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Chapter 3


I turn around to see a child–a boy at the door. He looks to be about ten, just like Neil said, and he’s in a wheelchair.

This must be Aaron.

If his physical condition isn’t already a giveaway, his looks are. He’s literally a younger, baby-faced version of Neil.

My stomach sinks and I feel like throwing up. Life has to be cruel to be doing this to me.

He looks between his father and me and I melt inwardly at how cute and vulnerable he is.

Neil immediately switches from cold boss mode to dad mode. He shuffles out of his seat and goes to crouch in front of the boy.

“Hey there champ,” he coos as he strokes his knee.

Aaron doesn’t take his eyes off me. “Who are you?” He addresses Neil, “Who is she dad?”

Before Neil can answer, I get up and move to him.

“Hi Aaron,” I wave, “I’m your new physical therapist.”

His doll like eyes grow bigger and he gushes, “Really?” He looks to Neil for confirmation.

The older man reaches out to ruffle his unruly hair, chuckling, “Yes, really. Allison is going to try to help you walk again.” He looks at me as he speaks. His eyes are empty and detached, just like they’ve been throughout the interview.

My already racing heart stutters to a stop.

I understand his doubts. The rehabilitation clinics Aaron has been to were filled with more experienced therapists. If they couldn’t help him, who’s to say that I can?

My shoulders sink with the new weight of the job. Aaron looks so excited; the last thing I want to do is give him hope and fail.

Aaron sticks a hand out to me. Amused, I take it only for him to shake it like a proper little gentleman.

“Nice to meet you, Allison.”

Okay…props to Neil for raising a polite little man. If only he himself was half as decent.


After spending an extra half hour with Neil and Aaron, I’ve finally left the penthouse. I’m waiting outside in the scorching early afternoon heat for my Uber to arrive.

My nerves are frazzled. In fact, they are completely fried.

First, I met the man I had a one night’s stand with years ago. Then I learned he has a son who is really his nephew. He adopted him upon his sister’s death and due to an accident, the boy is confined to a wheelchair. And somehow, I’m supposed to work magic that other physical therapists couldn’t by helping the boy walk again.

Screw my life.

It’s a pretty rough situation but that’s not what has my fingers shaking.

It’s the fact that I have a replica of Aaron at my parent’s house. He’s four and his name is Riley.

My palms become so clammy, my phone slips out through them. It falls to the floor with a clatter.


I pick it up and examine it for cracks, but I don’t really care. My mind is still in Neil’s penthouse.

Neil, the incredibly handsome and wealthy man.

Neil, the man that gave me the best night of my life only to ruin it by leaving abruptly the next day.

Neil, the father of my son.

The Uber arrives and I give the driver the address of an office somewhere in the city.


“Let me get this straight; you went for an interview with a prospective client only to find out that it’s the guy you hooked up with a long time ago.”

Beverly pronounces her words slowly like it’s going to help her understand the situation better.

“You also find out he has a son who’s really his nephew. And the poor boy can’t walk because of some accident?”

I nod, “Uh huh.”

“And he ended up hiring you to be the boy’s new therapist,” she finishes and puts a finger to her bottom lip, “I don’t know…as long as you’re making good money, I say you have no problems here."

I give her a look of disbelief, “What? What do you mean I have no problems? I slept with the guy, Bev!”

My voice carries over her office cafeteria. Thankfully, it’s past break time and no one is left except for us.

Beverly flips her long blond hair and scoffs, “People run into their sneaky links all the time. It’s literally not a big deal.”

I give her a scathing look and she continues, “Okay. Remember last week when we went shopping and I met one of my old flames working at the check out counter? He gave us a nice discount too.”

“You have hooked up with every attractive male under the sun, Bev. And I’m happy for you,” I start to chew on my nail, “But…”

“But what, Allison…what?”

“I’m not like you,” I blurt out, “I don’t know how to be confident and badass in situations like these.”

She picks up her glass of juice and sips it. As she does, she watches me carefully from the rim of the glass.

“You’re right. You’re not like me. But this is cowardly, even for you,” she observes, “Are you sure there’s nothing else going on?”

Well… ladies and gentlemen, this is it. The moment of truth.

When I discovered I was pregnant weeks after my affair with Neil, I was scared and ashamed. I announced my pregnancy but kept the father’s identity a secret. Now it has come around to bite me in the ass.

I stare pleadingly at her, “Don’t get mad.”

Her eyes sharpen, “What?”

I wring my fingers nervously as I find the words to say.

“He’s Riley’s father.”

Silence descends between us as Beverly gapes in shock.


“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner but I was so ashamed,” I rush out, “Now you see why I’m terrified.”

My best friend stares at me in horror for a moment longer before dropping her face into her hands. She lets out a loud groan.

“I’m going to chew you out later, okay? But right now, we have to focus on how big of a disaster this is.”

I groan too, “I know. And it’s too late; I’ve accepted the job.”

“Does he know?”

“Of course not.”

Beverly sighs and reaches for her water, “Well, he’s hot and rich. Most women would kill to have a baby daddy like yours.”

I reach over to steal a piece of fry from her plate. She frowns and swats my hand away.

“It’s a good thing I’m not most women then,” I warble as I munch on the fry.

Beverly rolls her eyes at me, looking so serious. It’s weird; usually I’m the cool-headed one. Yet here I am losing my shit.

“Tell me about him.”

Of course she can’t stay serious for long.

“Who? Neil?”

“Who else?”

I lean back in my seat and let out a dramatic sigh, “He’s…a lot more handsome than I remember.”

It’s true. Despite the fact that I was battling to keep my nerves in check, I still had a field day admiring him. His tall, broad-shouldered frame. His hair that had tiny streaks of grey running among the black. His eyes that smoldered at me when we shook hands…

“He acted like a big asshole too.”

If I’m being honest, his coldness is attractive, just like everything about him. It gives him a sexy and powerful outlook that adds to his irresistible charm.

I really hope I haven’t just made things a lot more difficult for myself.


**Later that day**

The train jerks forcefully as it comes to a stop. I pick my bag up and join the hundreds of commuters leaving the subway. Miley Cyrus blasts into my ears from my earphones. I nod my head to the beat as I make my way out of the subway station.

Cabs drive past but I don’t stop any. My favorite donut shop is just up ahead, and I would like to stop by.

I get to the shop and push open the door. The bell jingles and the owner–a good friend of mine, looks up. His face spreads into a welcoming smile.

“Well well well…look who it is.”

I wave at him, “Hi Don.”

I move to the counter and lean against it. Don reads my facial expression and comments,

“Rough day?”

I sigh, “You have no idea. You know…you should really get into selling coffee. I would kill for an Americano right now.”

“Sorry love. The sign says Don’s Donuts and that’s what it will always be.”

I purchase a box of his fabulous donuts and begin my journey home. This time, I stop a cab and head straight to my neighborhood.

When I gave birth to my son, I was just completing my first year in PT school. It was a really tough period for me, and I had to quit the job I worked at after college. No job meant no income, so I moved back with my parents.

It proved to be a good decision in the long run because as Riley grew, I didn’t have to worry about looking after him full time. My parents–my mom especially, helped me out with that.

Now that I’ve graduated and returned back to the workforce, I want to pick up my life. That involves moving out with my son as soon as I can.

With my job at the nursing home and now as a private physical therapist, I’ll be able to make that happen. Soon.

But for now, I watch as the cab stops outside my parents home. I give the driver my card to deduct the fare.

“Thanks,” I collect the card back and make my way up the driveway.

I’ve always considered my parents as fairly comfortable. My dad is a retired police officer and my mom is a social worker. Our house is a four-bedroom duplex located in a nice suburb in Brooklyn.

Even though it’s not a super expensive penthouse located high up in the air, it’s home.

When I get to the door, the first thing that hits my nose is the aroma of my mom’s cooking. Or my dad’s.

My stomach growls.

“I’m home!” I yell when I enter the house.

I take off my jacket and hang it on the rack. I hear the patter of tiny feet as my son runs towards me.


The smile on my face is natural. Seeing him is enough to brighten up a gloomy day.

I crouch and open my arms wide for him to run into. His small arms wrap themselves around my neck, clinging on to me. I dig my nose into his curly hair and inhale his warm scent.

I lift him up and walk further into the house. It does take long for Riley to recover from my presence; he begins shooting questions.

“Where is your onesie?”

He’s referring to my scrubs.

“I didn’t wear it today baby,” I rear his head back and pat his silky curls.

His huge grey eyes watch me eagerly and my heart constricts at how much he looks like Neil. I mean… I’ve always known it. But it took meeting with Neil for the fact to sink in.

For a brief moment, I imagine what Neil’s reaction will be if he meets Riley. If he learns he has another son.

And there’s also Aaron–Riley’s brother and biological cousin.

There’s so much to unpack here and my head starts to pound. I have to disembark from this line of thought before it eats me alive. Nothing is going to happen. Neil isn’t going to find out about Riley…ever.

He made his choice when he left me alone in my apartment.

My little detective fires another question, “Did you get donuts?”

I show him the box.


He bounces in my arms and I laugh. I hand him the box of donuts and he slides down my body and runs into the kitchen.

I’m still laughing as I follow him into the kitchen. I feel all the tension from today leave my body and a sense of peace gently covers me.

Nothing is going to happen.

I come into the kitchen to see both my parents standing at the stove. My mom with her auburn hair and my dad with his arm around her shoulder. They’re even putting on matching aprons.

My mom turns around to beam at me, “You’re back in time. I made your favorite.”

I lean against the wall and smile, “Chicken Alfredo? Yum.”

My dad asks, “So, how did it go?”

Horrible yet amazing. I met the man that gave me the best night of my life before disappearing. He’s also the father of your grandson. He’s infuriatingly handsome and rich. Very rich. His sister passed away and now, he has a son that needs help walking again.

“It was great. I got the job.”

Mom’s eyes twinkle with pride, “I knew you would get it. No one can refuse hiring you.”

I bask at her praise before moving to the sink to wash my hands. Riley is sitting on the kitchen floor eating his donuts.

As I grab the plates, I ask, “Where is everybody?”

“Your sister went to study at her friend’s place. Your other sister is locked away in her room.”

“She’s always up there,” Dad huffs, “No college degree and no job. Still ‘finding herself’ after all these years.”

“Ryan,” Mom scolds.

“You know what?” I pick Riley from the floor and set him in a dining chair. Then I place a hand each on my parents’ shoulders, “Instead of focusing on the negatives, let’s celebrate the fact that I just landed a new job.”

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