how could you do this?” her mother said and hit her continuously

“She must have lost her mind, spending the night with an unknown man in the palace” Ashley said giving her a disgust look

“she sure is shameless, mating with a man before marriage even if you can’t hold yourself anymore you should have ask father for permission to get married instead of disgracing the royal family like this” Mitchel one of the princesses replied with contempt

Still confused about what was going on, Claire look to her mother for help, her mother eyes fell on her chest which was opened wide almost revealing her dress she quickly cover up with her hands Queen Madison brought a veil to cover her up

“I think you have some explanation to do young lady and you” the king said and pointed to Michael who was still in a daze “am sure you know the consequence of your action” he gave a stare at the two and left the room in anger

Claire tried to remember what happened yesterday and how she ended up in her room they were not in her room last night and their clothes seems to be tampered with, her dress was opened and Michael’s clothes were also tampered with and everyone came to her room early in the morning it’s seems like someone set her a set up to her, the others left the room except her mother who wasn’t done scolding her “did you have any idea what you gotten yourself into?” she scold again

Claire got up from the bed and turn her mother to the door “please leave I need time alone” she push her to the door and see her out, bolting the door after her with a heavy sigh she went back to the bed beside him

“What happened last night?”

“I have no idea” Michael answered looking totally confused

“Why are you in my room on my bed?” she asked again her voice a little high

“I really don’t know, I have no idea how we got here”

Claire sigh again she ruffled her hair in frustration she pull them back again moving her neck swiftly

“So sexy”

Claire look at him not sure what he was talking about “what?”

“You look so sexy right now” he said again his eyes fixed on her giving her vibes

“This is no joke we might be in deep trouble” she informed

“Okay, what do you think?” he asked becoming serious

“I think you should get out of my room and find your way back to wherever you came from” she said

Prince Michael smiled at her change of mood and got up from the bed, adjusting his clothes he walk towards the door and look back at her

“Thanks for last night, it was fun” he said and gave a smirk before he finally exit the room

“Fun? What was fun?” she asked herself trying to remember yesterday event but the memory refuse to come

“Fallon! Sarah!” she yelled out her maids name and they come running into the room looking petrified

“Yes princess Claire” they both responded

“What happened yesterday? How did I end up in my room?” she rushed looking from one person to another for a quick answer

“My princess we have no idea…”

“Guards!” she yell again cutting them shut

“Send these two out and flog them till they are ready to say the truth” she ordered the guards we just came in, they immediately carry out her order and drag the two resisting maids out of her sight.

The princesses sat under the pavilion just few steps away from the main building having a chat, they have snacks and drinks served by each of their maids who stood feet away from them under the sun and watch they have a good time discussing about no one else but the sixth princess

“Father wouldn’t let this go would he?” Mitchel asked the rest dropping her glass on the table

“of course he wouldn’t, father has no choice than to marry her off this time she has escaped marriage for a long time now and finally she’s caught in a trap she can never escape from” Ashley replied looking pleased as the situation

“But don’t you think it’s too harsh sending her off to marry an unknown man in a strange kingdom?” Emma asked looking sad among the princesses she seems to be the only one who likes Claire although the latter doesn’t like her

“Who cares about that? Claire is a torn in everyone’s flesh and the best thing is her leaving so we can have some peace and freedom” Zoey replied

Roseline look to her side to see Jewel’s reaction but there is none, she’s the first princess and the first child of the throne and by birth she should be in charge but Claire has been place over her in everything which should make her angry and jealous but she never does rather she doesn’t care at all

“Talking about marriage, aren’t you three supposed to be married before her?” Jewel spoke for the first time changing the main course of discussion

“None of you have suitors yet and you are worried about your younger sister who might get married soon to a rich prince, shouldn’t you get yourself suitors instead of gossiping around?”

The three stare at her upset at her words although they never liked her, she’s the first princess after all and being the first she has her power and besides her mother is the first Queen and also have her maternal family connection and power

“I already have a suitor” Mitchel said in defense of herself

“Sister Jewel, we are just being considerate of our sixth sister that’s all, we really mean no harm and besides the fact that Claire is now regarded as the first and most beautiful among us which has made you lose your place as the first born of the royal family…”

Jewel slam her glass of juice on the table in anger, she looked furious as she stare dagger at Zoey who just made the comment, not wanting to fight she stood up from her seat and walk out of the place with Roseline after her trail.

Lost in thought Jewel almost collide with Claire who is also oblivious of her presence the two stopped together with Roseline who is behind before they made a clash

“Oh, didn’t see you there sister” she said trying to start a conversation

“Yeah didn’t see you either” Claire replied and made to walk away but Jewel hold her back

“Can we talk?” she requested

“There’s nothing for us to talk about” she replied rudely and walk away with her injured maids running to meet up with her pace

“That rude bas…” Roseline wanted to curse but got stopped by Jewel who glare at Claire disappearing figure

What happened earlier this morning flash to her memory, she has walk pass the room where the two were staying and saw them together on the bed, wanting to help she ordered her maids to help them to her room but then she had slip the information of her sleeping with a man to her mother who took action immediately by letting everyone know about it.

She wanted to talk to her so she could explain and apologize but seeing her attitude to her just now, Princess Jewel felt she deserve whatever is coming to her.

In a dash, Princess Claire entered into the throne room walking past the guards who are standing guard at the door, the door opened widely to receive her entrance as everyone in the magnificent room stood up to receive her except the King who has a straight look on his face

“Greeting Father” she greeted and made her way to her seat just beside the king

“You will not seat Princess Claire” she heard the king say and stop her action

“Why wouldn’t I?

“Because you are here to be reprimand, so you have to stand in front of the king to receive your punishment” Queen Giana informed already feeling irate at the attitude of the princess

“Am sure my punishment isn’t standing up so I don’t have to stand” she replied nonchalantly and take her seat earning everyone’s disapproval

“So what’s the meeting about?” she asked with condescension

“An incident happened early this morning which could bring disgrace and dishonor to the royal family if care is not taken” King Josh started looking straight at her

“If this is about me sleeping with a strange guy, it’s nothing and besides we didn’t have anything together it was just a harmless sleepover” she commented nonchalantly

“you are a princess and there are rules guiding you, one of those rules is that you should maintain your dignity as a woman and be a good example to the ladies of the kingdom not a bad role model” Queen Amanda said angrily

“Dignity? Bad role model? Rules?” Claire asked and chuckle facing Queen Amanda

“Your daughter has been nothing but a shameless slut who was caught in an affair with a mere guard yet you talk to me about dignity shouldn’t that be for your daughter?” she asked scornfully

“You insolent child!” Queen Amanda shrieks in rage

“insolent why do I think that also is for princess Ashley not me, talking about the issue the stranger I was with is a respectable prince not some guard so why all the headache?’ she throw staring from one royal member to another

“But…” the King made to protest

“no but father, can’t you see this is a trap set for me by one of the royal families and besides how did everyone find out about this if not that some rats has slipped intentionally?” she asked again looking for each of the Queens suspiciously

“Do not frame anyone for your mistake Claire, you have done a wrong thing this time and should face the consequences” Queen Luciana said firmly and being the first Queen and the head of the inner court Claire decided to keep quiet and listen

“king Edward will be coming over to discuss concerning this situation and whatever is concluded will be pass on to you, as for the punishment you are grounded in your room for the whole day, you are not allowed to leave your room until I say so” the King said and excuse her from the room.


The King of Silverbell pace around the room waiting for his third son who he has sent for ages ago after waiting for more than thirty minutes he call on to his guards to know why the prince isn’t coming

“Where is Prince Michael?” he asked impatiently

“Am sorry your highness he should be here any minute” one of the guards answered

“You said the same thing minutes ago” he growled

“I will send someone to check on him again my lord” Eris said and signal to the guards to go find him

“Am here your highness” the door fling open right before the guards get to it and Prince Michael entered the room in a causal wear

The king frown at his presence and send a glare his way before going to his seat, Eris followed after standing behind him and helping him to a massage to calm him down, Michael look towards her and look away before their gaze meet

“You fool, I ask you to go find some secrets for me but you went and cause trouble for the royal family now the king of Aither has summoned me” he said fuming

“Why am I being blame here? You are the one who ordered me to get her somehow” he defended but this got King Edward even angrier as he threw his scepter at him, Prince Michael manage to escape the attack and look angrily at his father

“You are going with me to the Palace and anything they agree on you shall obey” he stated

Eris suddenly stop what she’s doing and came in front of the king with a bow paying respect to him, King Edward stretch his hand at her instead of the scepter, with a smile she stood up and went to pick the scepter lying feet away

“My lord…” she begin handling the scepter back to him

“Speak Eris”

“I have a suggestion which I think might favor us in this situation”

“Can you stay out of this?” Michael resorted and earn another glare

“If my King permit me, we can turn this whole situation to our advantage…” she look intensively at the king who immediately understand her body language

“Excuse us” he said with a wave of hand, Michael hesitate for a second before making a move

“Hypocrite” he mumbled before walking out of the throne hall.


Inside the massive room, the two kings sat down with few members of the royal family to discuss the situation on ground, after deliberating for a while they decided on a solution and summon the two concerned persons to the room and ask them to stand right in front of the kings

Princess Claire has been informed about the outcome of the meeting beforehand and her expression doesn’t look good at all even when the Queen of Silverbell smiled at her she ignore it and look away to her father

“Let me guess the conclusion of your meeting Father, you are asking me to marry him” she said and look towards Prince Michael with an unpleased look

“Claire behave yourself” her mother warned silently

“your highness, the issue on ground is more than you pictured it to be, someone link the information to the press and everyone in both kingdoms are curious and demanding an explanation from us, the only way to settle this to favor both kingdom and also maintain our dignity as the royal families is to tell the public you are engaged to each other” King Edward explain warmly

“So your solution is lying to the people you rule over?” she asked sarcastically surprising the King at her audacity in speaking to him that way

“Claire!” King Josh yelled her name to silent her

“Even I think this is the best way to resolve this matter, it will bring harmony and alliance between the two kingdom” he expatiated

“well I don’t think that way at all, what I think is that Silverbell Kingdom deliberately scheme this up so they could gain strong connection to Aither kingdom” Claire blunt out again

“I beg your pardon young lady” King Edward said not able to keep his temper at check

“Pardon not granted” Claire replied stunning everyone in the room except her father who stare at her resignedly

“You can’t talk to my lord that way, according to the rumor you are the one who drugged the Prince” Eris who is triggered by the princess words and action spoke up glaring angrily at her

“Who are you?” she asked her voice softened a little

“Eris, personal maid to his Royal Highness King Edward” she introduced

Princess Claire give her a quick look and move forward to her, without a warning she raise her hand high and send her two slap on both cheek dumbfounding everyone, Prince Michael who was enjoying the show moment ago stare in total disbelief at the Princess

“You are just a low life maid and yet you dare to raise your voice at me” she yelled in rage ignoring completely the shock on everyone’s face

“Your Highness” she continued turning to face the furious looking King Edward staring digger at her

“I believe your maid here isn’t taught well enough and it is an honor unto her to receive lessons from me, shouldn’t she appreciate my kindness?” she asked with a smirk

King Edward hesitate and fight his emotions not to explode from the anger raising inside of him, after a while he reluctantly ask Eris to thank the princess for her lesson, although that is the least she want to do right now, Eris has no option than to obey the King

“Thank you Your Highness” she said swallowing her anger and pride, with a sneer Claire walk out of the room.

Just before she walk far from the place, she heard someone call unto her and stop Prince Michael caught up with her and seize her hand before she could react

“What are you doing?”

“I thought you are a good lady and friendly one when I met you yesterday but seeing your attitude now I don’t think you possess all those qualities” he lash at her

Claire wriggled her hand from his grip and move a bit away from him “I have business to attend to” she said dismissively

“You are not going anywhere Princess, not until you go back there and apologize” he said gripping her hand again

“Listen here handsome savior, I am Princess Claire of Aither Kingdom I will never apologize to anyone” she affirm and walk away leaving him stupefied.

A figure watch the two from a close corner and smile at their conversation, looks like things are going her way she just need to sit back and watch how the drama unfolds.

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